Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

38 The Trial and SERM, 1 it alone, is great, and a Sitmer's Wrath is heavier than Stones and Sand; but when they are (:onjoined (as united1Force is ftronger) ~ho can ftand before thern? Chriffs Lambs have been preferved amidft Devils and Men ' fince Creation, amongft Wolves, by no human Power and Strength. , Obferve, That all that came to Chrift have been forced through fome one Necefilty or other, either a leporous Body, blind Ey~s, a Palfie, a bloody Hfue, a withered A'rm, or a dying Son~ and that fome have been brought to Chri11, at leaft the.irr Parents or Friends have come to Chrift through Reafon of boflily Pofieffion by the Devil; but we read of mme that came t~rough Reaion of the Devjl's fpiritual Poffeffion of them, either by themidvcs or others. 1. There is much Flefh and mud\ Nature in us, and fo much Senfe and little Spirit, 4nd little of God; a 'blind Eye will chafe tbee to Chrift, a Soul under the Prince of Darknef3 wi11 not. 2. We are all Body and Life and 1'ime ; but we are not all Soul and Spirit, and Eternity: H~aven is far from being the Mafter Element in us. 3· Mifplaced Love is much, .7ohn 8. 44· Te are of your Father tbe 'IJevit, faith ~hrift to the Jews; every Child loveth the Father. Why? And Men love not the Devil; doth notevery Wretch through Nature's Inftintt, /abhor the Devil? Is not this the 11other-devotion of any \tVrerch that knoweth nothing of God from the Worn b? God fov.e me from the 'IJe·vit and all I:Jt's JVorks, I have nothing to do ~1ith that fout Spi~ rit. 'Tis true, there's a phyfical Hatred of the Devil ; as he is a Spirit, an Angel and the P~lr­ :fi~ivant of Divine Juftice infiiB:ing Evil o~ Pllmlhrn~nt on ~11 Men naturally; bt1t there's m all Men