Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

' l / )O The Triat a1ttd SERM. 6 1-cu/:Jer come, and fetch his Cbitdj-en? JVben jbatt t~e Spoufe ti~ in her Husband's Yiofom? 4 • If Ch~1ft's Eye but look on a hard.Heart, it will melt It. 5. I fhew her~, the _minimum: quod .fit, the fmalleit of Prayer, m wh1eh the Life and Effence of Pray«r may breathe and live; now Prayer being a. pouring out of the Soul to God, much of the_ A~ecrions of Love, De~ re, Longing, Joy, Fatth, ~orrow, Fear, Boldnefs, comes along with Prayer out to God, and the Heart is put in Chrift's Bofom: And 'tis neither up nor down to the Effence of ftncerc: Praying, whether the Soul come out in Words, in Groan~s, or in long Looks, Of in Sighing, or in pouring out Tears to G,od, :Job. 16. 2.0. or in Jireathing. Obj. 7· fVbat jhatt be done witb Half-pra_yin.~, and Words ~without Senfe? Anj<w. This is the Woman of Canaan's Cafe: Pi{cator obferveth an Elipfts in the Word or Particle 'Y. :~.p, or {becaufe) or (for) Harve mercy on me, my 'l)aughter is vexed; fhe fhould have faid, becauje my CZJaughter is vexerf: But the Mind is hafty, that Ihe lets flip Words. So are broken Prayers fet down in Scripture, as Prayers, Pfatm 116. I. 1 love, becauft the Lorrf hati:J hearrfmy Voice: There is nothing in the Hebrew but one Word, [ Ahabti] I love; but he 1heweth not whom he loveth: 'Tis a brokenWord, becaufe, as Ambrofe iaith, he lover! tbe 'mojl cfe.. jirabte Thing. I have Love, (he would f.:y) but its Centre and Bed is only God, Pfalm 6. ;. Afy Soul i s fore vexerf, but thou, 0 Lorcl, bow Jon,e:? That is a broken Speech, Alio, P{al. IOJ· .<!-· Fo7 my Love thoy were mine Enemies: In ~he He~ ' bre·w it is, [ raani 'Iephilla ] m ee;o oratto : :But 1 prt!Jier; or, I was all Prayer, as if I; in Soul and Bll4y