Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

SERM. 7 Triumph ofFaith: ' 57' Streets rVho witt have me? Prov. I. 2 I, 22. and · 9 . 1, 2', 3, 4, 5· It becatne the L<:~rd Jefus to praife / bimfelf, John 6. 48. and 8. 1 z.. I am that JlrearJ ~ cf Life: 1 am the Light of the J¥ortd. and 10. 9· 1 am the CZJo[lr• . v, 1 I. 1 am the g;ood Shepherd. 3. He praiieth his Father, .7ohn 1 5. _ 21(y . ~ Father is the good lfusbandman. 4· He fulteth us in Man·iage, and commendeth his .Father, and our Father-in-law: Tou mart')' me, dear 1Jouts, 0 but mv Fotther is a great Perjon, John 14. 2. ln pzy Fczt/Jer's Hot{{e are numy ~welting-places, :2. He commendeth us to the Father: a :Mdfenger making Peace wili do all this, .7ohn 17. I 8. 'Ihey have recei,vcd tby Jf/ords, 4nd have knMvn furety that J came ouP from t!Jee, and they belie-ved that thou didfl fend me. v. 25. 0 rigbteous Father, th~ WorM hath not kno'Ivrz thee, but I have known thee; and theje have known that thou hajl fent me. Minifl:ers cannot fpeak ofChrift and his Father, as he can do himfelf: 0 come! hear Chrift ipeak of Chrift, and of his Father, and .of Heaven; for he iaw all : 0 fweet B•'liever! Chrifr giveth thee a good Report in Heaven ; the Father and the Son are fpeaking of the behind-backs: A good Report in Heaven ts of much Efteem; Chrift i pake more good of thee than thou art all worth : He telleth over 'again E'phraim's Pr2:yers behind his Back, .7er. ;o. 18. 0 !Fa to thee! Chrifl is tetting btack 'Itdings of thee in Heaven; SudJ a .llfan 'IVill not belie-ve in 'lite, he hatetb me and my ~ ' Cau.{e ant.l People: Chrift cannot lie of any Man. j 3· Ch~ifbs an Eye-witneis of the Covenant; and heard and faw all: The whole Covenant was a bloody .l\.~t, acred upon his Perfon, Ifa. 55.'4. JlrbcM, i /.Jave give-:: ,' m for a ftitnefs to the People.