Schlater - BS2725 S35 1627

CHAP. Z. Epiffle to the Theffalaniaus. V a R.; . i.s !'Lich asforbade marriage, not, forfooth, as (imply vn- awfull, but as letTe excellent in it Idle, then tingle life; nd a t }ace nothing lo expedite in any,for the Kingdom of God: enioynedabfinencefrommeates, vnder faire pre- tences of mortifying the flelb; bat fó intangling confcten- ces in afinare. The falle apoftles in Galatia, Mingled c.M fet with Chrifl, in the article of lutlìñcation, to fay Flit', iutli- fled sot at all; or Chrif?: conferred nothing to I ui;tica- tien; had beene an errour too palpable in the Church of God: mire works with faith,the care of good works will be fò much the greater. As it ferues for our warning , to take heed to our Do- t'fe Etrine, that it neiï?her infcEt th. iudg:ment with errour, nor Laynt the life with vncleanncfTe: to you that are the people, are fomewly helped to diiccrne of Min,flets, whether faith(ull, yea or not, in their function. There may re, I confetle, inlinceritie in the aff-fiion, where is truth and purictein the Doütrine, but yet more pal- pably vnfaichfull, arc filch as mitre -lead into errours of judgement, or m:in'ers. Not to fay muco +,f erroursis matter of Faith, take this one note to diicerne an Itrpoflor by: if his doftrine tend to vncleane and carnall libertic,he is font toa preoue anew,' 3.3. thee, not to guide thee. Peter notes rt a propertie of falfe teachers, b to prom fe b z Tet.z. rg, libertie, and fet lode the cónicience, where God hath bound it if any mans doff: inc rend that way,this chink of him, he is an Impotlor. Libertines taught,that in the Church Chriflian there , lay no band on the confcience, to fubmit to. Magittrates, for weehaue Chriflian libertie. True, faith Peter, but yet'wecarefruants of God, according to euery moral! ÏJccPet.236,t7. Precept, and may not vfe L bertie, as 4 clake fir lewáne ffr; that Precept is moral!, and bindes euer, Honour the King. I 2 The