Schlater - BS2725 S35 1627

_i:.1\iret:PA: r:% ;natii¡`,'xts, ,f 146 r r Cor.13.4 dRom.S,3a. e Heb. ro 34: f z,r r, g Exed.3z.r z, 32- ht_ic`1,4,3z,34, 35' ák.7'167. 6, 17. ;.á,-f&Y CHAP. 2. An Expofiti 0 n vpon the firfß V la s.7 ts. shoji that are deare unto it. C Lome is bountifull: this Franke difpofition fee in Loue. Firft, of God to Man. Second- ly, of Man to God. Thirdly, of Man to Man. In loue d Godfpares not hisowne Sonne, but gives him to die for dur fnnes: the Sonne of God in like loue communicates hirm- felfe, his Life,his Soule,his Spirit, his Prerogatiues, his Kingdome. In tome anfwerableneffe of affetlion, the Saints e fuf- ferfpoile oftheir goods, with ioy, f loue not their limes vnto death,no g not their faluation,in comparifbn of Gods glory. For their Brethrens fake, t, Itll their poffejfions, and ex- pole them tocommonvfe; yea lay downe their liues for the Brethren. If this be the propertie of loue, where is that vertue to be found amongft men? with the Lord hinafelfe we are defirous to indent, mincing the matter with niggardly limits,when he calls any thing from vs for fupport of his. glory:fo farre as may Rand with reputation, faith the am- bitious; fo farre as with peace and good will of Neigh- bours, our popular menpleafers are for the caufe of their God.Had the Lord Chrift been fo ftrairned in his bowels to vs -ward, what had become of our poorefoulcs ? bee had glory and honour the fame with his Father; yet for our fakes emptied himfelfe,and became ofno repuratiorg- humbled bimfelfeto death, euen the death of the Cro ffe; and Band we with him on termes of reputation .1 cannot wonder at our Nabal -like churli/bneffe, thole thoughts and deeds ofBelial towards our Brethr n,whcn with our God and Sauiour,that igiues vs all things fo li- berally-tointoy,we deale thus niggardly: he harp nothing of the foundneffe of loue towards God or Men, that is thus illiberall and pinching in his afcuion. Not the Gofpell only but our foules: by an vfuall Meta - aymie, our hues; whether by pai nes in. preaching, or by perfecution? the latter is refolued on by Interpreters. May we not inferre it from Passls practice, as a dutie in