Schlater - BS2725 S35 1627

162 C H A P.2. An Expofition vivo the frrfi VEIL 2. hand s no fmall part of our happineile, to referable his' c,%llaieflie. 1 That nature of God hee bath acquainted vs withal'. Firft, by thofé Attributes hee atrumes to acquaint vs therewith. Secondly,by their lively refemblance in the perfon of our S n VI o v n, called therefore, as fbme q Heb .1.3. t h inke, the expre f fe 9 Image and Chara5 er of his Fathers perfon. How ill they lute with this line of life, that profetre themlelues Gods people, and yet liue in vncleane luft;' let them iudge, that know how pure a Spirit the Lord is. Thole aho, that exercile crueltie, iniuftice, litíe in malicioulnetre and enuie, turbulent, vnquier, and refl leire fpirits. How anfwer they to the nature of God, that files himIelfe r the Father of mercies, and God of pirtie? that is iuilice, and loue it f elfe, and delights in no Rile ofìner, then to be called tlae God of Peace. The reafon annexed, becaufe bee bath called vs tó his Kingdome and glory, wherein, were it not I haue (tinted my felfe to that was publike delivered, chele par- ticulars might, not without profit, be inffted on : Firft, the Agent :Secondly,AOion, Thirdly, Terme. Now it lùflicetli to ohicrue, the high dignitie of every one labially auall called, bee is by c..11ing intitled to tbe King- dom and Glory of God. Therefore Paul calls rhis cal- ling, c the high or fuperna!l calling, not becaufe the Caller is heauenly, bur becaufe the honour, to which wee are thereby aduanced, is indcedfublirne. Hence al- to it is termed, t the beamed) Vocation, not fo much for that the Authour, ;manes, and manner are heauenly; but becauf e the _gate, whereto wee are brought, is hea- uenly and glorious. This is that the Apoftle, in fuch an hope of words amplifies, when hee faith: Wee are carne to the Mount "Sion, the Citie of the liming God, the cele. iall ¡erse- falem, VP. r a Cor. f Phili4.3.14 t Heb. 3.a. u PIeb.ts. xa: 233