Schlater - BS2725 S35 1627

C n A r.a. to theThefäloniaur.. V$ R. r 3. gee to a reheliotu boufe; a people th ...t Mould' refilc againfl the Word and Spirit ofGod. Hence it is, that the Lord, when he would comfort his Seruants, andanimate them in their Miniflerie, nourifheth them with hope of filch a blcfliing : As to /fay, for his comfort againf the mul. rirudeofdull cares, and groffe hearts, it is proanifed; ThereJhouldcbea tenth that /houldreturn.And howioeiter it be true, we haue our reward, ficarndutn laborenm,not fecku. Am prortentum: as .Bernard comfortably obi : yet what manner of difmaying is it to a Min,fler ? ro labour without apparent hope of d thre Peale to his fending; the conuerPon of the people to the obedience o f faith. Mc thinks then,where the option is giucn vs, it is that thould moll be laboured for, and inquired after; fo that neither large reutnue, nor plcalant lìtuation, nor any thing thould fo much bec reioyeed in, as this qualiricof the people; Enquiries arc vlirall and carefully made, what is the value? how limate for Ayre, and other con - ucniences ? They are blcflîngs of God not to bee defpi- fed; enquiries not to bee condemned; but this more to be attended; what is the condition of the people what attert;on and regard Phew they in hearing, to that mef= fage we bring them from the Lord of Hosts ? The lot be- fals that Hiniiter in a faire place, he bath a goodly Heri- tage; to whom God sines a people reverently demeaned toward the Word in his Mini¡brie. Their commended behauiour followes; they reeeiued the Worstas the Word ofGod ;chat is, Firtl, with perftrvafion that tl -.e Word was Gods. Secondly, accordingly fit- ting their beh auiour, fo as was feemely for the W (indef.' God. ti9 Anan deffring to profit by the Miniflerie, muff fettle him - felfein thisperfwafon, that the Dailrine, delivered from he Scriptures, bore God fortheir Authour. With filch mimic came Cornelius and his Company to heare,0rh.0 'the Lord thould command them by P e T E R; accordingly they de- M 3 mcane 165 c jfai,i d i cw.g.i. )'fe. Obfer. e.Aa.1a33,44