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C: s AP. I. Epifile to the Theffalonings. V a R.6. our; confidering, their imploymenc was rather in deli- vering theWord by preaching, then recciuing thereof by attending toothers. And thus refolued. There is a kind of oblique imitation of Chtiff and his Saints; fup- pole when men apply the venues exercifed by Saints in their callings, to workes that concerne them in their place. As,Fortítude and Coin age Ch:ifland his Apo tiles manifefted in preaching die Golpell : This people in preaching vied not their Fortitude; but in receiuing and maintaining the Golpell expretled like Courage. The fame Graces they are that all Saints exercife, yet as their callings are diffinfi,fo are the imployments where- in they vie them. The fame Diligence, Fidelitie, Cou- rage, all Gods people in their places and callings exer- cife: though the ails wherein they are exercifed, arc as their cahings,dü 'ciuft. Suppofe then thus, that in recei- uing the Word, this people were imitators of Chriff and their Miniffers; becaufe what Courage, Conf}ancie, Refolution they (hewed in preaching, thele expreffed in entertayning and maintaining the Golpell. And this kind of imitation wee may vie in the extraordinary a£ti- onsof the Saints. Abraham at Gods command is °rei- die to facrifice his forane. In the particular, ch ou tnayff not attempt to imitate; yet learne from Abrahams example; thinke nothing too deare for the Lord that he f all callfor. Yea, in this kinde, wolf} men may bee our parternes, Children of this World are wife in their generation, to prouide againff time of neceflitie; bee 'thou as wile to prouide foreuerlaflingTabernacles, by liberali difpenfing the vnri'hteoau Mammon. The Deuill, laid Father Lati- mer, is a diligent Bithop neuer idle in his Dioce (I'e;if wee icarnenot of God, for Ihame let vs learne of the Deuill to be watchful' and painful' in our charges. Thus then; by retsiew of the Text, mec thinkes I fee the A poftle deliring rather to expretTe the Antecedent,or mooing caufc to this imitation; It was their receiuing E 4 of nGen. zz,io. o Luke x6.8;5.