Schlater - BS2725 S35 1627

66 C w A P. t . 4n Expo/ition vpon the fir, V a 11.7. reward ofaProphet as difcrepant in the meafure, as is excellency the irnployment and worke of a Minifer a- boue that of a Hearer, * Bernard in a< Sit licet eleEtir pariter omnibus vnus idemque denariue Pfalrn.. uiha- vita reddendtu.terne; at inipfa tarnenfscut flak .ifella bi:at.ferm.9. dif Pert elucitate, & alia claritae Solis , alia elaritas Lunge, alta Stellarum : fie era & rcfnrrefio mertuortem : Cfs- quam- uta domus vna, diuerfa tarns in ea font manfiene ; vt vide. licet quantum ad,eternitatem firfcientiam,d- qui parum, non minoretur, & Omitum non a6undet ; quantum vero ad etninentiam a difcretionem eneritorum,vnufquifqueacci_ pint fecsendum foam laborem, ne quid omnine pereat quod in Chriflo fit /èminatum. Thus hash the great God of heauen beene pleated to excite our dulnetfe; but behold a curled modefie, no' where more frequent then in gracious praftice;wee fill lookefor a Leader that may firf giue the aduenture, are loth to be fingular or otter- forward in goodneíre. And they that in all other things like euen enuious emula- tion, in Grace and Pierie loue not to bee emulous. In Riches whole coueroufnetfe del res not eminence ? in honour what Haman would not bee a tranfcendent ? e- uen in lewdneffe men firiue for peereltfTe excellencie. It is a glorious file amongf Drunkards, to bee King of Good-fellowes: onely in Grace,any modicum is thought (f Eccl. 7.16. fuflicient;. here onely wee feare a nimium, 9 to bee tufi Auge( spilt, ouermuch. $44 Humanam dico propter infarmitatem, faith Augu/fine, paraphrafing that place; This prefaceth the Apof }le, as hauing more ro fay, had the people beene able to beare it: for we owe more (entice to righteoufnetle,then men vfe to affoord vnto finse: How happy were wee,if the flreame of our ancient delires and paines to finne, were caryed in any mealiare of proportion ro righteouf. netTe! But how iuf is the taxe laid on vs by ourSauiour, Mike x6. S. r -the Children ofthta world are mere wife, more eager, snore 40_