The ,Confcience rightlJ! p4cified. 37 CHA P• Ill. Cap. g• Of the Confcience rightlJpatifjed. , . . , Confcience 11. A Right pacifyed Confoience. ] This is rightly p~ ,. the fecond proP.erty, and part ofthe cii1ed. _ good Confcience laid down in the Definition. Purity indeed is the more excellent kinde of goodneife, it being eifentiall to the very being ofgoodConfcience. Peace is but an ad- , ditional, and, a fecondary part of that good– nefs, and conduceth more to thebene effi,then, to the bareeffeof good confcieoce; It is a, ,hirituall good, but ofa temporary nature,not 1 fianding, and immovable. Peace is fo f~u~ good, as that,the Confcience is not perfefr]#, well without it ; but right Pe-.ce it muft be, or it is not good at all, which that it •1ay enjoy , There are three things which Confcience mull: bel I.Pacif!edfrom; S 2. Pacified by~. · I I. The three thin s~,1· The Reign of Sin. Tllr~e Confciencemufi ge l. The rag_e of Satan. thin~s it ,; pacifyed from a 3. The di[plea[urt of ~uft be~ re God. cdied from I · It mufl: be at peace from thedo;,inion offin•. So longas Adon~jah Reigneth , Solomon is in F " .. danger;whileSin is inhis Power andThrone 1 ·· r~· rom tfhe C r. . . odgneo . onJ.ctence cannot be In {afety• Our Peace fione 4 therefore whichwethou1d feek, is not fucha · D 3 Peace