Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

Objerf.I. A~fw. Objca.z. A nf,.,, ObjeCf.3. A nfw. Ob,eCf+ A 6. He will excceJingly comfort tb~:e; and look as 'tis with render hu, bmds,, rhen rhey comfort molt when moft f:Jrrowe; beride them, for who could endure Iris wife' lhoukl be a1way drooping? Soe1•en then whennorh;,ng mrb or can comfornhee, the Lord wtll, Jfa·54·'5· For the Lord dorh nor alw,1y comfort, bur when in need, as u \Vas with rhe PatrLuch<, Then God appe.1red, when rhey were at worfl; and tbefe are. abU11dmr co:nfom, z Cor.T .3,4,~· You !hali n0t need•to feramble for it as mmydo,wh~fe hem' do not love Chrilh11 rrurb as yet' ' 7: He will put up·allw:ongs', and beu exceedingly with rhce. M.u1y rhink even when God harhfClled love co them, if any I mle lin be commined, rhen rhey arecafi off; no, if under fo indeed, bur when efpoufed t'l him, 'ris nor weJkm:iTes, nor wilfulncffe can make the Lord call: thee away, bur he will heal the one, and ;~if\icl: rhee for (yet not caft thee off) for the orher, P[a/.89. 3-3. MJ loving kjndnejfe will! never tak§ tfWfiJ· YeJ, he will forgi1•e both, Luk.f 7·47· Mt~chforgivenbecauf•fhelovedmuch. Nay,rhywrongs DlJil be anqcc;lf:on co make him love thee more, Rom. 5. where fin abmrr~dl, Gr11ce abf»(l1dr. 8. Hewillneverpmwirhrhee, Ho[.z.19. OnGe l'lvehim, and he will never lofe thee. · 1. NolinD1lllpJrt thee and him; for Chrilt whenheemer~ into mmiaoe covenant, doth nocftnpcnd his love on our Gta<Je or Holinetlc, !hen he l)liobr leJVe quickly, butoti l.Iis own Grace ro \VJih away our filrhindlc, Eph. ) .2 5 ~6. If a husband marries a woman only £or fo lo~<~f! aslhl i5in he.1lrh, then when ftck- / neJfe,co1?es hema.y depart. Bur e contra, if tO take away het licknetles, then they cannodn11der: Noching but Adul·tery-tm part; No·.v thlt rhey ~:;mnot do, for nothing breaks, rill covenant is broken : And rhe covetunr here is everll!ling, audfo,umlerrakenfor by the Lord rhar it £an 11everb~ broken. ' . z• .Nomiferies' cm, Rom.8.H,36,.<]. C11n tribulmion? It makes man leave us, bur this is peculiar. to Chrifl:, he will not leave. • 3· Dearh ca11noo,..ic mufl pm mah and wife, thongh loved never fodcady before, l:itlrherenoc; bur then he 1vill come himf<;lf and fetch rhee, 'fohn L+.I, z,~. ·Take thy foul to rhe Bride.dl.tmber, rhere robe wirh him for ever and ever, and he will keep thedul'lof rhy bleffcd body, and nor lofe one dufl ofir, and at the !aft day raife it; ;md rhcn when others Drall cry our Yonder is him whom I hwe grieved, then fhalr thou lifo up thy head, Yonder con1es my husband to cocnfort me, ro crown me, that l may dwell with him. It Dull be the bleffed day rotbee: And whet1 judgerrHmt is done, rhou !halt go wirh thy beloved fro'TI the air up to HeJVcn with a !bout; and live in his love and deJre!l: embr.Kings of l r .hee. and_this he will do for thee fop<). or <~nd vile in rhine own eyes r Nqw will ):Ou h,1\'e him ? a11d that now, oi' no r . . ' -~-~-------------'---·~- ~------~---- 5 ECT. V. , I.J F .the Lord be fo ddimus o.f me, why dorh 11e not overco'ne me ? · If the Lord ~orh it, 'ris by there cords of l01•e, and if nor, rhe brand of a reEob,11e is upon thee. · . ~· :Bueido love hi~ already. , Is i.r ivi rh fuch alove as make; ljOU unable to rdill him ? ro wrong him ' as the ~J:19flle{aid1 We fi/JmotfPrak.,againftrheTrmh, but for it; for ifnor 'risnaught. There is a nattlra! love ro Chrilt, a;; to one dut do:h thee good, and for thine own ends;. ~nd lpiriHt~l~for _himfclf1w'hereby rhe Lord only is exalted: Hnfl rhourhis? 1: But I do not h,ace Chrifl. . , . · If any man do BOf love hi! mwith a~ polirive b\e , ,Jet him be .Anathema. 4· J cmnor love him. I. Whar canfl thou lo,•e elfe? z. Thou canfi nor love him fowcll as rhou · D1ouldft