Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

ten Virgins Openedand Applied. '2.) ----------------------------------------~------~ ro be holy bef0re him in love:. and mark it, if it be a Hayed love, that conllniiri; rheer0 him,you c.mnor wrong btm: As tf rho~ come ar:d p~;rf1vade one eo murder his Child, be cannot; fo if perfwa~ed eo defptfe, oh. b~wels .of hell"t-breaking love 2 c.r. 5. And furely 'ris admtrable love; Whlt tf Lt were thy Goods; i:hy Ifaa; eo be facri.ficed, thy body to be burned, it was nothing, but hedelires only • love,only thy heart which h~rh forged tb muc~ villany again~ hit~: let him never be called upon,or profetled,tf nor wo:rhy of rhts. After. all, ts thts ~11 ? yes,no Portion be cares for,and when-he bath rbts be barb all. Wonder at rhts Q Angels! SECT. IV. 4· confider what be Will iL for thee, ho1V' be will love thee, if rho11 1vilc thus love him. . I, He will fecrhee nexthimfelfin honour,Pf.. lmf5· 9· that as rbe Lord Jefus is next to God, fits at his right hand; fo_bere, which is an honour thlt the Angels have nor, who are no where called Cbnfls Spoufe: hence never had fucb an union, hence never !hall partake ofchat honour of Sal des~ . 1 •• ' - 2, He will enrich thee, as •ris with Man and Wife, all that he barb is hers: {o himfelf, and all his glory, his God, his Father, his Kingdom is chine, Prdv. 8, 2.1. rhey that love me inherit fomething, others norbmg : no, nothing irideed , 011! y !hews of good, and rhey find it fo when r~ey a1~ake, nothing their bwn, norbi·ng l~ng: rba_rler thy outward man, yea thy mwaru be never fo .poor, rhou !halt by him be betr of all. · 3· He will counfel thee: benceDavid, Pfal. 73· made' choice of God, . Thau wilt guide me by thJ counfel; no greater curfe than to be lef~ - to \:be· &uidance of. a mans- own counfel : bu~ here there !hall not be any !tratt , buc the Lord Wtll !hew thee away out of ir, either by his prudence or providence ; there !hall npt be any fecret ofCbrifl that thou detl!efl to kn?l'i,but as ChriH told them, You Fritnds,fo you aremy Spoufe : hence·all bts fem~ts !hall be operied to thee: there !hall me be one aC1: of rby life, but ordered by Infinite prudence , and wifdom, and love ; focnerimes we are befooled in our own counfels , and left to them to teach us to derend on the Lord rbe rr.ore, yer.chereby !hall comeoutfuch good, ' that ic D1all be .1mopg us as wirh Jofephs Brethren. . , 4· He will dwell with rhee as aman mufl dwell wirh his Wife, 1•hn 1'4. 23. ' that rbegre1c Mediator tbltpa!feuh by Kings and Princes, and will not lo::>k on them, 111ould come and dwellwirb thee : this is better than w have the prefence ofKings,rheguardof Angel s,better than Heaven it felf,rhar .he ihould dwelwhere is nothing worrhy to emertain him, only fomething to grieve him. Now·this is , I. Aconflam affiflartce of the Spiriu, chat lee rbe Soul go where he-will, be brought ro never fo bw an ebb, yet Cbrilt will n~out, but fome flirrings,figbings, lookings, panrings ~frer Cbrifl; when heart and flrength fail_, yet God, &c.wben ready eo grve all for lofl,rhen confider as P[al.73. 2. Ifbe dot'h depart,ne will not be loug bur return again: .and thofe that know his atfeC1:ion, know it fd eo be, I[ai. 54·f~r Alittlem•ment, & the Lord may depart, and_wherihisprefence is a lirtle ll)Ore e(leeJJed, come ag~in with everlaHing mercies : as a m~n mayktfow many weakne!fes by his Wife', yet D1e having not befiowed her heart on any . other, be will return : fo if thou canfl fay, yet I am the Lords, b~ will retljrn. 5· He will rejoyce in rbeeand over thee, Zeph.p7. as a Bridegro0m cloth over rhe Bride : Not becaufe of any bemry in rhee, for there is none, but becaufe given in marriage of the Father, and for his own fake. This day thou !halt no . fooner fet thy be art on (;brifl, bun be falls in'ldve' w'ith thee, and IVill rake thee with joy ; rbou rbinkefl he wil) be angry ifthou clofefi wirh him and love hlm, no, ir will be the joy of Heaven, of }efus CbrH!- himfe!f. · · · ' . E ~&