Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

24 1. 'TheParable ofthe - for rejecting of rhis love, bur the tord is really angry for reJeCt in" it , and wroch with norhing fo much as th,lt, Pfal. z. I 2. here he fwem in his w~arh , Pfal. 9 5. I I. when he opens hts bofom for thee to re!l:m, and thou wile not. 3· tookbucuron the dealings of God with thee: I. HaH not oft thou"ht fo'Ile in Hell bercer than thee ? why the ruine of millions of men is to win l~e fro:u thee, Jer. 3._8,9, Io, 2. Hath nor rhe Lord fentmany amercy to rhee, not one bur was to \Vlll thee,Pfal. 8I; ro, I I, 11.. 3· ' Hath not the Lord with-held manyfromthee,ashereinthiswilderne!fe, Jer. 3· 3,4. 4· Harhnotthe Lord I fentmany farrows, terrors, fears, cares, wearifome buline!fes thou ha!!witl1ed I an end Gflife ? this is love, Hof. 2. 6. 5. Hath not the Lord moved thy heart many a rime toward him by pe1fwalions , arguments which have a rower to i move tf.!e heart, this is love, Hof. I I.4. Cords ofa man. 6, Hath not rhe Lord oft melted thy heart,for mercies, as D11vidwhen he might have killed Saul; truly I yo~ may feel his love which is much towards you ; that which keeps offthy heart 1 from love, is,the Lord intends it not to me, he is not plain with me. Bur he fends 1 to thee his plain Gofpel whic~ thou arr to me11d unto; and he takes fittefl: feafons to fpeak to thee the time of thy health : and dotb he noc oft vifir rhy hem when thou art alone ? I 2, 'Tis fervent, vehement, earne!l:love: fom,erimes a Suitor is real, but he is ! notearne!l:; now thus the Lord is: x. The Lord longs for this,Dem-5-29, 2. Pleads : for this, Jer. 2-5- what iniquity,&c. 3. Thi11ks lo11g fort his rime, 'Jer,q .27. Jeru- ' falem will not he madedean, when {hall it opce he ?; 4· Mourns when'he hath not this, I E10e~ 6. ,9. 'Brof<!n withtheirwhorijhhM-rt. 5· Content to give away any thin? for ic, all che love of Chri!! is founded on chis. 6. If thou come!! nor prcl'ently, ne is content ro wainhat he may be gracious. 3. 'Tis confl:ant and continual , there is not a moment , thou dofl: not fo oft brearh,astboumai!l:feeandta!lelove, I[ai.27. 3· I[ai,65.z. I, Afrerallrhy whoriih departingfrom God, that ifman iho!lld do fo,rio man would own, yet he faith, Return to me: thou fee!l:never acreature but thou ha!l: loved more than Chrifl, yet return. 2, When God thre.1rens mo!l: rerribly,and fees his fury on record,yet then there he minds nothing but love,Jer.36.2,3. 3.Whennone elfewill own and piety thee thou art fcrvile, yet E~/z. '16. 2, 3. the Lord faith live, rhen u a time of love, 4· Nay when thou ha!! ea!! awayrhyfelfas a forlorn creature, yecHof.I4·3. In th~e the Fatherlefs find merCJ· .5. When he hath thee in his arms, ·ready ro give thee up, yet rhen,Howjhall Igive theeupO Ephraim, Hof. I r. 8.1 tell thee ifone fparkleof his eternal bla!tiug difple~fure ihould fall upon rhee,it would be fo imollerable that it would link thee; his love is as !l:rong as dearh,no water can quench it; oh 'ris not fo with man, or great men, once repulfed is enough : why ihou!d the Lor,d do fo here ? many chink ti rr.e is pal!, 'ris not fo , 'tis the remprati0n of them that have time,not of them that want it; take heed this make tbeenordefpifehim. 4· •Tis a pure love, others make love for their own ends, bur the Lord harh no need of thee, or of thy love: he could raife up of !tones children of praife; ·he co1dd have gone to others, he could have and can ferch .nis glory out of rhy ruine: he wasblelfed before all worlds; an'dby all thy lim, thou dofl but throiY !tones again!l: rhe wind, or fnow-halls again!! the Sun : .why dorh he d? it? 0 'ris r~y good, he pinies thee as once Jerufalem, to look upon t~y deHruCtwn and defol an~ on:· as 'ris with rhefleC1:, they qave wrath bef~re their eyes,and hence perfwade or,hers,fo the Lord Jefus. · I'' '' ' ' . sE~ T. III. / 3· c ·onfider 'tis norhingelfe butlove the Lord loo~s.for, or 'ares for. I:ove . ,:-· looks for noohing butlove,Prii'J• 8. 17. and this iS the end ofalllilectton; 0