Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

'rhe 'Parable of the children ofmen, full ofGr;zce are thy lips: which is fo beautiful in the Lords eyes, that the Father hence exalts the Son , for all the Grace he !hews to his Eled. Now what makes ChriH appear fit? Anfw. The knowledg of a mans !elf, and fenfeofvileneffe; hence LukE 7· 29, 30. The Pharifm defpifod the cuunfol of God againft themfolves, when Publicans ;u(lijied God, &c. And 'tis a Rule, that die faving-knowledg of Chrifi is dependant upon the fenfible knowlc:do iJf a mans fc:lf. Let a Chriflian in Chrift lye in his 11ns, aud comfort himfelf in° Remillioaofthemwithomrepentance, hemayralkof Chrifi, but no beJuty will a~pear in Chrift: So 'tis at fir!t, fir!t the Soul feels fin, and that God is holy, and Will hare htm : then the Lord !hews ChriH; come to call fuch. Yea but I have no good, and cannot help my fdf; Chrill appe2rs fit ro feekout fuch. Oh bt<t I cannot fee, nor believe, nor be 2tfeCl:ed ; Chrifi afpears o:~e fit to do all, full of wifdom ro perform the Second Covenant. Oh but I want all things; ChriH appears a!l-fuflicient. Oh but I !hall fall; ChriH ap.rears conllam in his love. uh but he is far eo feek ; Chrilt appears prefem. Oh but 1 !hall fin ; ChriH appe.11s merciful to bear with, and heal infirmities. Oh butl t11all believe too foon ; he is fit to prepare and difpofe. Oh but all the world will be againfi me ; CuriH therefore appem fit eo rule all for me. Oh bm Death and Grave may hurt me; ChriH j appears fit who hathconquered all: and this is ever in the Saints. Now lea!l you ihould think you have this when you h1ve not ; arid know it· not , fee the evidences hereof. - I. Ifever the Lord harh thus revealed himfelf to thee , be bath brought this lightoutofdarknefs, and madetheefeniibleofir, -z Cor.+ 5, 6. Oh yott that have been a little troubled, and rhen hear of Chrilt, and then depend on him, and wait for comfort from him , and now you are-well: you never yet faw him. Nay if truly enlightened, you will go mourning to yorrr Graves for your ignorance' of him , Prov. 30. 2. and feldom is your darknefs feen and felt, but there is fome beam let in. 2. It damps the glory of all the world, that a man laies c'own all at Chrifts feet, as the Wife-men Mat. 2. As glow-worm-Hars go out when rhe light of the Sun arifeth, fo ~11 the comforts,arid all the miferies ofthe world arenotliing now, Ails 7· IfeeJefus. 3. It makes aman very vile in his own eyes , Ifai. 6. 5. Nay !lis excellency vile as lfaiah his tongue, and ;v0nders that the Lord 1i1ould look upon him a \Vorm who is fo <>lorious. what am 1 that the Mother of m7 Lord fhould come to ine 1 &c. He fee; Chrilt fit, and then fees his Glory, and d1en faith, what me Lord? me to Hand before thee? Lord depan, I am a linful man' _4· le necelfttates the heart to believe,_ no~ wit~ alfurance, but wirh aclingin,g to htm : Hypocrites have knowledg ?f ~hnll:, ~ut tt never heats the heart; thts as fire neceflaril yhem, and that whtch 1s put to 1t 1s heated ; fo here, for the light ofthe !aft end doth neceffirate when 'tis feen , Ifai. 55. 4, 5. The; {hall r11n to thee, btcaufe God hath gJorified thee, Rom. I. I 6, I 7. 'tis the power ofGod, for there is righreoufnefs revealed : that though the Lord bids depart, yet he cannot; begone,, yetasJonah '-·'!:· fo he canfeeroa_Tem.ple through the belly of a Whale. Many fay, may I belteve? or I onnor pnze h1m! It ell you when the Lord appe.vs as he is, you cannot reiiH that lighr, bur you mull cling to hi:n. , . 5. Where this is, a man rdls not here, but fees more and more of h1:n; John I. 49, 5o. Aman fees now hi.s Glory, but after he !hall fee his love, and aftet tbat he lhall know his mind , I Cor. z. 9. Eph. I. 9· The mJffery of his will. And then his prefence, and all his walkings with him and towards h~m , fo as to befamiliarwith him, that in time of old Age he !hall be an Mquamtance ofChrills~ 2 Cor. 3·. r8. From glory to glory; whereas an bypocrires light goes out or grows not. He ~ ce many ancient fianders rake all 1heir comfort from the firH work,