Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

To the Reader. that God enables men tofugreat labors,r6-- that he ionve Inch preciou-i treafcere through earthen vefels. 1iav thought it his duty to praife GodforeTruth ,Pfal. 43 2 ' loath left it upon recordfor our imitation.He faw filch; cellency, and found fo muchfweet gain in Truth, that mug breakput into praifes for it. ,- Reader,give over thy old wont of4''otinT& cenfuri ;wens labours. Experience loath longfince tcldthee,that good comes that way.Now learn to turn thy prejudice u praifes, andprove what will be thefruit of honouring a pralfing God for truthselifpenc::-.7 by hisfaithfulfervan Let me tell thee, this is a chief way to keep truth mong_g ka..lfTruths be not received with the love of thd and God honoured for them, prefently ftronfs, delaro. come, d- Truth raufl fuffer or file.God hath madegood premife in Jeremy, he bath revealedunto te,s abundance peace and truth,&we through ingratitude have forfeir both. Our peace kThakfn andwho canprornife him' withalezekiall, thereAallbe peace and truth in Mydai Peace mayfail thee,but let not Truth.Every goodChri an may, .andfhould fay, with the good King, there fba Truth in my days, ifnot Peace andTruth, willfofa, flourTruth,as to receive the love ofit. Iwill hold faith ,hold itforth by praCtife, praifeGod daily t Int venture all in defence of it.So did the Mart- "J` Jmory is fweet, andwhofe reward is great Iti better Ifiring for truth,then with truth : ifTruth anus fer,or can die,better it ù to diewi Truth,then outliv But that Truth may live,40,,d we live by Truth, le magnifie God much for Trvifi, for 4s word andgood boil that #ring thence. Somme probably may fay, it's enoug praife God for his Word, other books are not tanti. thoUpraiR. Godfor the Sea, and be unthankful for td Vers,andfprings?Wilt thou lift up thy voicefor the g wat =