Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

The Sincere Convert. 129 . In judging of the lin,cerit of the Ter- Thirdly, Y dicion is of heart, by fome good affection in the heart, 1,imelt. hence rnany'a,deluded soul reafons the cafe out thus with himfelf : Either I mull. be a prophane 3. man, or an hypocrite, or an upright man : Not prophane, I thank God ; for I am not gi- ven to whoring, drinking, opprefiion, fwear- ing ; Nor Hypocrite, for I hate thefe (hews, cannot endure to appear better I amwithin; Therefore I amalright:. Why? Oh, becaufe my heart- is good ; my'affe&ions and defires within, are better then my life without; and what ever others judge of me,, I know mine own heart and the heart -is all that God defires. And thus. they fool them- 'He chit- uí in felves, Prov. 28.26. This is one of the great- ',i oveen h eftcaufes and grounds of miftakeamongft men :heart,isa that think bell of themfelves : they are not fool:mac. able to put a difference between the goodde- fires and ftrong affec` ions that arife from the love of Jefus Chrift. , Self-loge will make a man feek his Own good and fafety ; hence it will pull a man out ofhis bed betimes, in the morning,, and call him up to pray ; it will take him and carry him into his:, Chamber toward evening, and there privately'". make him Peek,, and pray, and tug lard for pardon, fot Chrift, for mercy : Lord, ever- more dive i of this bread!, but the 10 ,,'e of Christ makes a man defire Chrift and his hon- nour for himfeif, and, all other ,things for Chrift. It is true the defires ofSons in hrilF by faith are acceptedever; but the .deires,of fervants , men that work onely for their I wa es,