Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

1, 136 . The Sincere Convert.. Mans per- dition is-o£ him!elL; 3 lLllawful: ftcreGluil to be avoi- ded. J: theft things? Whet eas; he ighteousman tear - eth alway, confidering there isa fnare for him in every lawfull liberty May not I fin in my mirth, in my fpeiking, in my fleeping : Oh ! this liberty that the Devil gives, and the world takes, befocs molt men with a foolifh opinion, that all is well with them. Thirdly, by giving the font good diet,rneat and drink enough,what dilly he likes belt. Let a Mailer give liberty, yet his fervanr is not pleafed, unleffe he have meat and drink and food, fo ther's no wicked man under Heaven, but as he takes too Much liberty halite ufe of lawful( things; fo he feedeth his heart with Tome unlawful fecret luff, though all the rime helive in it, it may be it is known to him. Lik 16.Dives had his difb, hisgood things, and fo fang him fell afleep, & bad his foul tame his eafe and refit : yea, obferve this, diet is poi, Coned in it felfbut ever commended to the foul as whop fome,goòd, & lawfcil. They Chriflen fin with a new name,as"Popes are at their Flec`fion; if he be bad,they call him fometimes Pius, ifa cow- ard Leo,&c.So covetotsfnefs is good husbandry; Company-keeping,good neighbour -hood, /ying to fave their credit from cracking, but a hand- fome excùfe : and hence the foul goes peace- ablyon, and believes he is in a good elate. Fourthly; bygiving the foul reff and fleep, that is, cefT'acion fometimes from the ad of 1ìn hence they ' are 'hardly perfwaded that they live in 'fin hecaufe they ceafe fometimes from the at} of .fin ; a's no man dotti always f:wear, nor is he always nor always angry.