Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

The Sincere Convert., Theta is a' be born, bur-a wounded fJirit who can bear God. Tbt s you fee that there is a God. C:uj, ft. Obis&. IT'ho everfare God, that ev2r7 one zs than bold to affirm that there is a God . ufrv, 4nf'.indeed his face never was feen by mor- tal man, but his back partstave been feen,are feen, and may bePeen by all theworld,as hath been proved. Osica Obfe&. All things are brought to pats by fecondcaufes. Anfiv. I. What though? Is thereno Ma- iter in the houfe, becaufe the Servants do all the work ? This great God maintains fiate by doing all the creatures fubje&ion ; yet fome times we ma'y cry out inbeholding fome fpe- cial pieces of his adminiftration ; Here is the finger of God. ik e &. 2. What though there be fuck confufion in the world, as that ;dings (land for Pence, and counters nand for pounds, the beft men are bought and fould at a low rate, and worn men prized and preferred ; yet ifwe had eyes to fee and conceive, we thould fee an har- mony in this difcordof things.God is now like a wife Carpenter, but hewing out his work. There is a lumber and'.confui.îon feemingly a- ainong us, let us flay till the day of judgement, and then we (hall fee infinite wifdom in fitting all this for his ownglory, and for the'good of his people. Objeft. Ob je&. But if there be a God, Why hears he not his Peoples Prayers ? Why cloth he forget them when they have moft need of him? I anfwer, Noahs Dove returns not prefently with ..._._..---