Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

~ Wicke~ m~n -fooles. - I 7 . not" or forgets his end, t ' i • k d c 4· every wtc e man 1orgers Forgetful,. the end "vherfore 'he lines ndi'e ofhis in the "vorld, hee comes end. here into the world, and liues, and is turned ·out of the '~or la againe, and never confiders the \VOr ke that he hatb' to doe here, but is c:arried like a fo{}/e, with affections, and paffionsto earthly·things, as if hee had been borne only for them. A wifeman h2th an end prefixed in all that hce do rh, and hce . works to rhar end. Now there is no man, but a - found fanCl:ified C hrifiian that hatb a right 'end,and that works to that end,~. ther men pretend they haue