Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

Dfficknejfo. the P .clt»ifl fet~ing downe , theextremity of ficknelfe, ··b_e faytlt tlJei, foule 4/Jhlr- . reth 411 m~t»ner iJf me4te, . This the great ~hilitian ; of heaven and earth, fets · .downe as a fymptome of : a ftck ll:are when one can- ~- !not relith and dig ell: meat,· . experiencefeales this truth and prooues it to be true: - Happirt~s You fee then 'the happt· ofEpiclires nes of Epitares bowvnftJ. ~nftablG • .bte·and vaine it is, whofe chiefe good is in the erea... 'ture, G1~ by ficknelfe can make ·them diC:relith all m41111tr 1Jf mtAit, ·-and · where is the fommM"' !Jo. 1111111 then ~fall your !JeUygttls,yourfepfuall perfon~ Againe intbat he faith, · Their I .