Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

onthe -Word. 61· tedWorJ, that th_e foule - may be l~aven~d by. it,. that if may _be fo !ngraf. - .ted in the under1l~nding, and aff(etions .that· \~e may. thinke· the bettet, irl · the ve-rrue ·ofir, a ha love, and_, and dole the better ·"as .a Sience favours ofrhe ~ .. ': ,planrit is pu~ into: Let· '- --us labour tl1at the 'vord , of-God . may be wtittcn iA our foulesin·the tables .J of-our · hearts~-- that the-· truth · of . God . may be.· near~ us, as any tem pta·r cion fuaii be neare us, or, ' . ;;tny c9rrupuon neare us.: W-hat. is the reafon wee- - · yeeldvto" corrtiptions otnd te~pt.ations '! .· -Th~y ·are _,, . near~, aod the:word is· ' · farre ~"""' ·-V·~~~-.......,....--..... ~ ..