Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

Con ecration fprie/1s,a type ofChr j. .103 deddownwards and almoft brokenwith earthly cares ; hinderinghis eye from looking towardsheaven, and in- terrupting heavenly contemplationsand ftudye. And fo in the reft. Would Goad fuch care were had in the choice and permitTion ofEvangelicallMinifters, as in the old. We fhculdnot fee theChurches peftered with fo many unworthy illiterate men fitter for any trade then this fo holy calling. Serf. II. IL Hisconfecration fet downe,Exo.z9.1. where- in the oo.nfe- inwere three things. i. Wafhing.. 2. Anointing. cration three 3. Sacrificing and purifying with blood. And this thinn confecration to continue (even dayes together. Which in generali fhadowed the furpaffing Cantity and purity of Chriftabove all other men and Angels : Whom the devil's themfelves call that holyOne ofGod, Markr. a4. in fpeciall, verfe 4. the zrafhing did not onely admoni h I vs aihing. them tocleanfe and purge thenafelvesfrom the inward defilement of their fumes before theyundertooke that holy calling; but plainly pointed at the wafhing and Baptifine of Chrift ; who undertaking his Miniftery went into the water andwas baptized, Mat.3. The anointing by the holy Oyle,verfe 7. lignihed the z. Anointing: anointing of Chrift with the holy Spirit without mea- the °° fure. I/ai.ót .1. The Spirit oftheLord bath anointedme to preach. `Pfal. 45.7. God, even thy Godbath anointed thee with the ode ofgladneffe above all thy fellowes. In LfnfusDoi. which regard Chrift was called by eminency, the an- Nolite ta»gere ointed of God; and the Priefts as types, touch not mine uta tosmeos. anointed. In this anointing. 1, The matter, holy Matter. Oih ; fignifying the Spirit ofGod andhis gifts;for much fimilitude and agreement betweene them. z.: That was made ofthemoft precious things in all theworld, Exod. /0. 25 : So the holy graces ofthe Spirit are the beft things in the world, Lrsk Ix . t 3. there is nogift ro H 4 this