Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

The Contents. pa f ans,advancement. 33 Nonewerforgoodmen to be hated for their excellencie. 3 411fuferings ofthegodly come f God: ordained andordered. 37 Comfort, by Chrifi our Iofeph fa/irewaye). 38 Do to Chril.as Ioíephs brethren to him. 39 1 VI. Mofes a type in perfon, ofate, ofice, fuf fering, fundry at7ions. 40 our dollrine áe orGod. 4S Befaithfull in doing thy office. 46 Skewfaith in thefruit of it : con- trary tofoureforts ofmen. 47 Afurance ofour refurrei lion. 47 V1I. jofhua a type inHaving, calling, mi- racles,aialour,aiions , 48 A fearfuli thing to be an enemy of the Church. 5 I Comfort in our falvation accom- plilbed. 52 Duties treeowe to Chrifl our jo- í}qua. 53 Conditions to be ob(erved ingoing to heaven, 5 3. Six . 54 VIII. Sampfona type inperfon: condition, :pions,fuferings,iratagems, vi. dories. 55 lodge none by outwardcalamities. 58 Strangemeanet ufedby Godfor.the Churchesgood._ S9 Our viUorieflank in patienceand paon. 6o Fourefold comfort to Gods people. ibid. In Gods caufe contemn greatefl perill: andpreparefor death ap- proching. 62 I X. David a type in perfora, vocation, warres,kingdome, o f ce,Propreti., call and Priefly. 6z Enter upon no office without a fa- f anceofthe Spirit. Ano te.ofit. 70 Chrifl the true Kingofthe Church. Nine wayes more excellent than David. 71 HowGodbrings hisfervants to ho- nour. 74 Church ever peflered with home- bred enemies. 75 Comfort to theChurch,in3.things. 74 X. Salomon a type in perfon, condition, peace-making, wifedome, glory, temple,juftice. 77 Duties to Chrift our Salomon two. 83 Fourefold com. fort inour Salgtnan. 84 xi.. Jonah a type in name, office, death, buriall,refurreElion. 85 Repent at the Afiniflery of Chrífts fervants.. 87. Motives. 88. Vòcatien