Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

130 Hoy put on. Yfe.3. Comfort to the godly. Prie s ap p arell, a tipe of chriji. dnfro. Patonwhole Chrift, as thePrieft'all his gar- ments. r . By making him our owne; we mutt weare: our ownegarments. Specials faith unites to Chri,and marieth us to him, that he is ours, and wehis. t, Co- ver thy felfe with the fácrifice ofhis death. "arm ha. ving finned covered his nakedneflè with skins ofdead beatts ; figniFying that all his Gntull po(lierity mutt cover themfelves with the facrifice ofChrift dead; the righte- oufneffe and perfeftiou ofwhich, is the linnenEphod in which thou being wrapped, mutt offer up thy fácrifice. 3. Array thy felfewith his vertues, to adorne and decke thee. This is the broidered coat which thou mull weare, ofmanifold vertues and graces ; which as jewels and ornaments muff thine in thy life, as the many glittering ftonesdid in the breaftplate. So the Apottle,F. phe(.4.24 Pat: on the newman createdafter Godin righteoufneffe and holiavefe. 4. Put onChrist by Chriftian profeflììon. Our appareil is feene, and rakes us knowne toothers. Ser- vants make themfelves knowne by their cloth they weare, whole they are. The Prieft mutt put on thePlate on his forehead,and wearecommanded to cary the name ofGod and the Lambe inour foreheads, Rev. 14. r.that menmay never fee our faces, but therein reade the holi- neffeand innocencyofour converfation. S. Put on the girdle, Have thy loinei girded. Luk,e r 2.° 3 5 . Stand ina readineffe, i . Toall duties ofChriftianity. 2. To all acceptable facri fives offaith, repentance, prayer,prai- fes, obedience. 3. To offer up our (elves by lifeor death to the glory and praiseofGod. We hadneed bee thus begirt that wemay ftand to the con.feflìonandpro- feflionof the truth, not knowing when or what tryalls will come; befides that the world,nor pleafure,nor tufts feldomne findeus unprepared. And can he be a good.fub- jeawho is alwayes unprepared for his Princes fervice; but ever ready to ferve hisenemy. I I L From the being arrayedwith thefe garments, the