Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

"011103.10.malsava.....acr=s- High Triar, types ofChrif. lowing in ossr blood and flthineffe, or covered with fil- thyc1outs and raggs of finne,and the apparell of death, fhould have tkete taken a 1, Zetch.1.4. Buttobe thus arrayed and covered, yea decked and adorned with fuch beautie andglory, is more caufe of joy and comfort. I I. In their parts they affure our happineffe,andPeale upour comfort I. The Peaorall thews how God of eemes ofbelee. vers ; that they are the precious parts of the earth, fig- nified by the twelve precious hones. It For price. A great iumme of money will not buyoneof thefepre- cious f}ones:, For wee arenot redeemedwith gold, fil- ver, or corruptible things ; but with precious blood. Heemuff bee tome great King that mutt buy an Vnion ; but bee muff bee the great God that can purchafe one of thefe precious hones, 4é. 20. 2. For Ihining and beauty. Ifa man wereclothedwith theSunne, he rnuflt needs thine glorioufly. The meaneí} beleever is clothed with the Sunne,Revel, i 1.1 ; and Muineth in the firma- ment of theChurch with the beaniesof thrifts righte- oufnetfe as the Swine in his ífrength. 3. Forhidden venues and fecret operation. The godly havenot a thine and thew, but the true fubftance of nány venues `and graces fecretly laid up in their hearts, and working mightily in them : the {tones out of common Quarry, that is, common men have not filch things. 4. For rareneffe. It is anhard thing to find a godlyman, thefe are rarer thenmof} precious hones. Elieu'could not fee one in the world befides himfelfe, though there were many. 5. For their efiimation, and thereckoningof themwith God and good men. Although the world out of ignorance and malice fcorne this pearle, an as . fwine tread them under foot yet the jeweller knows them; our high Prieft placeth them upon his breaf}. And a wifeMerchant knower that a pearle troden under foot is a pearle : and in it felfe,a pearle lying in thequarry K 3 or '33 Ezes.....,, In the particu- lars. I. ._ Beleevershigh- ly eíteemed,as precious ítones