Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

Ad.zo.z7. Highprie& ai`rm,is type ofChaff. ledge, his lips muff feed many, bee Muft (land in the counfell of God, and beeas his mouth : And as Jefus Chrifl brought thewholewill and counfell ofGod from the bofome of his Father : So mull his Minifter declare that whole counfell to the Church, and keepe nothing backe. 3. The Minifter mutt daily drefíè the holy lampes and lights morningand evening, andpreferve the light fromgoing out he mull prouide oile for the corr- tinuall feedingofthe lights, that is, by painefull and di- ligent ftudyof theScriptures andmeditation bee mutt furnifh himfelfe to the worke of the Miniflery, that the light ofholydo_trine may thinebyhimon all occafions; that having the tongue ofthe learned he may be alwayes ready to fpeake a word to him that is weary, and never want words ofcomfort which may beeas oile to thedi- flreffed foule. 4. He mull daily borne incenfebefore the Lord upon the Altar of lweete perfume, that is, of- fer daily prayers as fweet odours in the Name of Chrift, who is the Altar offweet perfume both for himfelfeand his people. He mull pray alto for the people andbleffe them; as Samuel, God forbidIflould f :one aping God, andnot pray foryou. For his office is to fland betweene God and his people. Every man mull bee his owne mouth to God ; but bee muff bee the mouth of every man. 5. He mull weekly let the Shew bread before the Lord,that is,propoundJefus Chrift the true breadoflife, the Manna thatcame downe from heaven, thecontinual( flrength and nourifhment offloe Church ofGod, both in the miniftery of the Word and Sacraments, which the ancient Church did weekely celebrate, as the Prieft did weekly fér the loaves. , Nay bee muff not onely let them before others, but himfelfe mull feed on them, as the Pricfts did on theShew' bread, all the weeke and yeare long, left it befall him as that Prince, a.Krn1.7.20. that law plentyof food with his eyes, but tailednot of it for beülgtrodep,underfooç:he.died .>, I I. Every