Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

Noaha type ofChrifi. fon,and heart. 2. North was aperfett andupright man, ien.6.9. that is, not defiled with Idolatry, falfe religion, opinions, or external' crimes : but Chrift was perfe t limply and abfolutely,Noahbut comparatively. Noah was perfeCE but inpart :Chrift perfeftlyperfect : Chrift Le- gally:Noah Evangelically.Noah perfec`f by the perfection ofanother : Chrift by his owne. Noah perfect becanfe without open crime : Chrift being without fin*. 3. Both walking with God, found grace with. God. Noah,Gen,6.8. Chrift, Luke 2..4o. 5 2. But Noah found grace by acceptation and imputation : Chrift by corn- pleat merit and fatisfaction. Chrift found grace by his owne perfeaionand juftice : but Nashcloathed with Chrifts. 1 T I. Both ofthem were Preachers of righteou4- nelle. But Chrift preached his owne doctrine, Noah Chrifts. Both invited unto repentance.Both called men to avoid the Judgement to come. Both lived-and preach- ed in a molt corrupt age, when there was a generali de- fection both in d©frine andmanners. Both their Mini- fteries were defpifed,and: that defpight ofbothfearefully revenged ;theone by water,the other by fire and fword: both by utter defolation, as the like never heardofbe- fore. I V. Bothofthem makers ofan ,Ake, and Mafters ofit.But Noah ofa materiall ; Chrift ofa fpirituall, the Church. Noah to fave rimersfrom the deluge ofwaters temporal]. : Chrift to fave finners-from the deluge of Gods wrath eternal ].. In the making of their Arkes they are very like. i . Both doe all about their Arkes at Gods commandement. For as the Lord did not hide from Noahhisdecree, Gen. 6.1 3 : So he communicated his wholewill and counfell tohis Someconcerning the falvation ofthe Church, loh.8.26. 2. AsNoah takes many trees, at Gods commandement, andftrongly clo- feth them together, and pitcheth them within and without ......R........, ch,ius iaf»per- feeius: Noah aK;'rens adper- fetlionen. Auguft. 4. Noahs AI ice andChrifts: 6, rcfemblanccs.