Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

Sampfon a ope of C°hr//. 59 many con fiicis, many dangers; by the Lyon, thePhili- flims,the Azzhites, and his owne wife; his life painful?, his death violent : jefus Chrifl himrelfebefet with ene- mies on all fides, as the funne with moats ; never free from conflias with the Lyon the devill, with his owne Jewes,withPharao-; Sa uces, Herodians; his perfon=de- ípifed, his miracles traduced, his life painful?, his death fhaineFull and accuríed. Yet may wenot judgeeither of them forfakenofGod, who (till affìfled their; with his owne firength, and was flrongefl in themwhen they fee- med weakeff. Neither maywemi.f-judge thegeneration of Gods children in their confliLis with Satan,with temp - tation, with finery, or with the terrourg oftheir owne hearts. Ifthey (hall cry our; Al, God,bvhyhaft thosefar ft_ me2wair a while, andGods ftrength (hall doe great things in their weakenetfe. Ì L Godcan and ufraally Both ufe flrange,weake, andutaexpeetedmeans to overthrow his enemies, and the enemies ofhisChurch ; his íirength is moll teen in weake things., his wi dome working by the atoll foo- lifh. When a thoufand enemies let upon Sampforrat once without any weapon or meanes ofdefence, he careufe a jawbone to kill a thourand of them when they thinke him farre enough from any weapon ; and if Sarnpfon wants a better and readier manes againfl Godsenemies, bee can by two hundred Foxes (a tnofl unexpeeed meane.)burneuptheir graineandmolds atharveff time: Our Lord by the foolifhneffe ofpreaching canand doth overcome his enemies ; nay God can anddoth by con- trarymeanes wrackhis foes.. Sampfo-4 (hall marry awife among thePhiliftims to bee an occafìon of warre and revenge, and this cause ofGod whereas marriagesa- mong Princes ordinarily are made to compote and make tip differences, no to make them. Ottr Lord Jefas overcomes frare, death, hell, grave,by fuffering,b death, by defcendir,g into hell, by lying in the grave, moll Or inward. Plal.73 z.r. *z.. Strange rrreatrs ufed by God for the Cilurs chesgood.