Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

MOW Sampfen a tyPe ofC1riI1. our Sampfon is ftronger to overcome the Devill ; not inhimfelfe onely,but for us, in as, and byus. 2. Samp- fon was ftrong, but might abufe his ulrength, as beedid in whoring and wantonneffe, which in prifon he repen- ted : But jefus Chrift ufed all his ftrength for God, againft finneand his enemies. 3. Sampfon abiding it, might lofe his lrength, for it was not the parting with his haire,but his finne grieving the Spirit, that weakned him : but Christ could not lore his ftrength, becaufe bee could not lofe his obedience. q. Sampfon was fo flrong, as the Philiftines thought it bootleife to any him with power, but. by policy and indireet meanes they conquer him : but our Sampfon cannot beeconque- red neither by power, nor bypolicy ; for bee is flronger then all, and in him are treafures of wifedome. 5. Sampfon overthrew the enemies, but that was his owne overthrow : but Chritt not fo; his conqueft was tohis molt glorious exaltation, 6. Sampfon as a type onely began the deliveranceof the Church, but hindred by death could not perfeó it : Our Sampfon perfe tcd the deliverance and falvation of the wholeChurch, and did more after death then in his life or death ; and will molt fullyperfecî it for all his members in the refurre- dion. 3. Comfort. The glory of Gods children appeares not yet, but {hall when hee Aall appeare, t.Ioh. 3.2. Sampfonr lirength for a time lurked in the prifon : the glory of Chrifts Deity lay hid a while in the grave, but both moil powerfully brake forth : So (hall the glo- ry ofthe defpifed Saints, Pfalm.37.6, 4 Comfort. Wee {hall never doubt of meanes to comfort and fup- ply us in want. The fame God that fupplied Sampfon a Jawbone again{} his enemies, fapplied him out ofthe fame Jawbone a well of water to drinke when bee was ready to faint. Truft thy felfe with God in thy wants, referve tohim all meanes, inftruments, and wayes of bringing thee helpe. If thou fee noapparant or great meanes 6t Chrilt a migh- tier and better Deliverer, then Sampfon,in fix things. Pfa1.37.3.