Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

David a type of Chrf. 63 I. Forhis perfon. David.the fon ale ffe : Chrift the true rodout of the flocke oflofJe, Ifai. t. i . Bothof obfcure and low parentage. Bothout of dry and defpi- cable roots. Both Kings. BothKings of Itrael. Both their Kingdomes railed out of' humility. Both men af- ter Gods owne heart. BothDavid! ; for even this roote of' Ieffe was not.onely commonly called by thename of the fonne of David, but of the name ofDavid himfelfe, Etech. 34.24. My fervant Davidó,a11 bee the Princea- mong them ; which was long after Davidwas dead. le_ remiah 30.9. they f allferve theLord their God, andDa- vidtheir King,whom Iwillraife upunto them. Hofea 3.5. they Jh ll reele the Lord their God, andDavid t(rieir King: that is, not the typicall King David dead long before, but theMeffiah the true `David, towhomonly prayer and fpiriruall worfhipbelongs. I I. For hisvocation and calling. i. Both called to be the headofnations, Pfal. 1 8.43. thou haft mademe the headof nations : which was not literally true of Da. vid,whowas properly Kingofone little corner in Iudea; but of' Chrifl the true David, whole Kingdome was from fea to lea, and to the worlds end. Davidof a fliep- herd of fheepe, was railed to bee a fhepherd of men, Ieven of Gods people s So was Chrif} railedof God to be the chiefe f epherdof the &ecke, I. Pet, 5. 4. And not of' bodies , as David but offoules, i . Pet. .1. 2.5". 2. The time when. David was anointed about the thirtieth yeare of his life, 2.Sam.ç,4: and Chrifi was baptized at thirty yeares, and inveffed into his Office. 3. The place where. David made choice ofIerufalem for his royall feate and Metropolis, being anointed of God to the Kingdome of Ifrael: So Chrif}, being an- ointed the everlafting King of all the Ifsael of God, makes choice of Ierufalem there to rule and fhew his power upon the Croffe his chariot of triumph, crowned with a crowneof thornes ; and after in his glorious re- fùrre¿ion, I. i, Pcrfon. 2. z. Calling. P C47lGl.SNy' i