Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

d8 David a type ofCbril1. 4.Kingdonle. Entrance. PfaI.I rS.zs: Adminiftrati- on. Eternity. Pf.t3z.s2,. flanged the devill onely, but overcamedeath, hell, the grave; and chafedbefore him all the armies of (innes,and bands oftemptations which come out aga.inft the Ifrael ofG®d. 4. In that noble victory David cuts off Go- tiabs head withhis owns fword : So in thewildernefl'e thedevill, thegreat Gotiahufed Scripture agäinft Chrift, andCbrift overthrowes him and cuts off his headby the fame fword of the Spirit, theword of God. And now daily he convinceth the wicked enemies by the teftitnonyof their owne confcience, íß®m. z. i 5 , Henee- dethno other fwordor weapon againft them then their owne. I V. Davidwas a type ofChrift in his Kingdorne: firít, in refile&oftheentrance, fecondly, ofthe admini- ftration, thirdly, ofthe continuanceor eternity. i. Ta- videntred not without thong ©ppoficion, much con- tempt and difdaine : foour David. For of both it was verified, dice famerbich the builders refirfed, .ir become cbiefeflame ofthe corner. No man was moredefpifedof Saab courtiers then David , who was thought farte enough from theKingdome : fono man fo much defpi- fedand rejeaedof theScribe , Phar#fees, chiefe Priels andpeople, asChrift. Barrab& an honefkman to hint; and yet was mightily atad unexpectedly inverted into his Kingdome by his glori©ns ring from the dead. z. in his adrniniftration. Davidwill ¡Rdgeuprightly, and fing mercy and juement ; hewill endure nohate- full perfon in his prefence. But our David is the ¡aft and righteous judgeofall theworld; and molt fncerely fpencethmercy to the penitent firmer, but feeder the impenitent with judgement. 3. In the continuance or eternity. Godpromifedmercy to Davidandhis feed forever, which promiks are not to be extended tohis Darnall fuccegion, for the princely dignity is taken from therm. Their glory waseolipfed in the captivity, and wheretenow anyoferde race accordingtothe ,fìeBut