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David a type ofGrifl, But the everla[ling feed of David is to bee meant. i. Chrift himfelfe, in whomhis kingdome is perpetua- ted. 2. The true Israel as well ofGentilesas ofjewes by faith ingrafted into the Melïìah, iu refpedofwhorn ihalbe no end ofhis Kingdome. Thus in all thofe fpee- ches wherein Davidprofeflèth he will praife the Lord among the Gentiles, David mutt be taken as a typeof Chriít, who byhis Spirit fet forth the praife and true worfhipofGod among the Nations ro the endofthe world. And fo ParsdRom, .9,interprets it ofthecalling oftheGentiles. ForDavid couldnot doe this literally and inperfon, amongwhom lie never dwelt nor came, but onely inhimwhofe typehe was. V. David was a typeofChrift in refpe&ofChrift his propheticall and Prieftly office. i . David byhis fweet mufick al/ayes Sauls madneffe, r. Sam. 16. z 3. Chriít by the fweet voyceof thé Guipell Hills the evill fpirits which molest and vexe men, and gives them peace andquietneffe in ;Hind andconfcience. And in the dayes ofhis flefh, how he fought to cure and allay the fpirituall madnefie ofthe wicked Scribes and Pharifees againfl him, is plaine in the Rory. 2. Davidbrings back the Arke tohis right place.2.San,6, Sodid Chrill, the truthofGods Law obfcured by the flipsloffd of Scribes andPharifees; and reduced the true fenfe and meaning ofit, And freed his Church (fignifiedby the ilrl`e)fr©m the fpirituall thraldome and captivity ofthe Law. 3. David builds an Altar in the grounds ofa ftranger, i iam. 24.24, namely, Araunah the Jebufite:The true Davidbuilds up aChurch among the Gentiles, and Pets up Gods worfhip among them that were orangers from the Covenant. 4. David offers afacrifice, and the Lord accepts it,fending fire from heaven to confume it, 2. Sam. 24.2 S. Chriít offers the molt acceptable fa- crifice that every was, in which both David., and all ours muff be accepted; and in which alone the Lord F 3 finells i8.49. .OfficePre- pheticall and Pcicfly, z. Math.S.and 6, and 7.