Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

CHAP.!.. v1Commentarievpen the 78 Now to thedude andoffice of Titus : the Apotle reduceth all his la- leer bout to two heads. r . the reforming of things that remaine. 2. the ap. m, a,utSAmr pointing ofelders in eueriecitie. In the order ofwhich precepts, the A o- .aal:raerclîl p ,J , ap,.ßu15par. file (Iteweth, that the way to plant Gods ordinances, is aril to redre(fe and remooue Rich diforders as make moll oppofition : for Dagon and Hlay the foune thatwoald da. the Arke will not (land together, but one will fall downe on his face.As don ofahoute, it is in the naturali body, to is it in the Ecclefiaflicall;ifthere be a redo- mull Stare. minancie offotne peccant humour, that mutt neceffarily be aril purged moaaethetub. p Y p bffh. out, beforeany meanes can be to purpofe vied to breed good blood and humours. Neuer did any of the kings-of Iudahany great matter for the eflablifhing of true religion, till they had rooted out Idolatrie,and bra. ken downe the altars and groues of their Idols. e/Ifa tooke a right courte, to bring theholy veffels,& things dedicated to the Lords houle 1.xiaa5. into the temple; when he brokehis fathers idols, tooke away the Sodo- mites,put downehis mother Maachafromher regencie for her idols , & burnt them by the brooke Kidron. See the like in Hezekiah, 2.Chron. 3 5.who gathered all Ifrael tobreake down altars,cut down groues,cafl downe the high places ; and then made the diuifions of the Prietls and Leuites, according to their miniflerie in the Temple. Oflofiah,leec.34 i. ad8. Yea, Iefus ChriP the wifedome ofhis father , could not, nor did Mat.5. eflablifh any thing vntill inhis firfl fermon he had reformed the groffe expofitions,and Pharifaicall giraffes , whereby they had corrupted the law:teaching the fame truth withour Apofüe,that the redreffing ofdif- orders is but a way and meanes ofplanting theLords ordinances. Vfe. We pray that Gods kingdome may come euerywhere ,and that the Lords ordinancesonely may takeplace in his Church: now that this may be effe6ted , we mull alto pray , that he would ouerthrowe the man s.Thtfra.;. offnne, and difperfe the mills ofdarkenes in all countryes, which trou- ble the (pining brightneffe ofthe Gofpel : that the whole bond -woman may be call out, which flandeth againfl the right ofthe right heire;that the head and taile ofAntichri(l may be cut off, and that no llumpe of Dagonmay remaine tokeep out the in(litutions of Iefus Chriu, For the former of thefe two: It will firfl be asked, what power Titus had to controle diforders in this Iland; and ifhe had any,whether is did not derogate from the power of the ciuill Magiflrates ? Ant Titus had a minifleriall power which nomorederogated from the foueraign power of the Magiflrate; then ifthe Gofpel were now ellablifhed in it againe, Bowepowc wall <atte- , would it weaken the power oftheVenetians,in whole hands now it is: nerh rott,bat nor no more then the power of the Gofpel, doth weaken the Rates and llabfheth ,,c powar of fcepters ofChriflian Princes, which indeede are Rablifhed by Chri(ls mnillrace. fcep ter. The reafon is, becaufe the power of the word and fword,ofthe magi-