Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

CHAP.I.7. cí1Com»teutarie ppen Me X 54 praElifes,farrevnbefeeming that heliner vnto which a profeffor of Chrifl is called: as inEph. 5.3.5 he reckneth vp thofe kinds of finnes among thofe which for the vncleannes and filthines of them, ought not to be named among ChriUians. rat thygaine Now it becommeth euery man toexamine his gaine,and trie by thole that itbcnot rules whether it be filrheegaine or no; that ifhe finde it fo,it may no Ion. fikhi!. I ger cleave to his fingers , but he may call it away from him , as Zachetu did:and for time to come beware offuch a foule blemi(h,wherewith not onely the foule and confcience,but even that holy profeffion which eue- ryonc(euen the worll)makeofobedience vnro the Gofpel,is blentifhed anddifhonoured:and the rather for there conlderations. Metiues. a. In regardoftheholy commauadcment, Philip. q.. 8. what foeuer T things are honefl, lull, pure, worthy loue, ofgood report, in which are any vertue,any praife,rhinkg on them rhings,and doe them, v. 9. Obieíï. But it is impoffible to line by true and honefl dealing. Anf. Marke the promife of Godmade to fuckdealing in the words following ; thepeace , ofGodjh.eIlhe with you,that is,his fauourand loue in Chrift (hal embrace you,and all that outward profperitieand fuccef a as his wifedonte {hall thinke meete for you. a a. Confider that it is not euery gaine that makes rich ; euery gaine Cod cannot maybring inwealth and abundance,but mans life (lands not in that, but blare that which his taw in theblefng ofGodwhich maketh rich , and he addeth no forrowes with bath cuffed. it: and therefore a Chritlianman fhould not purfe that pennywhich he Pro.io'a'' feeth not madehis by Godsbleflìng, and which he cannot craue a bief. fingvpon. Now can Godvouchfafc a blefling vpon that, which hisvn- Pronao.a. Ì changeable wordbath blafled already ? for rreafuresofwicfednesflail not profit: and can his hand blare that which his lave hath curfed,aa(iune or ioyned with finne ? whichdifhonoureth the perfon and profeffion of a Chriflian ? farre be it from the Lord to be fo contrarie vnto him- felfe. 3.Confider that inch filthy gaine,is for moil part put in abroken bag; Au ú not Got or ifit (land a while with aman, the iufice ofGod raifeth himvp force ten which is fo gained. Poole or vnthrift forhis heire,who Thal as fall and finnefully fcatter as e- uer the father gathered, to theruine ofhimfelfe, andnot feldome of the whole family:as our eyes haue feene many greatheires , who haue con- fumed thEfclues and all their fubflance aboue ground,long before their fathers carkafeshaue beene con(umed vnder ground. Who bath not feene the curie ofGod in the houfe of the lyarand theefe ? or who ofrea- fon is foyoung as hecouldnot daily obferue it?Here is alleadged proui. deuce and care ofwife and children,&c. but confider aright of the mat- ter , and thou (halt fee no iufl reafon why thecareof wife or children, 1 (hould