Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

Cii1AP.18. cí4 Comtrentariespan the a 6o I thefe things, andfollowafter righteoufnet,godlines,faith, loue , patience, &c. which truth is eutdent in an inferiour office,euen in the Poore widowes which were tobe admitted ro the feruiceofthe Church,chap.5. r o.And for thecommon Chrifiian,the commandementis not oncly to efchewe e_ Pcal,34a4 uill,but doegood:and the generali reafons are thefe. Reafuns. a. Euery commandement in Scripture hath two parts,the affrrmatiue, and uegariue,and one ofthere fill included in theother.God in his law commanding any good , forbiddeth the contrary euill, and this euen mens laves doe : fo in prohibiting any euill, he enioyneth thecontrary good, which menslaves doe not: for example. Forbidding to take his name in vaine , heecommandeth the holy vieofit : and'forbidding to (kale or kill,he commandeth truth,and charity ; the ground whereof is this, that Gods !awe is not onely a bridleto ref-traffic vice (as mens be) but alto a tuleand direEtion,and way,whereby and wherein towalke. 2 2.The true knowledge ofChrifl is effeEluall & operatiue:for toknow Chrifl aright is to be a true beleeuer.Now euery true beleeuer,is a.Gods new creature,and inch a workemanfhip as is created veto good worker, Eph.2.1 o. 2.Gods peculiar tofet out theverruesof him that called him out ofdarkeneffe into a wonderful) light, t.Per.z.9. 3. Gods planting, to grow vp as by the riuers ofwater,to a tree ofrighteoufnes,laden with the fruitsof the fpirit :for this is the blefling ofthe Lords plants,Ifa61.3. 4. Amember ofChri(ls bodie, and therefore( as amember in thebody) muff not onely beharmeles,but ofgoodvie for the feruice and benefit ofthewhole. 3. The danger offruitlefnefíe in Chriflianity: for not only theground neb.6.8. thatbrings thornes and thifilesù neare acurfe,nor only the tree that bring- mar.3.1o. eth forthbad fruit is nere the burning,but ifit bring notforthgoodfruit, it Jhllbe hewne downe sadcall into thefire. The rich glutton was fen cenced Luka6 fornot releeuing Lazarus;he did himno wrong,one would thinke ,nor Cooke nothing from him;but he did himno good, and fo detained his right from him:fo the tenour ofthe fentenceShall runne at the la(l day, not aoain(l themonely who reuiled,reproached,condemned, or crucifi- Mar.aS' ed Chrifl,but thofe alto who cladhim not, fed himnot, harboured, and vifited himnot. Ittsnoe,fhei - Vfe a. ThisdoEtrine fully anfwereth a common plea which is made ero iu(tification for the iu(lifying ofmanydrones,infufflcient,&ignorant miniflers:they ofaminifler to are euery where receiued in the mindes of moll , as hone() Pimplemen, fay he is an karmeiesman, well meaning, peaceable, and harmeleffe,and inch as would be loath to doe any man Minnie : and all this is well : but what fruits of the fpirit haue they? what wifedomeofGod (hineth in them?what fufliciencie to doe the dutie of their calling ? what loue to Gods people? what dili- gence