Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

EpifdieofS. Paulto Titer. CHAP.I.2. world through lull: andPeeing then I haue fuch promifes, it is meere I fhouldcleanfé myfelfe from allfalthineffe of thefcfh, andfpirit , andgrovevp tofullholinefe in thefeare ofGod. Vfe.3. We mull oftenhaue recourfe to the promifes,and acquaint our felues with the Scriptures, whereinwe may perufe our priuiledges and thus euer be laying tinter holdofeternal( life, by the applying & bring- ing the promifes home to ourowne hearts: otherwife faith (hall be cafiiy fhaken,hope quickly foyled , and the reti of our graces in a continuall wane and decay. Call anchor out of a (hip, if it found no bottorne,the flip (hall be at no tiedfafocs in the tiorme, but be in danger offhippe_ wrack by suety (urge andbillow: in like manner, theanchor ofhope, if it pitch it felfevpon promifes,it keepeth the fouie in liability andconlian. tie inweldoing; but impoffible it is that in (loony temptations or affli- 61ions,rhe hope ofthe heart fhould drengshen and vphold that man,that is not acquainted with thepromifes. DoCl. z. Thenextintiru&tion out of the former words is, that God cannot lie: wl.ich fheweth the promife to bee liable and infallible. That Godcannot lie, appeared) bothbytetiimonieofScripture , and reafon. Balaam himfelfe vcteringhis parable could fay, Gad isnot Al man, that he (horrid lie:& the Apolile,Heb.6.s 3. faith,that it is impoffìble that Gcdfliossld lie.And the reafon is,becaufe to lie is again(; the nature ofGod,fo as bee (hall as 'Pone craft to be God, as once todo it :truth is ofliis nature,yea he is truth it felfe:truth in all his promifes; which are in Chrillyeaand a- men: truth in all his threats,farfhall he fay it, and not doe it? wicked Nebu- chadnezzar having good experienceof both, in becing ca({ among the beatis,and after railed vp againe abouemen,could confeffe,that hiswordr bealiernth:yea, in this nature ofhis he is vnchangeable, he cannot denie himfelfe, there becing in him nofhadow of change. Nov to a(cribe a lie vow God , were to impute not onely change, but con trarietie to that moll Pimple nature of his:for what is a lie,but to vtter Contething con- trary to theknowne truth, and that with an euill intention : which wic- kednesfeein, it implyeth a contrarietie betweene his will and his word; feting hebath condemned it in his law,as not enduring is in his creature: feting this ofall other is fuch anodious iniquity,as that the phrafe ofthe holy Ghof}, includeth vnder this title all manner of vnrighteoufites, and oppofeth it veto all holines,Zeph.3.1 3. how can it be afcribed vnto the highmaieflieofGod?vnleswe will blafphemoufly fay,that he hath ena- ¿led laws againfi fomething which llandeth with hisnature andwill; or at leali that he bath changedhis wlll,to loue that which once be hated. Qaefl. But why may not God change his will, which euco a creatúre may doewithout finne? or if he cannot, how can he doe all things,and C s remaine 33 Acquaint thy lclfe with theft ptomifcs. ftcL.G.tp. God cannot lie Numb.i;.t'. Dan.4.n4. t;. tam,ia7. I 1 3