Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

.,,v... .,. rIHAPY$ ThePaJ,Hs teach that the Scriptures arc variableand fittedto the tines, fo as if the Church change the genie,fo dot`.: the l,olç Ghoft al fo. Cura", fcc hence how truthy. Imporbile e!1 dco,non quod nitrati arduum, fed quodnatl. contrari- um. Anbr.lib.c. epiul 37. Gen,c r.Sa 0.13.55, Hxod.32.14. xxiár+9(al'fer. ;N utatio.nonelk in dco,fcd in rebus; nçgne Deusm:vatur cuna in opere apparct muta tio. Calnin. ACommentarie vposthe remaineomnipotent ? Anfrv. t. To change the will, were anargument of weaknes and im- potencie, for men fo it is in man,whether he freely doe it, or forcedly.If freely, it is becaufe force fecond deliberation feemeth founder then force former, which argueth want of forefight, and wifedome : iffurcedya man changehis mind, it argueth want ofpower,which fuffereth the for- mer deliberation to be 'cued by fotne croffeaccident : neither of which can befall that mot+ Pimple, and immutable will ofGod; who neither of his owneaccord,noryet by cont+raint,can beforced orhindred:becaufe he Teeth all things in their caufes and confcquents together inone a6t;& as Toone and eafily produceth the thing he willeth,as hepronounceth the word; as appeareth in the creation. z. The omnipotence of God is to be referred to the things which he willeth,and can will: for hispower cannot thwart his will, norhis arme difappointhis mouth : nor either ofthégoagainfi his nature.That God then cannot lie, deniehimfelfe, change his purpofe, proceeded) not of weakenes or infirmitie;but ofwifedome,power, and maiefiie,to whome onely that is impoffible,which is contrarie to his nature. Obiefl. But God'hath fpokcnmany things inthe Scriptures, Come of which imply change in him, and force feerne altogethervntrue ; the for- mer appeares in fuckplaces,as where he is Paid to repent hem that beemade man that he mMde SaulKiwg,rhat he changedbid miede from the evil which he threatned to do to his people. Anfey. All fuch (peaches as thefe,are to be vndertîoodnot properly,but iguratiuely,improperly,and according tomans apprehenlion: for in proper (peach Samuelin the fame Chapter, verfc 29. denieth that God can repeat,whomhe had heard a littlebefore repenting that he had madeSaul King..The like in Balaamc confelfion, Nucnb.23.59. Yet it pleafeth God in the Scriptures tofer out himfelfe toour weakneffe, not ashe is in himfelfe, bu:os he canbe knowne ofvs: for as man fpeaketh like amanuntoGod,fo God fpeaketh like a man toman, who elfe could not bevnderflood of man. We mull therefore meeting with fuch fpeachcs,hold there grounds: t. That all thofe things which we cannot doe without motion, and change of our felues, the Lord loth themwithout motionand changeofhimfelfe. 2. That God may change his aóìion, but not his counfell and wil:for before all worlds he did fo decree to change his at-lion. Whenhe depofed Saul to flablifh the kingdome in Daurd, he did from all euerlat+ingg difpofe fo to depofe the one, and Pet vp the other i fo as herewas no change inGodhimfelfe, but in the thing formerly determined fo tobe changed. In likemanner the Lord promifethmany things to his children,which he feemeth after vtterly vnmindfuli of;.he threatneth.things which neuer come