Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

EpiflleofS. PaidtoThus. CHAP.1.4. another mans,but)Chrif+ merits; yea the Scipture it felfe (peaked) cau- 63 teloufly in this matter , leaf+ euen our faith it (elfe (hould come in the Fonre main' fchoale tobe poifed with the graceofGod , when it fpeaketh fo often ' differenee.oE this ApoRoli. that we are iuflified by faith, andof faith,and through faith, but neuer for' call fa,rA tìom the ftomifh a. faith. poflacical faith. t.This Apo(olicall faith is not a faith oftwoor three,but a common Pct ñde,n, ae. faith, which euerybeleeuer bath: but the apoflaticall Popifh faith(falfe- ¡;, °P`o25c ly called Catholike) is not fo : for it is the faithof the teachers of the Church onely,which their hearers may fafely ref+ in,although they haue no fpeciall faith oftheir owne; neither indeed know what their Church or teachers doe beleeue; but who Teeth not that this groffe faith in the lumpe cannot beeither facing or Carholike? facing can it not be:for the facing faith ofthe ele& goeth with the knowledge ofthe truth,v.3.nei- ther can it be Catholikeor the common faith,no more then that can be a common commodity which is ingroifed into fome few mens hands,and neuer Teeth the open market; or rather which is a monopolie: for to be- leene, fay they, as the Popebeleeueth(although they know not what he beleeueih) is fufficient, 3. This Apollolicall commonfaith purifreth the heart , cleanfeth the Aa.t5.9. confcience from deadworkes, andworkethby loose : but the apollaticall Gal.f.tre Romifh faith,isa pragmatical! fancie workingby rage,furie,violence,& blood: filling theirhearts and handswith dellable refolutions and at- tempts, fouling theircoüfciences withmofi impure,and impious works of the fiefh , attd fuch as the iffues ofdeath follow, as often experience hathbeene their miflreffe. q. This common faith is moll ancient, it is the aide and the good way: Ier.6.,6. but fo is not theirs; let them terme it theold religion as long as they will, it is a f+rangedo&rine, anew deuifedfaith, not favouringofApoflolicall antiquìtie:as will appeare plainly tohim that cópareth that which they now profeffe, with that which was profeffed,whtenPaul writ the Epifile to the Romans.Hencewill it follow,that theirfaith nor beeing the có- mon faith,I faynot that they mullamend their faith,but change i t, ifthey willbe fatted by it:ic is not all the pa:ching,and daubing,and refiningof their points will helpe them ; nor all the baulme inGilead can fo supple their politicos, that we may ioyne with them,vntiìl they beginne againe and lay the fame foundation with vs, which is to feeke toenter into life by the doore,and not as theeues, lecke to creepe in at the window: till this bedone,the ioyninggwith them wil be the departingfrom the com- mon faith:till thisbe done,we may not giue them the right handof fel- Jowfhip. Lerthem firfi (hake hands with Chrifl ( which is our heartie praier to the Lord for them)&we wil gladly and heartily reach the' ours. Vfe. 3.