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Danger ofnot this precept of Chrift, both for prevention and direction. Secondly, if wee looke at the juHice of God, who gives over men to follow dangerous.guides, when they refufe Chrift .by his vVord and Spirit .to lead them: See it in a number of infiances. How m.any are given up,as the Heathens were,to th.eir olP_n hart1 lujfs,Rom.I.29. that it were better they were given up to the Divell to buffe.t, or any tyr;1nt to , torment,than delivered to fall by their owne hand ; and all becaufe 1 they \V ill aot have Chrifi.to lead 1 1 them,nor will follow him l Nay, feeing the Divell ruleth in Iuns, to be given up unto lu(l;s,is, to be I left into the hands of the DivelJ, ~ _the ·Prince of the ayre, ·to bee ru~ 1 led at his will :·And how juH: is ir, that a ilieep tliat ;will not "fol- c jlow the Shepheard, {hould fol· . ,. low -the Bntcher 1 1 .. Ho:w matl¥ ~ other-s · who mill ! . ·' not ' .