Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

Lift fa'Y-'ed and l@fl. ----du-t-ie-s-~ T- he failing in them brings the certaine ld(fe ~ of oMes life; which is ·amplified ,by the con- ~rary: But if any will rather ]ofe. · his life than his obedience,he £hall certainly gaine·and fave it~ . . · The fecond reafon i$ drawne from the Hnprofira6/ene Jfe of win- : ning. the world with the loffe of the fou1e., which loffe can never . be repaired or made up,Ver.26. !he third is drawn from the confideration of the lllfl judgement,in which they fhall find the accomplifhment of this whole doCl:rine: for the Son of man fhall come in the glory of his Fatper, ·&c. Ver.17. · This firfl: is very forcible and preffing :for it is a matter of life & death; as Mofes to his people, fo I propound life and death this day unto you,chufe life,do good, deny your felves, take up your · croffe,and follow me• . whofttverfha!Jjave hu life] the · . 'word