Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

Lifefatt'ed and lofi. 06jefl. Peterfavedhis.life by denying and abjuring ,his Lord, · and yet loft it not• .Anfw.All the threats ofScr-ipcypri.. cure~ufl:be underftood with exde lapji 1• ceptlon of repentanc~; as all prqmtfes With exceptton of the croffe. Peter upon his repentance faved his lofi life;& fo donbtleffe many in this land were forced , under Antichri£1: to abjure the : truth,whoas they fell wi-th Peter,. · did alfo rifeagaine with him• .And whofoever foAU !'oft hid life for my fokt .lNot he that Iofetp his life as a malefatlor'fas Saul , J ~- · das , others : nor thofe that for vain-glory,or difcontent, or hope of bettering their efiate bereave themfelves of life : But for my fokt, that is, I. For the profeffion of the Gofpel, as did innumera- , ble ChriH:ians in the Primitive 1 1 • Church, and many in ~een Maries daies, who in love to Chrift were prodigall of their lives; if[ they~