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Lifefaved and loft. they had had a thoufand lives) they fbould ail have gone. 2 .For 2 • • difcharge ofduty,anfwerable to that profeffion; aiD~vid, J ohq Ba ptifl:, the Prophets , A.pon les, Stephen, and others, \vho {uffe- , red for righteoufneffe fok!, Mat. ' ' 5·1 o. . He jhllllfove it:] thatis,he lhall I have it returned to him wirh adv.antage ; of a miferabl~ ~nd tern· porary life it {hall bee· changed into an everlafi:ing an~ bldfed life :. bee bath fuffered with Chrift, and hee m1;1fi reigne with him. .. . 1 OhjeCf. But then martyrdome. meriteth eternalllife. . - · . t!Anfw. ~o: _fqr firfr,the fuffe- · Martyr- · rmgs of thts hfe are not worth} · dome not the gJory:; th;;tt foall . hee , revealed, meritotiRom.8,I 8. there being no pro~ , ous. portion betweene the body and · 1 • · foule , betweene life temporall and life eternall. Secondly , · the promife is ·made, no~t to the (uf-~ F 5· , firing,