Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

PrafttctJ1o fit felfe ;be·ware of felf-love,Iov·e not the world, nor the things in it : account not of riches & \Ve!lth I above their worth .If thy life bee I too deare to thee, or the world fwcll in thine eye, or if tho~ ltninrtee.aJ'tHur,cz- t deft earthly things, or fettefi too l fa.fi a hand on any thing, w ert I thou never fo \Vife,learned,civil, , nay, didfi thou follow Chriil at I beeles,& \Vert able to \vorke mirac1e~,and caft out Divels; yet at 1 length thou wouldfi play falfe,& prove an Apofiate; as Judas and Dernas,who forfook the truth to emhrt11ce the pr~(entworld •. 3.Get fou~djudgement in matters ofFaith,ftrmly and difiintlly to beleeve the truth ofReligion: for this mu!l: be the ground of undaunted profeffion, 2 Cor .4.1 3. I belecved; ~nd therefore I jjM~.He bath begun weU,\vho hath begun in truth,and laid a fure ground. It was fou.ndneffe ofFaith,that carried an~.ient Beleeven through . ' fuch