Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

I Expofiri- ,on. winning ofthe world. ·in the worlJ,only \Vee are lofers, .and have left an, and betaken our felves to an afflicted & defpicable condition for following of thee ; why might not -wee loo.ke to bee gainers too ? Tow hich our Sa vi- . our dired:s his anf wer; They are indeed gainers in the world"but if they were gainers of the worl4,there is a greater lofs neer them)than all that gaine, even the lofs ofthe foul,which as it i£ the moftincomparable!Dfs,fo is it the mofl: irrecoverable lofs ofall,but , a· jufi punifhment of that man, who by lofingChrifl: wil fave his own fiake. For the meaning of the words. ' what foal! it prcftt a man?] That is, vVhat !hall it any way better a mans eftate?The E·1glifu is fomew hat too fhort for the Greeke, the word profit being an1ong!l: us commonly ufed fur the increafe ofriches; but the· Greeke comprehends alfo the gaine o.f honours,