Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

{ . ~ I winning of the world. rnours, preferment~,pleafures, or any other thing., whereby theefiate is bettered,.either indeed or ia appearance. . . . .~ To -win theYPhole -worrld.l This is fpoken by way of fuppofition:for no man ever' wonne the whole world. Alexander won much of it.Ahafuerus wa~ Lord over I 27. Provinces. But never any coulq win the \vhole:y.et fuppofe aman fhouldwinne the whole world', this wouldfwell to a great bu1k,. ifwee confider both what is included in the word -wor/J,& what in the word gt~ine the world. · I. By ,the world is meant; hot only the frame of heaven & earth, & the creatures, but all that anaturall maAs heart can deGre in the world, or can wifh for his full contentment, fuch as honours, pleafures)& all the delights ofthe fons ofmen: In which fenfe Paul faith (Ga/6.14.)1 ~m crucified to the -world,& the worldto mu Jt~at IS:, -- ' ' World, whaticis here.