Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

I 54 Danger by earthly gaine, grace from us, as thorns do tOh fee and bewaile the curCe of our fin,that our earthly hearts fhould bring forth thorns and thifiles to the choaking of the feed ofgrace t and then be ever cropping or unrooting them. " This of the maner of proporm- . ding thefe truths. The matter affordeth fundry infiru Cl ions. . 1. The more aman is addided to gaine the world, the greater is the danger .of lofing his foul e. They that -wiOhe rich~fa/1 into mlt-· ·ny temptation! and j1:11treJ, 1 Tim. 6.9. and furely,hee that walketh on fi1ares , and Gn many fnare s ,. walketh not the fafefi. Eccbif. 5.. I z. Solomon obferved an e~jll fickneife under the Sun, riche 1 re-. .ferved1to the hurt of the o)'J?ner.... Pro. 1.17. In vAine i4 the net: laU 6efgre the hirJ: for,fhe is fo greedy ofthe bait, that ihee forg~ts I the. danger ) and: lofeth her life : So