BV597 W547 v1

I' 7g The Infiitution and Government zly. I fhall handle it pofitively. Such may be faid to be found in the Faith, that are found in the Fundamentals of Religion. Now the Fundamentals of Religion may be brought into a narrow Compafs: John xvii. z, 3. This is Life eternal, to know 1 hee the only true God, and Jefus Chriji whom thou hall Pent. Here are but a few Words, but they are very compiehenfive; to know God is to know him in the Manner of his Subfiftence, Three in One, and One in Three, Father, Son, and Spirit. It is to know him in his Attributes, in his abfolute Sovereignty, his Wifdom, Power, Holinefs, Juflice, Goodnefs and Truth, and the like. To know Jefus Christ is to know him to be the Mediator between God and Men; to know him in his Natures, that he is God and Man, two Natures unit- ed in one; Man, that he might do and fuller the Will of God; and God, that he might merit by doing and fuf- fering. To know him in his Offices, as he is confidered a Me- dilator, a Prophet, a Prieft and a King, and that he is 11311 ip the Execution of his Offices; that he was dead and is alive, and behold he liveth for evermore; that he is exalt- ed on the Right -Hand of God, and is become a Prince and a Saviour; that he ever liveth to make Interceffion for us. 'We do not know Chrift aright, as Mediator, unlefs we know him in all thefe refpeas: For if he were on Earth, fhould not he a Friel!, Heb. viii. 4. that is, he fhould not be that great High- Prieft that God had promifed; therefore to know him aright is to know him to be a Prieft for ever. A Priefl now he is in Heaven, as well as he was when he was upon Earth; a Prophet for ever, and a King for ever. Now fuch as are found in thefe Fundamentals, I think may in a Gofpel-Senfs be faid to be found in the Faith. There are few Principles in Re, ligion, but what come under one or other of thefe Heads. Objet. But fome may fay, That it is pfble for a Man to own all this in Profefon, andyet may hold jome Errors,, the confequence of which may le a denial of fame one Branch or other of tbefe Fundamentals. For inflance, He may profefs that God is a jnft and righteous God, and yet deny that he bath di/charged the Principal immediately upon $atisfaétisn made