Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674


Of tpat Eminent Minifier of GODS Word ... Ambrof~, _aac. Confifiing of thefe Following T R SE S, ____.:- ..,- {o1J( a:..) V I Z. ( ' 1 - Prima, Media, & Ultima· OR, The FIRST:. . li).DL , and AST Things. Wherein is fet Forth : 1. Tire Doa.ine .of 1\tgtnetatton·, or the New Birth. I 1. The Pracrice of ~anctiticatton, in the Means, Duties, Ordinanc~s, both Private and Publick, for continuanc<\ and e,ncreafe of a Godly Life. I I I. Certain Meditations of ~anS ®tfttp, in his Life, Oeath 1 Judgement, and Execution: As alfo oNlSobS ~tttp, in our RedetTiption, and Salvation. · £ . . 1 A R with . \ Minifiration of, and Communion LONDnN, Printed for fl\.nwl.ud K 1110 /cls and are to be Colq at his Shop at the Sltn and Bib' in the PoJ r t 1674· , .

.~------------------------------------~ PRIMA, THE FIRST THINGS, In reference to the Middle & Lall: Things: Or, The Doctrine of REG E NE RAT I 0 N, ' ::, fio 1t1ttlS THE (_ ~r /t NEW BIRTH, The very beginning of aGodly life. Delivered by ISAAC AMBROSE:t Minifler of t!te Gofpel at Prell:on in Arnoundernefs in LancaUJire, I Cor. 5· I7Ifttny ma11be in Chrifl, he is ane1v creat~~re: old things are pdjfed away, behold all things are becsme new. LONDON, Pri~Ued for Rowland Reynolds, and are to be fold at his Shop at the Sun and Bible in the Poultry, I 674•

<7LG. {!{;{rt-r-J / (,.d 95w-'-!f{Ue"' cf/{_" r; C~rfi'" '·) f?~ 1 ' I (')'.fC i ~#H I 7 'L j' t/8/,ifv). 1- I (._,....v-t'-r ( (i ,l...,vll-f!v.J -...S ~,9 ;H f((-,9 ,. 1 ~, 1'.' I r- . I

- ----------------- - MEDIA: THE Middle Things, ln reference to The FIRS T and L AS T Things : OR, The Means, Duties, Ordinances, both Secret, Private and I'ublick, for continuance and increafe of a Godly life, (once begun,) ti ll we come to Heaven. \iVherein are di[covered many bldfed, Medium's or butie.r, in their right method, manner and -proceedings; that fo a Chrillian (the Spirit of Chrill affi!l:ing) may walk on in the holy Path, which leads from his new-birth to everlalling life. I D rawn for the mofi: part, out of the mofi: eminently P iom, and learnedWritings of our Native Prattical Diviues: with additionals of his own, By IS A A C A M BR 0 SE, Minijler 4 t·he Gofpel at Prellon in Amoundernefs. Matth. 12. 50. Whofoever !hall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the fame ili my brother, and filter and mother. John13. 17. If ye knowthefe things happy are ye ifyedothcm. John 1 5· 14- Ye are my friends, if ye do whatfocver I command you. Luke 17. 10. Whe~t ye !hall have done all thofe things which are commanded you,fay, We are unprofitable fervants,we have done that which was our duty to r;lo. ------------------------------~-- ------ L 0 N . D oN, Printed for Row/and Reynolds, and are to be fold at his Shop at the S:un and Bible in the Poultry , 1674· I

- - - -----.~------~-- TO THE ''7 0 R S H I P F U L, THE Mayor, Aldermen, AND OTHER INHABITANTS In the Town of PR ESTON in Amounderneft. ~~rcHE Apoflle Peter knowing (as hefaith) toot fhordy he was tQ put offthat his tabernacle ot the flelb, as our Lord Jefus Chri£1: had · fhewed him; he therefore endevoured that Gods people after his deceafe, might have thofe things he taught them alwayes in remembrance: And thus it came to pajfe, tha; to this day we have that portion of holy Writ which he then left in writing. IfPeters praflice rP<t ··•4,tl1 be imitable in this "-'nd, I [uppofe the fame du~y !yes on ., me. ~;~~~;~~ .•• ,. --- · R l . [h b ft' h d . ifi . • [uttc>•nde[HA eve atwn ave none, ut many ztc 'jes an m rmztteJ, "P"bti'"· "' 1 ' b {cripfir in lib tit 'n7biw I take to e fore-runners o+ m11 departure hence. Am;,;,;.,- '\: · ') J M1h1tnrcm Some things and among:ft the rea there Firf1: Things nonmiooricO· ' jJ.' ) r:. ' ' a! cfi quails I have taught you· wh:lt remains now but that after my rerp.ponmor- ' ' rem mcam fudeceafe you might have thefe things alwayes in re- ~~:~;~';,~~::' ·b '\ T h ,r;, h (. [ d 1· d <fl:multo m•t il mem raneer ot atpurp[je, t ep1me e tvere once incumb•r n:illi I 0 (; tH t1 de muma., to your eares, now prtjent toyour .ryu; as you werr~ rum f .. l•"·"' then pleafed to hear .them~ Jo I trufi )'OU will now pentft ~:~~.~~~:~~:!'' , them. Onl11 one thrng you mat~! pleare to obferve thrr;u(lh "I''' Ill i•m anJ ;.,/ 'jt. 'J( b tt obuwrnm(iiJIJ A 2 · this

'. 3tbe cepttl:le .m>etJtcatotp. thisTreatifo, That "Whereas in the NameofChri~ J.ofien Be(eech, Exhort, Com'f!land the Vnregenerate to believe, to be reconciled to God, to praj•, tofoil on this or that dury, it is not as if they could do arry thing oftheir own ftrengt b or power; but becaufe Jeftls Chrifi, in Exhorting, En– treating, Commanding, puts forth his own power, and his ownftrength to enable them. While Paul exhorted the J~ylor to believe in the LordJefus that he might beJaved, God enabled the Jaylor to believe. Life and power is conveyed to the foul, inGofpelCommands and Exhorta– tilms. While Ezekielprophefied over dead hones, breath came into them, and they lived: Jo while the Prophets of the Lord do preach over ftnjul, impenitent hearers, who are li¥ to the Prophets d~y bones, the breath ofHeaven, the Spirit ofthe Mofl Higb in the Miniftery ofthe Gof pel, ente~s into them, andfo they are made ne'lll creatures, andfee the Kingdom ofGod. 1have no more to fay, one!J l befeech Godyou may receive a Blej]ing by thefe poor la– bours upon your poor fouls: it is the hearty Pra)'er of Yours to be commanded in all Chrifl:ian Services, The

THE CONTENTS of PRIMA:- OR, The Firfi Things. THe nece!fity ofRegeneration; The gerurality andfubjefl of Regeueration. The manner of Regeneration, The ij[ue and effects ofRegenert~tion. An Appendix, containing a more particular Method of Regeneration: Wherein Chap. I. THe occafton and method ofthis T>·catifo, Chap. 2. Sect. I. Th< firft means to get into the New Birth, Sect. 2. &c. Stns agt~inft thefirft Commandment to the 111ft, Chap. 3· The (econdmeans to get tnto the New Birth. Chap. 4· Seel. I. Tloe thzrd mean; to get mto the NC1P Birth. Seer. 2. &c. The ftrft, fecond anAThzrd rea(onfor furrow, <Ehap. 5· Seer. I. The meansto be dlievered out ofthe pangs·•! the New Birth, Seer. 2. The Promifos procurmg afight ofChrift, Sect. 3. The Promifesproc~tring a deftre after Chrift, Seer. 4· The Promifes yroc11ring a relying on Chrift, Seer. 5. The Promifes procuring obedience to Chrift, Sect. 6. The Promifosproc~tring comfort in Chrift, !!eel:. 7. The means to apply the[aid Promifes, Sect 8. The Conclufton. Page I 4 II I 22 Page i$ 26 ibid 31. ibid. 32 ,t.~ ;t;l 3$ ibid 36 37 The Contents of the DoC!rioe and Direetions; But more efpeeia!Iy the PraCl:ice and Behaviour of a M11n in the ACl: of the New Birth. THeoccaJ!ionofthi& Tretuife Pt~ge 4T Chap. I. The Sollls Preparation · ibid Chap. 2 Seer. I. The gmcral Ci;·cumftAnces ofpreparation on Gods part 42 Sect. 2. Thegeneral Cirwmftances of preparation on Ma~part . 43 Chap. 3. The Subftamial parts of Prepar11tion 011 Gods ptm, or his difpenfation ef bis wor/.:..on the Soul · 45 Chap. 4· Sect. I. The Subjlantial parts ofprep"ratiofl on Mansp.m, oube di(pojition of the Souls by Gods Wor"- 48 SeC'; 2. A fight of Sin 49 Sect. 3. A fenfe ofdivine Wrath 5 I Sect. 4- Sorrow for Sin 5z, Seer.). Thce.went of this Sorrow 53 Chap. 5. The Call on Gods part, forthe S•ul to clofe with, and to rely oil Chrift 5 9 Chap. 6. Sec'!:. I. The Anfiver.,, Mans part for the Soul to clofc with, rmd to rely on Chrtft 6o A 3 Seer.....

Tbe Contents of Media. Secl:. 2. A fight ofChrijl, or ofmercy in Chrifl Se{l:. 3. Hope in Chrifl · Sect. 4· A defire after Chrifi Se~. 5. A Love of Chrij/ Sett. 6. A Relying on Chrifi . . Chap. 7· The grotving ofthe Soulwzth Chrift THE CONTENTS of MEDIA: 0 R, The Middle Things. Sect. 2. Of the jirjl Priviledge, viz. Juf/iftcation. Chap. l. Sdl. r. THe Proeme, or Entrance into the Booi{. Sect. 3. Ofthe fecond Priviledge, viz. Reconciliation, Sect. 4Of the third Priviledg, viz. Adoption, Se{t. ~. Of the fourth Pnviledge, viz. SanEhjic~ttion, Sect. 6. Ofthe ffth i'riviledge, viz. Glorification. Chap. 2. Secl. r.QF Duties in G'eneral, and fir{/' of the Equity of Dmie~.• Se,'l. 2. Oftheinfuf!iciencyof Dmifs. Scel. 3. Of the hcaliug of D~tties, .l §. 1. Ofthe manner ofhealing our D~ttiu. , §. 2. The Sottls f!!:eries in this CPfe. Sect. 4· No refling in Duties. Sect. 5, Ofthe ufe and ends of Dttties. Sect. 6. Ofthe Saints abilities or potver to do Dttties. Sect. 7· Ofthe Saints delights in Duties. S~ct. 8. Oftheejfential Requifites in Dttties. Sect. 9· Ofthe f,Jndes ofDuties, infevmrl Divifions. \ Page 6o 6r 64 6) 69 7Z page 7S ibid. 77 79 8o SI ibid. Sz 83 ibid. &,. ibid. 86 89 !>l 93 95 Chap. 3 . Sect. r.oF DHties in particular, and firft of the nature ofWatchfnlnefs. 96 Sc<'t. 2. Of the ObjeEis ofWatchfldnefs. ibid. Sell:. 3· Of the manner ofWarchfuldejj over fins Original. 97 Sect. 4- Ofthe manner ofWatchfulnejj o-ucr fins ACtual. ibid. Sect. 5. Of the manner of Watchfulnefs over fpecial fins, 98 Sect. 6. Ofthe marmer ofWatchfulnefs over our henrts. roo Sect. 7· Ofthe manner ofWatchflelnefs over oter Tongues. ror Sect. 8. Of the manner of Wathfulnefs over oml.AEii•m. 1OJ Chap. 4· Sect. r.OF thenatJtreof Self-Tryal. 105 Sc:t. 2. Of the ObjeU'"f Self-Tryal. ro6 Sed:. 3· Of the manner of Trying or Exitmining oltr Jins~ngeneral. 107 Sect. 4· Ofthe manner ofTrying or Examining Oltr fpccial fins. ibid. Sect. 5· Ofthe manner ofTrying or Examining o11r hearts. 1:9 Sect. 6. Of the manner ofTrying or Examining ottr Tongurs. 110 Se~. 7· Of the mam-:er of Trying· or Examining 01er Alleons. 1 r 1 Sect. 8. Ofthe manner ofTrying cttr Title te Heat•cn, 01tr right to reward. •r rz Sec't. 9· Of the time ofour SelfTryal. r 17 Sect. ro. The daily Regifter of a weak_unworthy Servant ofChriftfor fome time, 1 r8 Chap. 5· Sect. r ·Q F the nat11re of Selfdcnya!. · 119 Sect. 2. Of the diflribmion ofSrlf, 11nd of the 11WJn< every Self is ro be denyea. I2:) · Sect. 3·

Tbe Contents of Medi~. ------~----~---- --r------------------- Sett. j. ojrhe dmyal ofjinfnl-folf, and firft ofCautioiiS, page 1.21 Sec't. 4 . Ofthe"'"''"" of denying our natural concupift_ence; I2Z ~ect. 5_Of the manner of denying our perfonal cormptt~lfs, . . .. 1~4 Sect. 6. Ofthe dmyal of our external Rel11tio'!s, Andfirjl of Ct~utionSi I 2~ Sed:. 7· Ofthe manner ofdmying our externAl Relations, . Iz7 Sect. 8, Ofthe dcn;yal of our fpcciAl Gifts, '!ndjirjlof C11utions, i_:zg Sed. 9·. Of the uianmr of denying our/P~~ial Gifts. . . . 130 Sect. 10. Ofthcdenyalof•urworldlyp171jits; t~ndfirftofC,.m>OnJ. i3z Sect. I 1. Ofthemam:er ofde11ying qur worldlyprofits. '· , i~~d. Sect. I2. Ofrhedenjalofo!lrWorldlyplettfom; andfirfto[C,.uttons. ljf Sect. 13. Ofthemannerofdenyingour worldlypl~afum, _ .. .1 0(j Sect. I4. Of the deny"! ofour hoTJoHr,favour, prili{t,good name "mong men; "ndfi_rft of Cautions . .Ip8 Sect. I'1 . Of the manner of denjin$ our honour, pr~tife, f4voui-, good name ",;,?!'g menl 139 Se(t 16: R1des ho" to be.<r Reproaches for the N"me of Chrift; . 14-i Sed. I'J. Of the derryal of our very being, our lifef•r ]efiu Chrift, ..ndfirft ofptions, . i+i Sed. 18, Ofthe mllmur •I denying our naturallife for ]efos Chr.ift. - 1+4 Sed. 1. What lire the differences betwixtfaith andpride •fthe heart mfujftrings.i 1,8 Sed. 2. Wherein ljes t he.power offaith to carry us through julferings,llnd de11th!.I4-9 Srd. I9. Of the denylfl of Religious, gi-11czous, or renewed Self, andJirft of Clfu· ti011s. J~ I Sect, 20, Ofthe manner ofdenying DHr Religiius, gracioHs; or rinewed Self. }b!d• Chap. 6. Sect. l:of the nature •f Experi~nces: : ._1 n Sect. 2. Ofih'egAth,ering ofExperienw:· ibid. Sect. 3. Ofthe impr•ving of E;<perienw. , 1$6 Sell. 4: GfthefanElificatioll of E:rperimces in theirfevmtl ufes. , . .. f S7 Sect. 5. The conJi4eration ofExperiences in" prttllic11l cour{t, or fome prttllica! '/{Hles to be obferved. . . . . 'lilt ~kd. 6. The Exptriences ofa wu•k..Chriftilin, cllft into the Method propolmded, ·i'i53 y, I, Gods anger 11ndjxftice againflJinners. ibid: §. 2. Gods loveto the Saints. . . . 164 §. 3. Several chnftifementJ or ajflrfhom on my[elfand others. I6S' §. 4· Performances ofgraciow Promifes to my[elf ami others, ibid. §. 5. Thetemptations •fthe world en[nlfring,offin preva'iling,ofS.ttlln thi,.lint.ibid. §. 6, Viflories of the world, !~efts, ttmptlltions, corr~eptio1u1 Sat/tn, ~ 66 §. 7· Obfervatiom ofGods Providence, 'r6y y. 8. The breathings of the Spirit in others and mi ownfoul. ibid. §. 9· The withdr~wingsofChriftfrom the Soul; ibid. y, I o. DeceitJ ofthe Hfllrt beg~eiling. J6£i Chap. 7-Sed. J.QF the nature ofEvidences. ·6· · .a. •• h h .t g ~e... . 2. 0 1 t egat ering ofEvidences; ibid. Sed. 3· Ofthekeepingof Evidences. z 74 Se~.4. Ojtkeimprovingof Evidences. . z 7 6 ~ea. 5· Ofthe S~nflijication ofEvidenres in their{tvtr11l ufes. . ibid; Sect. 6- The Evtdencer ofa weali__unworthy Servant ofChrift, laid dow11'"tcording to the Rules aforementioned. 1.8~ Chap.8. Sect. r ·Qf the nature and kjnds ofMediwioiJ. Sect. 2, The Ctrcumftanw•ls ofMedsration. Sect. 3· OfOccajional Meditation, ' · Se,a, 4. Of Deliberate M edit11tion Andthe plirti thmof. Se(t, 5·· An ex1111Jple ofthe Souls love to Chiift. . Sect. 6. A.•other Example of the Eternity ofhell. Sed. 7. .AI.vther e.-rample ofthe £ternity ofhrll-vtn: 181. ibid. 183 I8) ibid. 191 lee'

1he Covtents of Media. Chap. 9· Sect. r.QF th• nr~tweofrh<iifc?f Faith.. . page 209 · Sect. 2, Ofthe mannrrbftJ:ztlifc of Fatth mgeneralibrd. ~ %ecr. 3· Of the mann_er ofthis /if<'ofF~ith in parcicufm·, a_s itltcmporal c~ils. 21 r · Sect. 4· Of the nrann~ !If this lifc;ofl(mrhm tempoYal blrj]mgs. 2' 3 \ Sect. 5. Ofthe manner.ofthir ilfe of,Fahh in Spiritual evcls. . 21 5 :~ §• .An .Appendix ofrhemknncrbj'ihit!if,e ofFnith, ill oppojitiom agfiinJJ Truth ahd :': Goodneffe 1 a>~d,more pa>:l.~~~~ilrly again!f ourgood ndmc, whrnby an unworthy 1 ', , Servant cft'IJrift, p_mctzinesjdwrr.d abtmdance offpiritual comfort: 2r7 ·' }5:cCl:. 6. Of the ~n;mnfr pfthzs li]Rofbith infpir!tual, "s qmved to usfrom l' · ' , God a~il'-'t:hhjl, and the $Pfrct ofGhrijl:. zr8 ,~:!i'Cet. 7·. Ofthe manne_r of tHis iif.r ofFaith in fpirill!41 gr>~ccs. 221 ','S'etf;-g; "Ofthe mRmtt} of this life itf Faith in (piritua/ duties. 223 . 'St;Ct. 9· Of them~nn~r ofthis l.fe of Faith in things Eternal. 225 : Sect. ](). Of t/Jem"imlfer·dfthislife ofFairh iTJ regard of othe;s. 226 ~ 1 Of.iookjng unto 'Jfji!l- . , , 227 Cll~~.lrd; SeCt. r:H~'the11atnti~f Family-Dmio. :!28 <; ' Sect. z.VOfthepreparati·ws toF~mily-Dmits. ,, ibid. ;,Se(l. ). Ofth~Dif.l~~sofGoverholrr)iJt$eneral. · , 229 ' :S~!.ct;_~· Of t~e..D"i.~.'f.of Pa~ents;~·tlmr Childr(fl:· ' 2)1 ~,iS"t;ti, ;;, Of th; i/uh.'J of Mt!)M,s to ~M-vlintJ, " 2,33 SeCt~ 6. 'Oftht Dulzes ofthe H1lsba>rd and Wife. · ibid. 1 tsea. 7-..0f th~Durie! ofChildren t• Par£pts. .\ 236 • !ll!et. 8. Oft~e 1JfeliesofSet1rant,d'b'lho£V'Majl:ers. "'\'· 237 ~JM?. I I. Sect. r. QF Preparatives to r!:Miftian fo<iCI)~·_·.. ,. . · ' 2JJ)' , r SeCt, 2. .Of amutudl d:thltn;<(~ of-gifts'an'd·§·ace~·· · 241 ··Sec. 3. Of a mutualJ;rviceablcnefl to ~he b~die! andfo)d~bfone a11othtr. . .- ibid. · 5~_c. 4· Ofa mutltal walk,:ng '".f:cf/ltr, i<;ld f;Udws!" rhe Ord,nances ofChrij/.243 : ~l:'c. 5. Offolne Ordeht'li'whicPrflM~· c-htifti;:ms fubfmbiiJ before confmnce. ibid. , ~Cl:. 6. Offo"!e {0_ejl~ns ofPraflic"f Divinity, which at ehe co'nfcr;nci: were propoun- <,' · ' tied"an .AnJrvtred. · · 24f - §. I. What was the h..ppinefl ofman! condition in.theftate of lnr.Gcmcy? ib:d. "' §. 2. H'hat ~tre the mifcric.r tJfman irt jlate of patuYe ?' ibid. ' 9. 3· what met~ns bath 'God apJ:ofmed to com·eout ofthis miferable rftarer 24) §.4. Whmare th'eftgnesofafo,JndandfincereHullliliation? 2 4 6 §. 5. WhatmeaJshath God apfointedfor brokpllfefj eof Hem·t? ibid. §, 6. Wh11t ar~'-thtmeawboth for the obtaining and C>Jcrcajing ofFaith?- 2f7 ';,';;r·§. 7· What are thejig~! ofa ~rue)uftifyil1g Faith.?' · ibid. I . . §. 8. what MoMks to Evangelift. Repenta»ce? 2+8 "'' §. 9· WhM are theftgnes of ttne' 'dnd Evangeli<·al Repemtmce? ibid. :§. 10. How may a Bcleever Redeemed by Chri{f, ·a,k§owlcdge his thankfulnejj to Chrift ? . 249 §, I I. What are the ftgnes of11 ftnccte love to Chrifl ? ihidl. §.I 2. What are the cau[es m usofChrifl's Wirhdrawiitg[Yom }u? ibid. .§, I 3. What are the caufes for which Chrift on his }lt-rt rv'ilbdrmvs ' himfeif from ' 11S l .· \ ''' 1!"50 \ ''·'' 9. I4. What m&~~'!j for the rtt:J.:d}ij ofChrifts t:oliifM~blt pn!feirt:e? ,,_ iG"I. ':, · 9. 15. Ofwhauefe'isChrijf'to'!i'B~Ieever'alread)lyifti'ficii l ""\., ·ibid. . i ! ' ''SeCt. 7· Offame £2.!!.eftions or Cafes ofconjciencc, lrhtch M the ~o?iferrrzce mre propotmded «nd anfivered , 2 51 ~ §. 1. Whether a JJeleever ~nitJ)Y~~t more:~ or be ·~JJotc intent'in pt:blir:'lz_ u-r inJe.c,_·er Pr,.yer; l - . . . zbtd. §. 2. Whether a Chriftian in his own apprehenjldtt decayzng '" Gruce, may rtot J"' grow in grace landiffo, Wliiit'are the ret~fom ofhss n:ro>Jg apprcbrnjionsl ibid. 9. 3· Whether is a Chriftran allfa}b'lloimd to reprchen4 an ojfcndr?? or inwhnt cafesmaybeforbear? ... ' 2fl. §. 4· How may we k,_now whei/Jer i\iep'rojit by ajfli[/ion.r? ibtd. §, S· How jhMid a Chriftian fonifie hi11fetf 11gai11jl the rtprcarhes rf mck[dmm? .253 ' SeCt. 6.

- ... l !Je Contcnts of Media. §. tS. JVhnher a true 1 cliever mt!J not fometimes doubt l t:~d lVhat are the fcveral c~nfes of doub11ng page 1.5 3 §. 7 , !Vhat are the wres orrcm,dw ofdoubtmgs mcidcnt to Beltcvcn ? ibid. § 8. What are tho(c Remora's thqt hmde.· thegrowth of Chriftumuy, or theJPrCftdmg · oftheKmgdom!fChrift. . . . . .2~4 . §, 9. What nJCa>Is to prcfervc Vnuy and Amuy amongfl Chrifttans ? tbJd, Sc,'t. 8. Of Jom' qncfhons or controverted pomts, which at the conference were propotmdcd and anfwercd. 25 5 §. 1 , Whether doth God (cc fi" in Bclicvm, fo as to be offended at it? and kow may it ~? . ~ §. 2 , JVhcthtr arc Believers to repent oftheir fin<? and ttpon whatgrounds? ibid. ~. 3 . TVhcthcntre Belicvcrsto prayfor pardon offin? and whal"arc the rraf.ns? 256 y, 4 , Whether is it the duty ofChnftians to obfcrvc the Lords day ( no1v being ~he (irft d.:~yof the wcdz.) as a Chrijlian Sabbath? and what groundsf or it? ibid. §, 5. TVImher may not Chriflians lawfully fin~ Davids or Mofes Pfalmcs ? andhow mr.y it appear? !btd. §. 6. Whether /ldmitting of, or joyning with [canda 'oils pcrfom in rhe Sacr"m~ntof the Lords Supper, and 11ot endeavouring to /{cep them back_(whiles fltch ) be not fin i11 'he admitteys and joyners? and how may it appt4r? 257 §. 7· lnfioc~ a cafe whm is the dtuy ofadmittcn and joyners, to ·ep themfelws blamel,fs, atid the OrdinMce undejiled? 1 ibid. ·chap. 12. Se<'l:. I. QF the mcef!ity ofpreparation to the He<~~ring,of the Word SeCt. 2. . Ofthe manner-ofpreptmion to hMr the Word. SeCt. 3. The duties ofthe fo"l in hearing the Word, ~ ' Sect. 4· The d~tties required 4rer Hearing. Chap. I 3· Seer. I.QF the two Sacraments ofthe New-Tefta;nent, '. SeCt. 2. Ofthe general before we receive the Lords Supper. Sec. 3. Of rhe mann~r of Examining ourfins before the Lords Supper. . Sec. 4· Ofexaminatton of the JMntt of Gr11.ccs, that jho1tld be feelingly in"'· Sec. 5· Examination. of the tr#th ofour Graur, 11nd firft of our Converjion. Sec. 6. Examination ofKnowledge. Sec. 7· Examination' of. Faith, Sec. 8. Ex."amination of R~pentance~ ,Sec. 9· Examination of Love to Chrifl. Sec. I o. pxflmimttion of love to 1 he Brethrdfl.. Sec. 11. Examination ufObcdience~ Sec. 1 z. Examination ofour dejires after this Ordinance~ Sec. 13. Examination ofthe growth of Graas. Sec. I~ .• Of the ditties m Sacrammt, ofthe e.wrcifeofRepem.cnce. Sec. I 5. Oftheexercife .[faith, · S~c. I 6. Of the exercife of7hani{Jgivin.~;. Sec. I 7. Of the exercife of Mmy, and Love. Sec. I 8. Of Ext~~ninmion after Sacrament, and the Rejit!t, ifnot agoqd Day. Sec. I g. OfThankj~tln£[s, if agood Day. Sec. 20. OfObedunce andjrllitjulnefs inour Lives. 2)9 260 262 266 267 ibid. 268 ibid. 269 270 271 2'Jz 273 274 275 ibid. 276 ibid. 277 z8o 281 ibid. 28i ibid. Chap. 14. SeCt. I. QFpreparation to Pra)"r. 28 3 Seer. 2. The general dmies of the Soul in Prajer. 28+ 9. l· The partiwlar duties ofthe Soul in Prayer. 286 §. 4· The dutie.r of the Eody in Prayer. 28 7 ~. 5· Dnms after Prayer. 28 9 9. 6. The firft Cafe: S11ppo[e 1havt prayed, h?w may I ajfurcdly k_no1v that God hean, ~md wdl anf wer in'hu own time l ibid. §.'J. TheficontiCafe: Suppofe the thing I defire jh.-11 not beanfiv<rcd howmay J af]itrcdl;· k_no1~ that God nonvithjfanding do1h hear my Prayrrs? ' 2 9 0 §. 8. The thtrd cajc : fuppofe after Prayer I obferve all I can, and canb;• no means dtfco~cr, that mhcr God will anfwrr or hear my Pr11.ym, rr.~at }hall 1 da thm. 2 91 (") Seer. 9 .

Tlx Conte'nts of Media. ______S_c_c-.-9-.-1-::.h-e-:f,:-o,-sr-tl:-,-C-a-:ifi:-e-_.-Ji::-it-pp-c-;fe-:t-;he thing I defir< .is artjivered, how may I ajJuredly kn"w it was by my Prayers, and nfit out of commc,n Providence.? pag. 29! Sec. 1 o. TheJifth Cnfe .- Juppofe that olhe>·J joyn l>zth me ir1 thefc J'r,ycrs now anfive– red, how jiJOitid I k.,now that my l'ra)'trs had an hand in obtaining thojc an– fivers, aJ 1Vdl as any others l 293 Sec. 11. The fxth Cafe.- (uppofe I am af!imd itpon former obfervatior~, that' God bath hMrd and an[wcred my Prayers irz their parttc~t!ar;, whfllt muft I do then? 294 Sec. 12. A Dire[/ory for Prayer., ibid. Sec. IJ. §.I. AformeofPraycrinScripwrtphrafe. 296 §. 2. The fecond part ofPrayer is petitionfor o11r (elves and othtrs, 299 §. 3· The third part of Prayer is Thankfgivingfur blejfingsfpiritnal & temporal. 306 Chap. J5.ScCl:.I.OFthenat~<reof Reading thcScripmrcs, what it is. 307 · Sec. 2. Ofjit times MdJtafom for reading the Scriptures. ibid. Sec. 3. Of the manner o; preparation before the reading of the Scripruru. 308 Sec. 4· Of the nccejJary dmw in reading of the Sc·riptims. ibid. Sec. 5. Of ditties after reading the Scriptures. . 309 Sec. 6. A Calendar purpofed to fhew how we might re11d over the Scriptnre fe·vmtl ways onceinayen.r. 310 Sec. 7· OfHeadsw common pi«ces of obfervations for projit11ble things. 31 r Sec. 8. Common places obferved by one in hi1 private reading of the Scriptures. ibid. Sec. 9· Of the u[c ofthcfe Co!leElions. _312. Sec. 10. Ofthe Analyf•s ofthe whole Bible, and efpeci~lly of the Old Teftllmcnt, 32< Sec. 1 I, Ofthe Pentateuch or Book! ofthe Lmr. pz. Sec. 12. Ofthe l'ropheu Hiftorical. 325 Sec. 1 l· Of Prophets Dogmatical. 3l9 Sec. 14. Of Prop,hrts Prophetical. 3J1 Sec. 15. TheneJVTe/fttment, andjirftof Book! Hiftorical. 334 Sec. 16. OfBo•kJ Dorfrinttl. - 336 Sec. 1 7· Of tlie Book_ Prophetical, 338 thap. 16. Sec. t.QF thefufferingofSaints, 339 Sec. 2. Ofthe manner ofPreparation for J«jferings before they come. ibid. Sec. 3· Of the manner ofbearing Sujferings when they come. • 341 §. 1. We muftbe willing to come under Sujferings. 342. §. 2. We mu/t contentedly fubmit DHr felves, and quie~ly behave our felves infiifferin,r;s. 343 §. 3· How we m11ft improve Jujf<rings. • 3'46 Sec. 4- Ofthe 'nanncr how to c~erry our[elves when fujferings & AJfliElions aregone.ir5 z. Chap. 17. Sec. r.OF PreparativestoFa/fing. Sec. 2. Ofthe dutiesrequired in Fafting. -- jf,f1:. Sec. 3· OfthedHtiesafterFafting. Chap. 18. Sec. r. Q F Preparatives to Feafing or 7h11ni<Jgiving. Sec. 2. Ofthe duties required in Th,.nkJgiving. . Sec. 3. Of the dmies after Thankfgiving. ' ~ec. 4· Ofl'falmsfi•itabletothisduty. \. 357 358 ibid• 359 ibid. r'HE ..

- , - THE CONTENTS of VLTIMA; 0 R, The Laft Tbingr: THe Imrod11[fion of this firft Meditation The time of o~tr Leafe, b11t a [Life] And that lefe bm [Dayes] A nd thofe days but [few] And thofefew d,eyes but [evil] The Leafes expiration [have been] The Conclufon. DEaths Arreft ' The jieddemufs ofit [This] ' The Circumj/ances attending on it [This night] The p~rty undtr Arreft [thy Soul] Wherein 'I he Sergeants and theArreft it felf[Shall be required] No B~~tlfufficient to be tak!nfor him [of thee] it is required DOoms-day, wherei>J is f<.!pt ageneral Affiu The Term, [Then] The ']ndze [He] The perjom to bejudged [every man] The 'i'ry.t it {cif The Sentenre and Execution, H Ells Horror, or the Ha>"Veft of Tares The SubjeEI [whom? J [Them] The Commandgiven out [What] [To binde] . Tfir manner how [ in Bundles J ·. Tf,e Con.-!Hfon •f all [To burn them.] n 'Ight Purgatory !"\ The Time [When] The Phyfcian [He] The Patient [Byhimfelf] The Remedy [Had Purged] The malady [our Sins.] HEavens Happinefs The Certainty ofit (Thou !halt be) The cclertty of it [To day] The Society there [with Me] ' - The pl.ce where [In Paradik] [o] Page 363 ibid. 365 368 37II 378 38o· 383 384 387. 39I 397, 40I/ .40$ ibid 409 4II 4I4 4I7 4ii 423 42$ +28 4F. 436 ibid. 440 4441 448 453 458 ibid. 46l 464 467. 10

I . ------ ·-· ·- ....__ ______ To the Reverend All THOR, on ]-1is Learned TREATISES, INTITULED PRIMA, MEDIA, & VLTI MA : THE jftrrt, 1!}9itltlle, and JLatl 3tbings. I· B[i. He First, and Last, a.nd Middle Things : ~ _ What mor<'l ? · ,. , Thus the well-furnilbed Scribe out of his fiore Brings new and o,ld. · The First Things lay the Ground, TheMiddleBuild thereon; By th' Laft All's crown'd. By the Firfl things Chrifiians begin to live; The Middle things afurther progte!fe give In Spiritual life; by th' Lafl they live for ever! T hofe things that God bath joyn'd, let no mgn fever. The Firft Things wrought in me (t'ord \) let me find, . And to the Middle {o direct my mind, That when the Firfl and .li!Iiddle Things are pafi, I.may~n joymy hopes, the befi: at Lafl. The

The newBirth. John 3· 3• .Except amanbe born againJ he cannotfee the Kingdwi ofGod. • E read in the former Chapter, J•h. z. ·:!3. When J<[; at Jeruft,iem, atthefe"fl ofthePaJTeovcr, many believed in his Name .when they Jaw the 'l'iracles which he did: Amongfr thofe many, h~re IS one qf them (faith .Aujlin ;) what one? of all men the molt unlikely is a Jew, of all Jews a Ruler, of all Rulers a Pharifee; Have any of the Rulers, or Pharifecs believed on him? But howfoever it feem thus unlikely unto us, the Spirit of Godbloweth where it lifteth; here Is amorigfr many believers one Nico– demUJ and he is a man ofthe Pharifees, a Ruler ofthe Jews; a Jew, a Ruler, a Phanfee; God~ableevenofthefeftonestoraifeupchildrenunto ~braham; yea, we fee here (be they never fo ll:ony) our Sav10ur melts ?ne of them w~th a m1r~cle, ~nd by.a n~w bmh he will make him a fon of .Abraham mdeed. A m1racle bnngs h1m to C_hnll:, and Chrifr brings him to a new birth: The firll: Nicodemu; confeffeth, Rabbi, (faith he to our Saviour) we 10ow that tho~t art a Teacher comefrom God, for no man can do thefe mi– racles that thou doft, except God be with him. The fecondour Saviour affirmeth, as if he had anfwered; to fay, I amfent from God, and not to be born again, will never help thee to Heaven; thy confeffion IS right, that I am fent frorn Go a; but thy conv~rfation is wrong, that art not born again: thou comell: to me with confeffion of thy faith, but here is a further Catechifm, another lefl'on; and therefore (as thou callell: me Rabbi) ifthou wilt be a Scholar in my School,thou mull: learn thefe princ!ples,thefe rudiments, thefejirft things, thi! text, this A,B,C, of Chrill:ian Religion, Except anum be bdrn a– gain, he cannotfee the Kingdom ofGod. - In profecution of which words (all tending to this one point, the new birth) we !hall follow the order fct down by the Holy Gholl:; where is, ,I. The neceffity_of it, no going to heaven without it, Except. 2. The generality of it, every man is bound to it, a man. 3. The ~11annerof it, how a man is wrought in it, he mull: be bom again: · . 4· The 1ffue of1t, what effectsare annext to it, the Kingdom of God 1 andfight oftliat · Kmgdom; ll>:>an that" born agazn jha!/fee the Kingdom of God· and, Except a man be' _born'again, hejl>allnot feetheKingdo"!ofGod. ' , l'hefe bcth~ branches, and of every of them (by Gods affill:ance) we flfall gather fume frmt for the food of your fouls. The firll: branch is the firll: word, Exfepr 1 Except. THis 'Ex.tept is without exception; for unlefs we are new borne, there is no going \ to Heaven: before we hve here we arc bQrn, and before we live I)lere we are 13 new John 2. ~;: Njcodt•muJiex. hil crar r;ui""cre: didaanr in n~ m:ne cj~. 1.1i~ dtntesfignta & pmbgi.t fJU.t..ficitblft. Aug. TrAil: in loan ]oh. 7 48• V~rr~ r. l Luk 3· 8; Vcrfc ~. >

-new born; as no Inan comes into this world, but by the firll: birtli; fo impoffible it is that any fhould go to heaven in an other world, but by the fccond birth: And this gives us t:he-neae(!ity oLRef¥.!ncration, - - • /.- •-~ Except a man be'now bom, he ciin never bef aved. . It is our Saviour~ fpeech, and he confiqns it with a double afl'cvcration, Vmly, verzly, I fay lfnto thee. Twice ve-,-dy, which we find not any where but mJohns Gofpel, and no where·m the Gofpcl fo oft as fl.upert. in loc. on this argument: how thenfhould we disbelieve this truth, where we have fuch a wlt~~a~Chrill:, fuch a tdbmony as his Vm!y, vmly, 1(ay Jl!lto thee? _..Ag;im, God the ff!ther thus counfels>not only N ti·odemuc but all the Jews of the '6!d ChurGh, faying, M ak1Y"' a new hc'!rt and am~vJPm~.' f or why lv;l/Y"' dtc, O_ko;{!r,J Ezck. 1 S. 3'-· Ifr~et? Ezek. I 8 1 I . '"Notw1thll:andmg all thetr pnvdedgcs (fonhcy are Jfraclites, 10 Ham. 9· 4· rvhom pertains the adoption, andt~eglory, a·;d the Covenants, tmd the g iving ofthe Law, and theferviceof God, and the promt[es, Rom. 9· 4·) Yet here is one thing necejfary,that Vnum nm§ a· mull: crown all the reil:; they mull: have·a ruw heart, anda new JPirit, that is to fay rium. they mull: be n<IV born, or there is no way but death; from which death fee how the Lord pulls them with his cords of love, alluring, wooing, quell:ioning, JVhy writye die, Dof/:, Rev. 2 17. Hc:v. 3· J::!l J'j. .l't10J ,·1ar iil!ti• lJU J nivcis ii~ J•ift;!.tpi:ltJ, J-itSliMmtlre rtos,i!bs ,:bjol– 'lh'rep,zJ,d. .de– IMwpbo{I. IS• Jiunc 1'1ttcrinr: dic'm r.kmefa mc:Liore lr1pillc. l)erf Sar.j'r:– •:undtt. Arctiusinloc. 1 Cor. 5• 17• Hcb.12.14• J 1Cor. 2• 14. 1\om. 6 :l.O. Gaf.s.J7, Omnfe t.j 1fi'acl? , , And yet again ; not only the Son and the father, but the Holy Ghofl: too will avouch this truth : H e that bath an eare, In htm hear what the Spirtt JitidJ 11nto the Churches; And what's that ? To him that overcumcth, --will I give a white flone, and i.)'} the jloue a new name Jt-•ritten : yea, lrrilt rvritc itpon him Nel~.'Jfuifalem, ani:/ /wilt write ~tpon .Etm my new name, Revel.' 2 . 17. and 3· I2. The meaning is, he that is new born, and fo overcomes fin, Gods Spirit will give him his grac~, the whae ]lone; and his Kingdom, the new Jerufalem; and a new name, the name ot filiation,(faith a Modern) whereby truly he is called the new born fon of God.. See here_h<\W 9/d things being done away, all things arc bccomiJ new ; by a new bzrthman hath got a nc1v name, a nett' inheritance : and therefore as the Spirit, fo the new birth is called a fire, that purgeth away drofl'e, and nia~es fouls bright and new, fu that we mull: pafl'c thorow this.ftre, or no pafl'agc into Par.<dife. NO( is this Do.."trine without reafon or ground. ' For, Except by the fecond birth; man is firll: unholy, and therefore moll: unfi.t to enter into heaven : Without holzmjfe no man ]hall fee Gcd, Heb. I 2. u . And what is man before he is new bor" ? if we loo!> vpon his foul, we may fee it deformed with fin, defiled with lull:, outraged with pal)ions, overcarried with affe-:1(ons, pinmg with envy ,. b>Jrthened with gluttony, bo.yling Wlth revenge, tranfported with rage, and thus is that Image of God transformed to the ugly fhape of th.e Devil : or lhould we take a_ more particular veiw, every faculty of the foul is full of iniquity; the underll;anding_ underfl:ands nothi)lg of the thingsof God, 1 Cor. 2 . 1-1-. the will.wills nothing that u good, Rom. 6. 20. the affections aff~Cl: nothing of the Spirit, Gal. ), 1 I 7. In a word,the underll:anding is darkncd, the will enthralled, the ~ffcdions difordQred, the mem.ory defiled,the co~fciencc benummed, all the inner man is full of fin, ~nd there is no part, that is good, no notone. But what fay we Qf the body? fure that is nothing better, it is a rotten carrion, altogether unprofitable, and good for nothi~g; lhould W<:view ·it in every part and member of it? the head contrives mifchief, the eyes behold vanity, the ears let in fin, the tongu~ fends out oaths. Come we lower, the heart lodgeth lu·ll:s-, the hands commit murther, the feet run to evil; all the fenfcs arc but fo ma.ny nmtches to give fire to lull:s, deceits, envieS, and what not? How needful now is a new birth to a man in this cafe ? Can he enter into heaven, that favours all of earth? \Vill thofe precious gates of gold and pearls opento a finner? No, he mull: firfl:·be n.ew moulded, ~nd fanCl:ified, O): he is exceptcd; Except a man be new born. . Secondly, Except] This, and man is Gods enemy; no greater oppofition than be– . t.wixt God anda finncr; Confider we him in his e!f~nce, or in his attributes; in his l'fal. II• 5 ' efl'ence he is called Jchovah, both in refpeCl: of his being, and of his promifes; i• re– fpeCl: of his being, and fo God is contrary to fin; for fin is ataxy, difordcr, confufion, a not-being; and God is order, perfection, holincfl'e, and abfolutc and fimple being: in refpeCl: likewife of his promifes, wherein there is a main oppofition to fin; for how· foever hepromifeth a reward to the regenerate, and fo the name Jehovah is a golden . pledge unto us, that if we repent, he will forgive us; yet withal he promifeth jlorm> and tempejl, fire and perdition to the unrcgeneraie: and thus his name and nature is altogethcr,oppofite to fin and !inners. But view we thofe attributes of God, I mean hi9

his ju!licc, truth, patience, holincffe, anger, power; his juflice in punifhing the impe– nitent according to his defcrts, his truth effecbn~ thofe plagues wh1ch hehath fpoken in his time, his patience forbearmg fins dcllruchon, t1ll they are grown ~ull npe, h1s holineffe abhorring all impurttyes, _He cannot behold ""q"")'' h1s anger fl:trnng up re– venge againll: all offered inj~rics, h1s power mulhmg uR h1s forces, yea all h1s crearues againfl his enemies; 1nd what can we fay, but 1f all thctc attnbutes arc at cnm1ty w1th finful man wo w 0 rth to man bccaufc of offences ! better he had never been born,than not to be ,;eJV born; alas ! what £hall become of him? Can he that is Gods enemy fee God in his glory? no, there is no way but one, E.vccpt he repent, Exupt] he be born again. thirdly, Except J by a new birth, man is ':'ithottt C/nift; for If any mtln be i~ Chrift, he;; anew creature: And 1f he be not 1n Chrtfr, wh~t hopes of that man? It IS onely Chrifr that opens Heaven, it is only Chrtft that~~ the Way to Heaven; befides him. there is no Way, no Trmh, no Life; and 1fwe be tn hun, M the branch m the vme, 1t js of ncceffity that we bring forth good fruit : Upon thefe terms his death is effeCl:ual, if we become 11ew creatures; or otherw1fe, all h1s Mcrtts (h1s blood that was fhed, his body that was crucified, his foul that was agonized) they arc nothing unto us, we no– thing bettered by them : he dyed for all, but h1s death IS not apphed, h1s Kmgdom is not opened, fave only unto them that have learned and pracbfed th1s rule of Exaption] Except fl man be born again. Fourthly, Except before Excepted, a man is a very ltmb of Satan, a chtld of dark– nelfc, and one of the Family. of Hell. Confider th1s, ye that are out of the fl:ate of grace, in what mifcrable thraldome is your fouls ? S~ould any call you fervants, or flaves of Satan, you would take it highly in difdain; but take it as you pleafe, if you · are not regenerate, you are in no better cafe. l'md appeales to your own knowledge, ](nowyou not, that to whomfoever )'Ott giveyou-r felves aJ fervants to obey, his forvants ye are to whomye obey? Rom. 6. 16, 2J. If then ye obey the Devils fuggefl:ions (which you do being unborn) what are you but the Devtls fcrvants? And 1fhe be your Matter, what is your wages? You may fee it in the lafr vcrfe, The wages cffn is death; death of the body, and death of the foul: death here, and death hereafter in Hell-fire. Alas, that Satan fhould have this power on man! that he who is the enemy, and means no– thing to a finner but death and damnation, fhould be his Lord, and tyrannize it over him at his own will and pleafure! \Vould any man be hired to ferve Lions and Tygers? And is nvt the Devil a roaring Lion, walk!ng abom, andfeekjng whom he may devour ? To ferve him that would devoure his fervant, is a mofr miferable bondage; and what pay can one expeCt from Devils, but roaring and devouring, and tearing fouls? In this plight are thefervams ofCorruption, flavcs of Satan, fo I rightly call them; for, Of whomfoever a man ts overcome, even unto thefame ts he m bondage~ 2 Pet. 2. 19. To winde up this point; Lard,who jha/1 dwell in thy Tabernacle? who jha/1 rcft in thy Holy Mountain? Ifwe belteve Davtd, Not he that jlandereth Wtth hu tongue, or doth cvd to his Neighbour, ~orgiveth his money ~tpon V fury, or taf(sth areward againft the innocent: No, fuch are fervants of Satan; and here is matter of Exception againfl: them ; Except a man be born again, he cannot fee the Kingdom ofGod, The fummc of all: Without Regeneration no Kingdom; for whether we confider man in regardofhimfelf, orcf God, or ofChrift, or ofSatan, he is (E:rcept he be newborn) unholy, God.< enemy, out of Chrift, in Satan, · And if the New Birth be thus neccffary, how fhould we (a) labour to be born again? Imean not, as Nrcodem~ts, to enter mto our mothers womb again and be born· It is not the feed of man in the womb of our Mother, but the feed of Grace in the ~vomb of the Church,that makes us bleffe~: and if we are thus born by Grace,then arc we fan:tified, made fons of God, He1rs With Chrift, over whom Satan can have nv power at all. Now then, ~s you tender your fouls, and defire Heaven at your ends, (b) endeavour to attam thts one thing neccffary: (c) Lift up your hearts unto God, that you moy be wajhed, Jl<{hfied,fanchjiedm the Name of the Lord Jefus; and that by the Spirit of God Ephef. 2 12. I Cor, S· 17,• l\om.6.t6,23. I Pet. S. 8. 2 Pet. 2. 19. Vfe. (•) Thus is the liloguage ofGod, I[aid Bthi'Jld me to a nation Wtl$ nor ctJlledby m1 Nt~mt,lfa 65.1 b)Thus whilfi the Miniflel' Ch 'fl · h . fpcaks, ir is rJ.. comc~wl,t power 111 the ~ord, Ezek. t8.~r. (c) Pfar, becaufe Godbidsyoupr.ty; ic riuy be he wiiJ cotne m when }OU pray. Wile:~ Sumn M(jg1u w.ts to the gal~ ofbltterndfe, Pr:ter bid him pray,A!Ir s 2.2; . B 2 you

4 (d) Not d:ar we can b; a po r.·cr d our own, but he that lairh, TIJ:refDre -rr_ill rh~ Lord ll!tHt, tbar he may be you may walk in new wayes, talk with new tongues, ~s being new creatures, created . unto good works. Thus would you (d) wart on God mhis way, I trull: the Lord in mercy would remember you, and his Spirit wouldblow upon you, and then you would finde and feel fuch a change within you, as that you would blelfc God fur ever, that you were thus born again: Otherwife, how wo!ul are you, confidering this barre in heavens door, to keep out the unregenerate, Except] l:.xcepe '"'Mn be born againc, he cannotfee the Kingdome ofGod. io1cious to yw, Ira. 30. 18 he tlrawc~, and gives a power to wair on him, atllt he comes in, when waited, in the! fi.ucH time. he hath Doer. I, Rev.2r. 27- ]ercm. Ioi 5· Luke 1. 15. * ,!lJ!i11Pectm patre> rrtpJjllft BeU,Jrmimbo Tt~mo flcuudo Hb. 2 de ej}cllu Sacra11unro– rum. cap. 3 Jloafc, Erc!ef· s. {efi.S9· A1uin 5· p.m. qu;jl,68.a· r.2. Thus far of the Exception; we now come to the Perfo"; that is in a nift prim in the front, Except: This is the party that mull: profeeute the caufe, a mtm, .A man.] AND this man] is every man, and every part of man: It implies all men, for all arc bound to it; and all man, for all the parts of his body, and all the powers of his foul are to be renewed, or he cannot be faved: The word then is general, whether we refpet't gmera fmgulwum, the kinds, all men; or jinuula ge– nemm, the Individuums ; all man, or all the parts of man, body and foul. \'\le will firft begin with the kinds: All men (er aft 1mmk.!"d) mnft be rezenerated before they be fa'!Jed; not one of all the fons of .Adam that fhall ever go to heaven, except he be born agam: may your contemplations (guided by Gods Word) go in– to that Paradice above, there walk the ll:reets, behold the towers, view the fub– je,'\s, from the one tnd of heavm to anotht:'f, and whom find you there? Not one that lives and dies in fin ; there is not in it, nor fhall enter mto it any thing that de– jiieeh, neither whatfoC1Jer work..ftb abomination, or m.•kfth a lie, Rev. 21. 27. yet if fuch repent them of their fins, the gares Jha/1 no: be jlmt againfl tbem; all the Saints tjlat now walk__ in the light of it, were finners; but lirll: they were purged by the Lamb, and fant'tificd by the Spirit; firll: they were regenerated, and fo they were faved. You may objeCl:, If a\l .mcn that go to heaven mull: be new bom, what fhall become of infants that die ere they be born? Can a man enter the fccond time into Ins mothers Womb, and be born.? (faid lvicodenms.) But can a man enter into the feco~d birth in his mothers Womb, (fay you) and he bmt again, before he is once born. I anfwer [To be bom again] fuppofeth to be once born indeed; therefore ac. carding to the letter, our Saviour fpeaketh of aman already born into the world, that .he mull: be bom again. But if we feck out the fence [To be born again] (as our Saviour interprets) is to be born of Water and of the Spirit; and fo may Infants not born into the \Vorld, be born again, Thus we read of Jerem)'> The word •f ehe Letter came unto him, Jaying, Before I formed thee in the Belly, 1 i{?mv thee, and before thoit cameft forth out of the Womb, I fancrified thee, Jcr. I. 5. And thus we read of John the Baptill:, the Angel of the Lord faying of him, that He Jhould be jilicd with the Holy Ghofl, C1Jen from hi; mothers Womb, Luke I. 1 5. By thefe ex– amples we fee wh~t the Lord can do; yea, what he cloth indeed, although we know not how, nor can it be obferved by us. You may yet objeCl:, [to be born again] is (faith our Saviour) [to be born of Wa-' ter and of the Spirit:) now water is the outward Baptifine,& the Spirit is the inward grace (thus* all Ancients have conll:rued this text, faith Hookfr) but children not born (howfoever they arc fanctificd by the Spirit) they cannot be baptized with water, and therefore they cannot foe the Kmgdom of God. I anfwer: In cafes of extremity, or impoffibility, if actual Baptifrne' be wan– ting, voc~l is enough, and thus far fame of our adverfaries grant us; Thor:gh it be wanting in deed (faith Aquinas) yet Baptifme in deftre i; fufficient to Salvation: And to this end he cites Auf/in, faying SanCfiJiration may be without Bqti[m, and Baptifm without Sanctification; if SanCfication be;,though Baptijl11be nor,it availJ to Salvation; b~tt if Baptifm be, a11d SanUific(<tim be not, it awzils nothing at all, Our conclulion is this, Ail men

mm (or all mankind)yo~mg men and maident, old ;nen and children, all mull: be reeneratcd, or they can never .fee the Kmgdom af God. . . g Scconci'y, as all mm, fo all man] all the members of h1s bo~y, all the facult1es of hi 5 foul. s,z;:dificatron ( rffwing) nmjfbe pe~ftCI and enttre, t/'JoJJgh 11ot tn reJPeEt ,ft!rgrees, yet;, rejprU of pa-rt.r; every part and power of body and foul mull have Its ort of fanctification though no part his full perfection, before the dtffolut1on of ~~r earthly tabcrnacl~s: Hence ( fay Divines) there is a r~r,encratio11 or .fan<lificati– tlrt ( it is all one) liichct:fi'l and conJi:tmm~ta; r.nchoa:a~ bcgurt m thts l!fe; conJi.mJinata, pcrfJlcd in that other: and of th1s fa1th our Sav1our, Marth . I9. 28. Vmly l.fay unto you, that ye which h_m.:e fcilowed me m the rcgeneratzon, when the ~on of num Jhall ftt ;, tbe throne of hts Glory, ye jha/1 Jit_rrpon_ twelve Thrones, !ud§mg_ the t"'clve T 1 ·ibes af Ifracl: we fpeak not of th1s Regeneratwn, but of that wht-h brtn~s to this; for we mull: be regenerated here, or have no part there With God m h1s Glory. b · · · And lhould we confider 1Mn in his parts, every part mull: ear a part m th1s btrth; his body mull: be regenerated, his forti mu£1: be renued; we will begin. with the body; Asyore ha11e yielded J6Jtr m~mbcn frvantJ to uncleamufs~ and to zmqmty, even fo noll' )'ie!d)'ou·l' members fer'tants to nghteoufnefr, unto hoimcfs~ Rom. 6. I9. As every member of the old mM 1s full of fin, fo every member of the. nctv born malt is to be renwed by grace. To intl:ar;ce in fome of them, _The heart, that in the old ""'" is full of e-><d Tbcu;,hts, .lvfrmhcrs, Adultcrtes, Formcatrons, Th•frs, Fal.fe-lvit– nrfs, ZJ/afphrmies ; in the netv man it is the, member tha~ mu£1: firtl: be renued; here 6race fir£1: feats it ft:lf,and after is difperfea over all; as m natural generat10n the heart~ fir it framcc!,fo in fpiritual regeneration the heart is firll reformed. Some call it the firfl: mover of all mens actions,for as the firll: mover carrieth all the fpheres of hea– ven with it,fo cloth the heart carry all the members of the body with it: And therefore it is,that the 11e;v "'"''begins firlt with his heart; for if that fountain be right, all the fl:reams of his Defires, Purpofes,Affirtioils,Speeches,AEI•o,,s,Converfations,run fweet and ckar,& pleafant.Again,the eye that in the old man is the broaker,that goes between the heart &the obje<'l:,to make up the finfu\ bargain,that which our Saviour call.s an evil eye, Peter an ad~tlterom eye; in the newman it mufl: be exercifed on other objeds, I made a Covmant with mine eye,.(faith Jcb) why thm ji1ould 1 think,_ upon a ma1d _? I will lift 11p mine eyes rmto the h:ls(fl1th Dav.d) from tvhenoe co'lleth mme help. Agam, the enr, that in the old"'"" is jfopped againft the voice of the Chtmner, charm he newr fo wifely· or if it be open like Deaths Porter, it lets in fin and Satan at every oceafion ; in the'new man it mutt be the gate of life, or the dore of faith; therefore there is not a member that the Devil more envieth than the ear, as we fee in the man polfeffed with a deafDe– vil, Mark,_9. 25. who polftlfcd that fenfe, as the moll: excellent, to hinder him from hearing. Again, the tongue, that in the old man is a world of imquity, that dejileth the whole boery, that .fettcth on fire the conrfe of natllre, and ir Jet on fi"re of hell· in the neiV man it mull: be the trumpet of divine praife, or (as David calls it) the pen'of a ready writer, ut~ering onely thofethings which the heart enditeth in fincerity and truth. 'r"o fum u~ all m one, the heart 1s 1t, where grace begms firll, and is felt !all; and there– fore fatth God, Songive me thy heart, Prov. 23. 26 .. and therefore prayes David, Cre– atemme a~ew heart~ Pfal. 51: I o. and therefore w1\ls Solomon, Keep thy hearr with all dtlrgt~~ce, foroittofttar~theijfues <f hfe, Prov.+ 23. Vllould any man that is rege– nerate encounter fin tnh1s heart 1 1t were 1mpoffible to break out into action . would the heart of any man that is born auain, but meet fin with this Dilemma If J commit thu I_muft c~th~r t·epcnt, tJr not rtpe':;,t for t.t ; if I do repent~ it will coft me' more heart-break._: ••>dJPmtttr.l[mart, than the fonfual pleafnre can be worth; if I ne-ver repent, it will be the _death and damnatum of my fo~tl: fure this thought conceived, and rightly follow– ed m theheart of the regenerate, would be enough to crulh fin at the firil riling of it . and fo 1t 1s; for if he be re&enerate, ·he doth *not fin, JVhofoever is bo.-n ofGod doth no; ' 0 ":"'" fin, I Joh. 3. 9: He 1s moulded anew, and all the memhers of his body are con– f~Imed to the f~vere1_gnty and rule of grace; yea hu body u prcferved blamlefs, holy, at«pr.ble_ ltnto God; 1t ~ a member of Chrifl·, the temple •f the holy Gh.j!: Happy d man that 1s ble!l: w1tn th1s body ! Sure, a man thus born again, he foal/ fee the Kinu– ,om of God. o Secondly'.as thebody, fo the foul of this man is to be renewed by grace ; Therefore zlorijie Go4 myorrr body a!ld m yottr fp~rit, (fa1th Pmtl, .I Cor. 6. 20.) The body and the B 3 fpirit 5 Pfal. 14!. 12. D,ll. 2, Mmh, ~~- 28, Rom.6.1~, Mmh. 1'"''' Mmh, '· 2;, 2 Pet. r. 14. Job 31, '' Pfai. 121, 1 , Pfal. $8, s. Mar. 9· 2 s. James 3· 6. Pfal. 41· 1. l'rov. 2). 26J l'fal. ?'· Jo, Prov. 4· 23, 1 John 3· 9, ~ConfueiNdina.. !iter,'' kll.>bi. Uter,f.r\Jiliter, trrUutlabilim, 1 fhef s 2J. Rom. 12, 1. tCor.6 H 1,, tCor. '· :z•.

6 fpirit murt both glorifie God; and as all the pans of the body, fo all the powers of the foul. Fir'l:, the underflanding, that in the old "!an is b/i;:de and ignorant about heavenly f.phcf 4 . 1 1. thirrgs, or howfoever it may know many thmgs; yet never can attain to faving know– Revel. 3 . , 8 . ledge; in the nnv wan it mull: be anointed with the eyc-falve of the Spirit, infpired with the knowledge of Divine truths, cfpecially with thofc facrccl and faving myll:eries which concern the kjngdom of God. Again, tbe ll'il/ that in the old man affects nothin!1 but vile and vain things, is froward and pcrverfc in the wayes of godlincfs; in the nn~ 1\om. 12 • 1 • man it mull prove and approve what is thegood, and acaptable, andper felt wt!l ofG"od; yea, it mull: attend and be fubordmatc to the grace of God, fith Gol mdccd, and God Phi!. 2 • 13 • oncly wo 1 ·kJ in us both the will a•d the deed, Phil. 2. I 3. Again, the ""mcry that in the old man is flippery in the things of Go.l, or if naturJlly goo:!, yet not fpiritually ufc– ful,in the new man 1t mull: be fanchfied to good performances; & although it cannot en– creafe to a great natural perfection (for grace doth not this) yet the perfections it bath mull: be llraight, and right, and guided to God-ward, Remember the Lord thy G"od, faith M vfes, Deut 8. 18. Again, the confcience that in the old ma• fleeps and flum– bcrs,or if it be awake, tears and roors, as ifa legion of Devils now poffeffed it· in Dem. s. ,s. the new man it mull: be calm and quiet; and yet not flecp or IT umber, but rather in a friendly loving manner check and co.ntrol wherefoever fin is, yea never be quiet, till with kinde and yet earnell expoll:ulattons, it draw the finner before God to confeffe his fault, and to feek p1rdon for it. Again, the affections that in the old man arc fenfual inordimte, bewitched, and fcton wrong obj~cts; in the nmman they mull: be turned another way. Mary Magdalene (you know) was given to unclean luits, but the I,ord diverted thisunful paflion, and fo !he became penitent, and thirl!ec! after grace. Ta fummc upall, all muft be renewed> the undr:rjlvt..ndiag,. tvill, memory, corfciencr: 1 PjfeCfi– om. cor. ~- 10· Col. I, 9· But to feel more of their fweetneffe, I will pound thcfe fpices, ond dwell a while on them. Now then for your better acquaintance with the regenerate man, and that you may know his difference from the mm unregenerate, obferve (I pray) thefc paffages. Firll, I fay, in the newman the tmderfhnding muft be renewed; fo the Apoll:Ie, The nen> man is renewed in /zyowledge, Col. 3. I o. and this knowledg-e implies two habits Wifdome, and Pr~tdence, Col. 1. 9· Firll, Wifdome, and that is fpeculative. Secondly; Prudenre, and that rs pract1cal. By the one the ch1Ue ofGod havmg the eyes of his minde opened and enlightened, doth fee the myfl:eries offalvation, the fecrcts of the Kingdom, the whole Counfcl, and the wonders of the Law of God; by the other he is enabled with a judicious fincerity, to deliberal:£ and determine in cafes of confcience in the praCl:ice of piety, and the experimental paffagcs ofa Chriflian man. If we con~ f!der the firll:, (Wifdome) how is it pofliblc · that a man unregenerate fhould know the mylleries offah>ation ?It may be he may go as far as the power of natural difcourfe, and light ofReafon can bear fway, he may befurnifhed with frore of rare and excellent learning, and yet for all this want the true knowledge offpiriwalwifdome. \Vhy fo? Be– caufe all his knowledge, like the light ofthe Moon, is difcharged upon others, but never returns and refleCl:s upon his own foul; he fhould know, but knowes not the darkneffe of his own under/landing, the difordcr of his own affections, the flumberof his own confcience, the deadneffe of his own heart : but the man regenerate (know he never fu little) he hath the faving /zyowledge, and in this he exceeds the greateft Rabbies, the profoundeft Clerks; he onely knows God with a ll:cdfall: apprehenfion, he only knows himfelf a moll: meau, bafe, and contemptible thing; his new birth hath learned him how wicked a creatnre he naturally is, and therefore in that refpect is he odious to himfelf, and loathfome in his own eyes: Or if we confider the fecond, (Prudence) How is it poflible that a man unregenerate fhould experimentally know the practice of piety in a Chrifl:ian courfe? fhould we in/lance in this myfl:ery of Regene– ration; Iiere is one Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jewes, and a teacher of !fi·~tei ; yet as learned as he was, if he confer with Chrill: about the falvation ofhis foul, he is fl:rangely childifh, and a meer infant; tell him of the new birth, and he thinks it as impoflible, as for a(l old man to return into his mothers womb, and be born again: The natural man eannot difcern the operations ofgrace, he knows not that dark and fearfu Ipaffage, which leads from tile /late of nature (through ftrange terrours and torments of fOul) into the. l'i<:h