Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

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xc·v I SERMONS .. BY THE RIGHT HONOVRABLE, ·· ANo RE V ERE N D F .A THER I N G 0 D, LA :J(CEL 0 T uf :JV.. V 1(B WE s, lace Lord Bilhop of W1 N c H. E s T E it. :z;ublifhed, by HiJ M A j E s T xEs j}eciaOCommand. THE THIRD EDITION, _Whereunto is added an Alphabeticall Table ofthe Pdncipall Contents; LO'N.,'DON, Printed by R 1 c u A R o BA o o & 1\; - ~.Q9~:¥:~Y~ ----- 1 I / /

TO HIS MOSTj SACRED MAIESTIE, CHARLES.'; ,- By the·grace ofG0 D, K I NG of qreat 'Britaine; · France andJre!and, VEFE:l'fDE'Jt. OF THE FAITH, &c••. Mo.ft Gracio1U and 'Dread Sov E RA 1 G NE : • E here prefent to Your moll SacreJ -~a;eflie,a booke ofSermons. VVe need not tellwhofe they are, the Ser~ mons are able to fpeake their .Author~ VVhen the Authordied, Your Ma~ jeflie thought it not fit his Sermonr · iliould die with him. And though they could not li1Je with all that ele.... gancy which they had upon his tongue, yet you weregra~ ciouily pleafed to thinkeapaper~life better than none. Vp...: on this Your lvfajefliegave usafl:rict charge,that we 1houlc1 over~Iooke thePapers (as well Sermons as other Traflates) ofthat ~e"'verendand Worthy Prelate, and print all that wee found perfect. There came to our handsa world ofSermon... notes, but thefe came perfect. Had they not come perfect, we £h?u.Id not have ventured to adde any limmeu~to them~ left m1xmg apen farre inferiour, we iliould have dtsfigure~ fuch compleat bodies. · . Your ~.ljefliesfir£1: carewasforthe Prejfe, thatthd , J1 7worke . . L------~ •

- The E ,p 1 s T L E worke niight be publike. your n~condwas for the 'Wor{e it felfe, that it might con)t forth worthy the ul51thor; which could not be,ifit came not forth as he left it. Inpurfuance of thefe two, we have brought the worke to Iighr,and we have done it with care and fidelity ; for as the Sermons were prea~ ched,fo are theypu6lijhed. When hepreachedthen), they had the generall appi·o bation oftheCourt, andtheymade himfa~ mous for making them.No\v they areprinted,we hope they will have agenerallliking oftheChurch, and inlarge andin~ deare his name, to them that knewnot him. VVe Imow there is a great prejudice attends the after~ printing ofdeadmens 'Jiior~s. For the living maymake the dead fpeake as they will, and as the dead would not fpeak, did they live. And many worthy lfuthors in allprofefsions, l1ave had fuch 'unfutable peeces fl:itched to theic former works, as make them fpeake contrary to themfelves, .and to their known judgementwhile they lived..As ifthey had feen fome vijionafter deathiocro/Jeor recalltheirjudgementin·their life. VVe would be loth to fuffer under the fufpiti on ofthis. And therfore in a fu11 obedience to 'Your Majefties Command, ;~s we have printed all that we could find perfeCl:,and worthy l1is J\(ame: fo have we not added or detracted in the leaft, to -alter or divert hisfinfe. Thatfo the worke may not only be his, but as himfelfmade it: And thehonourTour ~ajejlies, (hat fo carefully commanded it : .And the faithfulne!Je ours in our obedience to 'Your ~ajeflie, and our love to'his memory. .And nowwill 'Your Mqjeftiegracioufly be pieafed to give us leave, to commend this \vork to 'YourProteflion, which would have needednone,hadnotyour .i'IJajeftiecommanded .it to bepuhlik: For,publif<.,_~Jiew is as great a fear eh as many eys ,can make. Andmany eyes can fee what two cannot,be they never fo good. And amongmany eyes,fome will ever looke; ~quintupon worth,andmaligne th~t which they cannot e~ quaiL And if ever any mans patrence and temper could prevent thisevi/l8ye, we hope his may:And yet,evenwhilfl: we •

DxnicATOR.IF .... we hope thehefl,we·humbJY. ?e~your .e(.'vfaJefiiesprbteElion Er"·~ . 11! again!b the l'POY~, hecaufe the datesare e}ltU. _ VVehave but two things to prefent toTour e5Vf ajefl:ie. ~heyare theper[on toTour memory;an~ thishi~work,toTour eye. ForthePerfon,wecan add_enochmgtohtm.. To~ame him isenoughto·allthatknew htm ; and toreadhtm,wtll b~ eno~gh to .them'thatkne'Y. himnot. And though Yer~ue have but 'tts due, when t ts commended, yetwe concetve not how praife ~;Day mak~ virtu~better than it is, efpecially when thepeifonmwhom tt was,1s deadtoall encouragement _ or corn foi·t by it. And yet though 'Vertuecannot thus be . bettered; it may be righted thus. For, Yivorum ut magnaaJ.. PA!,:;tp; ~ miratio, ita cwfura dijficilU.. Tis eafie to admire the living, Hift~ andwe doe it, but 'its hard to cenfure themany way. Both becaufe there will be no preferring one before another without offence : And becaufe, as w~know not whatmay come·upon them before death, fo the cenfure may befo good,as theywill ner'edeferve; or fo bad, as though they do .· deferve,theywillnotbeare. Twas7)ihultu,hiscafe. The . . ,. admiration ofm~n b~~ carried hin: up to hea}len?no lower pl~ce would ferve hurt, Yet when lt came to awifemans cenfure, !if:.!.. .:t hepr~fe~ed, hee_~nm ~ogroundfor that admiratton, andlejfe ~!d~~en~ ltlorthtn htmfor fucb ahetght. But '\vhen men have paydal19~e~ their rights ofna~ur~toCleath,and ate gone i?to theirfil~hce• then where admm~tton ceafeth, cenfltre begtns. Now tfthe cenfure be heavie (asitistqo oft upon the bell:) yet then it fhould be fparing for humanitie fake. For that humaQitie,. which forbids the ritling ofagrave . bids forheare him that is !hut up irt it, and cannot an!were: But if the cenfure be go~d, you may _be boldwith the grave : And you cannot pralfe any fo fafehe as the dead; for you cannot hmrtor them tnto danger, nor melt away your felf~ it)to flatterie. . . ThePtrfon therefore, whofew_opl£s thefe are,was ttdm h1s youth,aman ofextraotdinarie worth and note. A man, as ifhe had~een tnade up ofLearningaridrertue. Both of them f~ emtnel)t in him~ as 'tis hard to judg~, which had . A 3 precedenci~ • ..

- The E P 1sT L -E precede_nc_Y-' and greater incere~. : .HisVertue, (w~1ichwe · mull fhll Judge the more worthy manyman) was compa~ . rable to that which was wont found in t:hePr!imiti1!e 1Jijhops ofthe Church. AndhadHelived amongthof-eanci... ent Fathers, his Vertue would have fhiried; even amongil: thofe vertu0us men. And for hisLearnitzg~that was as ·well, ifnot "better known Gbroad, than refpect.ed-at home. And take him in hisLatitude, wewhich kneW;·him "\vell,knewnot any kin~le ~fLearhing to which h'e 'was aflranger; but in his profesfi.oq admirable. No.n~jlronger, thanhe, 'vhere he wrefiled with anAdverflry. Ao~ tbat~ellarminefelt; who was as weii able to {hif~ for himfelfe:. as any chat il:ood for the ~man party. None more ixa.'il, mO"rejudiciom than he} where he was to inflruCl: and informe others. And that, as they knew, which.oftei1 heard him preach, fo they may . learne,whichwill read~ this which he bath left behinde him.' · .And yet this fulnelf~ ofhis.~ateriallLearning,lefcroome enough in the temper of his braine, for almoft all Langua> ges,learnedandmoderne, So that his learn.. ing had all the helpes Language could afforp; and his Lan... guages learning enough for the beft Qhhem toexpreffe.· " Hisludgme11t,in the meane time,fo commanding over both, . as that neither of them was fuffer:ed'idly, or ~uriouflyto ihrt from, or fall fhort·of;their intended fcope. So'thatwe may better fay ofhim, then 'nvas fometime.s faidofC!audiUI Patm.Hifl. 7Jrufm ; He n>as of as many, andasgreat vertues,asmortaUna~ M. •· turecouldreceive, orindu/lriemaJ<.t perfe'J. And fincewe are l'lal.49· 10. b h h d r. · b · ·h ;r;, llfr d - ot taug t, an 1e~1t yexpertence, t atl:P!femen a'Jo tye~ andperijh togetherMn>ellas thei.gnorantandfoolijh, and though they lea"fle their riches, yet cannot difpofe theirwifedome to others: 'tis fit.we ihould be converfantin the writings ofwife andreligious men; that we may in part learne that in their " workes,which the dyingduthors had not power to bequeath unto us. -Thefe 'n1or.(_es then comming&om fo Grave, Learhed, ~nd"ReligiousanAuthor~have bm~o thjngs to doe in their · · · - - ---" - publifhing • ...

Dioi cAT OR I E. publifuing ro the world. The one is,to teach the "tl1orld,what. a treafure chey have of them. ,And the other,. to tell thi.r Church, what aJe"111ell1he loft, when !he lop: thetr ~uthor. Theworke is a BodyofSermons. Tothe~ he had been moll: bred, and in themhe moft excelled. And hewas not agrea:.. ter Preacher in his age, thar1h~ was both great and fjequent, ia his .younger and .firongertime•. As forth~boC!y ofthe \vork It felfe, were It riot that we hke not to difparage any mans endevours by comparing,we would fay, the [hrifliatt worldhatbnot many fuch 'Bodies of Sermons, as we here pre; fenr, underYour Majefties favour,to the view,and ufe ofthis Lhurch. And if another :1\(ationhad them, they would as highly-value them. : And here we humbly beg leave to tell 'Your Majefie, thae 'thefe Sermons are in this, like their Author, mixed, of~ligif.m and "111i[edome. It is ari excellent thing for aman tofpeake wifely, and eloquently, both at once : but where thefe per~ , fections meet not, there faith S. vfugu~ine,VicatJapienter, ~~~fi~'4; ~uod non poteft eloquenter. Let the Preacher (ofall men) Chap. :s~ fpeake that wifely, wh~ch he cani10t utter eloquently. And ifS. dugufline in his time found that fit, out ofall doubt 'tis necelfary now, thatmen ofQur profesfion, fee themfelves to preachwith more r:J;t_fidome, than eloquence. VVithChri.. flian andreligiomWtfedpme; which alone kno\vs how to pre.- ~erve truth and peace together. F: or as all other Churchet m the world,are moft happy when thefe meet; fo is this too. Buti:oomanyamongthepeople, choofe rather to have-their humorfed, than their foules edified. And carry partial! eares even to the hciufe ofthat (jod,"tl1ho i1 no accepter ofperfons. To fettle therefore thepeaceofche one,and td abate thehumor of th: ot~er, hothing certainly under qod, would be ofgreater effi~acte,chan Conciones [apientes, wife,artd difcreeteSerm{)ns~ ·whtchy~t!:hay be as zealous anddevout as any otl1er. Fdr he that Is_ zealous according to knowh:dge, is not lei1'e zea... lousfor h~~~110wledge fake. . .And trueWifedome, which is ~~t trUe tf tt be not Chriflian carries no water about it to ·- - - > A -- --- -- ·- uench .. - 4 .q -----~

The EPISTLE quertch zeale, brit only to fprinkle it, that itmay hurl) With~ in compaffe; and not fire that houfewhich is intended hut towarme. . . . VVe have neither purpofe i)or Commisfion to ftep,a~ · · fide her~and complaine oftheTimes. .All times have fom; what amiffe in them, elfe Preachm ihould have; ~he le{fe work. And if thefe times have more Jhan m~IJY others~ which our Forefathers have feen, we muft neecfs beforry there is fo rriuch-wor{eforPreachim:and more,iftheywhich live by the Gofpell ofpeace, ihouldmak,eany. Forafte~ the building up oftheFaithif[hrif/;, theirchiefe workefhogld be, to beate down tho!eflrong Holds, whichanyfinshave built up in the hearts ofmen, topollute or defame[hrij/i.-. ;nThrm.r. anity. .And true Preachers indeed are, ~s ~·Jeromefpeak~s,' MaxiU£ Eccleji£, the Jawbones-ofthe Church, which by preaching,beate downe the carnall life ofman. ,Nowa1J h!l.– tred, contention, variance, allfeditionanddifobedienJ~to,Law... . ~"'· full Authorityis (as'tisreckonedbythe llpofJ}e) 4r.(Jo'ngtfoe rPorftes ofthejlejh. .t\.nd therefore fince all Pr_eachersare tile !a-wes ofthe c.hurch, and~hefins ofthepeopleare, as'it wer:~.. to be growndmter~axtUas, betweenethefela-wes,before thepwple themfelves can be made fit to nouri!h theChurch~ or the Church them : How can this be done, ( efpeeifllly done as it ought) ifthe[awes be weak or fallen, -andcaun9~ do their dffice ~ · · . . · Butourhopeisthat qodwill[obleffe "Your8v.fajefliein your government,"Your people in their loyalty, thePreachers in their wifdom added to zeale and diligence,that the hearts and hands ofall forts ofmen, !hall be joyn'dtogether CC! pre... ferveqods TPorjhip in truth, "Your Majeflies thronein honour; theChurch in religious devotion, and all 'Yourpeoplein obedi... ence and union . the onlymeanes tomake both yourMaje.. flie, and 'Your p~ople happy in this life, and bleffed in that which is to~ome. .And we humbly defire men ofall forts to thinkeferioufly ofthis; that ifthe Puhli~fuffer either in f~f!.~c_~ ~~~ ~t~t~~ ~?. ~~~s pr~!~~pl~~~~~1 <:>! PEofi~ ~~n fiftancl . . . ~rnr~

0EDICA'I"ORI&. , - / =-:fi~~ untohim. Nomans. AndCicerohad reafon enough to :· laugh at the folly ofth?femen,~_amiJ[a~~fU~· P!fcinasJu~ ;~~- /": (IJ forefolvM [pera~e "Ptdentur, whzch m hzs tune feemed to ~! .),~ <conceive fi.1ch awmdyhope, tbattbeirfijh-pondsand places - ·ofpleafure,!hould be fafe,when theCvmmon-wealtb ll'M loft. , ' Thefe Sermons, when they were preached, gave great 0 co'ntentmentto the rel!gious,and judicious eares o~'Your~~ · aUFather, ofever blefiedmemory,themoft able1?rmce that e .. . -')Jer thu /(j_ngdome had,to judge o/Church-work: .And therfore ' we hope that the printi~g ofthem !hall be as acceptable to Your Majejlie,as the preaching ofthem \Vas both to your felfe - -indhim. VVeconceive,ifyciur liking had not continued td - them, "Your ~ajejlie would not have commanded us the .·printingofthem. Andwe affure our felves,fince theLiner , are the fame,thePrejfewhich bath made them legible, bath - made no blot upon your gracious favours. VVehave been ·cnly Ser'Mnts, as we are manywaies bound to be, toYour -Majeflies command, in making them ready for the Pre!fe~ ~ but4uthorsofnothing in them. And we heartily pray that the publiiliing ofthem, may be Honour toYour 0V'Iajejlie; (jood to theChurch; and meanes ofComfort andfalvation, to themwhich read them. And in thefe, and all other prayers ~Joryour Majeflies long life, and happy Governernent, we .:hu,mbly befeech 'You to conceive ofus, as we are, and !hall everbe~ · Tour M A j E s T 1 E s moftlo;•all, and humbly de)Joted SubjeEfs and SerNnts : GUlL. LONDON: lo. ELt ENs.

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LECTOR SI CHRISTIANVS ES, SISTE : lv.fO 7(, .lE P'l\E'TIJTM E'R..l'T, N0 N N Es c I It E T E, Qgt V I RH Ic . s IT u s s IT : E 1 us Dn MTEcuM CAT H0 L I c .lE E cc L• SI .lE M • M s 11. u M; ' Sun EADEM FELicls RssURRBC1'IONIS S•a, EAND!M D.IESV PR<£STOLANS EPIPHANIAM, SACRATISSIMUS -ANTISTRS LA:J(CBLO'TJTS A:A(D'R..§ff;~S~ · LONDINf Oa 1 UNous, Eouc ·ATus CANTABRIGI.£, Au L.lE PEMBROCH: ALuM N0 R: s 0 c I 0 R: p R.lE F • c T 0 R: Y >i'U s, ET N&MINI Sacuxi>us : LINGVAR VM, ARTIYM; SCIENT I ARVM; HUMANO~UM, DIV!NORUM OMNIUM ln ~tNITUs TaxsAUJt.Us, STUPENDUM 0R.A.cULUM ~ 0RTHODbX.£ CHRIST! EccLESI£; DieT IS, ScRIPT Is, PR& c lB us~ Ex&~ PL~ lNCOMPARAlllLE PROPUGNACULUM: RE GIN .lE . ELIZABETH.£ A sAc RI s, D. PAUL I L q N"D ON. R & $ID 1 N ,T t A it Ius, D. p " T 1t I .w: £ s T M 0 N A $ T, D E c A N V s: EPISCOPf/S CrcurRENsrs: ELuNsrs: VVrNTONIRNsrs; R ll GI Q...ll E I Ac 0 B 0 T uMAB E LE EM0 syNIS, - T llMAB VTRI u s Q...U E R E G NI c 0 Ns I L 11 s, DECANus DENIQ...UE SAcELLl RE.o11:_ f'DBM EX iNDEFESSA OPERA IN STVDIIS,' s u M M A s A · - I • N T I A I N R i; • us, AssxnuA Px•rATE IN DEVM, PstorusA LARGITATE IN EottNos. RAt.A AMo&NITATE IN Suos, SpECTATA PitOBITATE IN OMNEs, A61'ERNVM ADM!RANDVS; ANN OR VM PAR ITER ET PVBLIC.£ FAM.£ SA TVR,' SED BONORVM PASSIM OMNIVM CVMLVCTV DENATVS, COELBBS HINC iii!GRAVIT 4D AVRBOL.I\W C06LBSl'liM, ANN 0 RE els CAROLI fT.o M'I'ATIS S. LXXL~ CHRIST! MDCXXVI, 0 . :rANTVM EST (LEcToR) Q...u oo -.p1 MoEaEN TE s Po s i'a R.~ NuNc Vo'a•ANT, AT<t,UR VT Ex VdTo Tuo VAL&As, D~,j:. TO ~~!'!!_EO GLOrJ\JA! (**•)

( (, I ' r 1 H I J 'I, " MO:. ' l

:14· .lltf(lf/1/ --------:A:-;:::T~a-;b-;Ie-ofthe Contents. N . ' . IJed u·,,on I &. s~rmons preached in Lent~ I Sn-mrms ofrhe at~VJtu, preac 1· CIJri~-ma!fe-day. I 1. Pfal. 75. 3. The earth andall the inhahiwm · ;r. kJ h An•els · themfare di({olved, &c. p.163. 1 HEb. '· 16 · ~e:,~;o;v~e'[; et~ ~p r • 1 ll. l'lal. 77· %'0. Tho~t dicljltcade thy peopleli~ V. BIJt,lheSec 0; ra Jam eroo e. ' . • f!mpe, 0-C. P· '73· n. BLiy9.6· VRtomaCiuld;u6orne,andl.nt."/:. Ill, Mar. ' 4· v. 4· ) , 6. Therefvre(omed!(deined, Va Sonneug.ven, &c. .r. .. / h ~0-c. 4nd {aid: To 'what end iuhinvaftofomtJll. 1 Tim. 3·16. Wltho;<t conrrovcrJ~e g·;; ::a~Z mmt? 0-c. p- 28). (.}l>ljjftrJ of :odbn;JJe, wh,ch 11 ' G od ·' ?· JV. luk. 17.32: 'R<_mcmlmLotsWife. P:'99· ' fiftedmthcflejb,rj: • ,, h.~, ,If .:Ct' .J ,V. Luk. r6 2<. Sonncremcm6er, thatthotHnthJ V G1 -+ Wrunt c 1 ume 11 ef!J tmew~.-5 ' ' 1 ·, "(J'/;. t /J;; Sonne 0-t· . p. 2 3 . lift time, rcceivedft rh]pl--fores, &c. p. 309, ,;ome, 0 1'" Th ~ · ·ltr.iduntorhem· IVI.z Cor. I 2.J). Andlwillgfad.fJ6cftow,and6e v Luk.j.v.xo,o. e nge 14 d d ' 6·"owd~rJov.rfonles 0•c pp1. ·iJenot ~~ftaid, (Drbcho/d,Ibringyougoo fJ ingi, f;• e Jo . . ' , . , . ·,&c. That there ithorJrc :mtoyouthitday, a Sa- , 1. S(rmon.rotthe'.Pilffi~n,pre.Khedupon - · · &c p, 33· Good-.ftdaJ. ;;~~h. ,:,4. AndtheWordwa;madefofo, and 1 I. Zech. 12 . ro. Thejfoallloo~uponMe, >Phom dwt!tamo>~gm,(rc. · . . . f·44· the} havepi.rced. . P·333· Vlf. H<:b. I.v,I,>+ .At{undr]ttmn, andmdtIf. Lam. r.l2. Have;enorega"d, (j·c. P·349· "' ve,.flm4nn~~.r;;Godffrak§tntheo!d~tme,&c. _Jnl ll f. Ht:b. 1 2 .2. LookJnguntoldus, the~uthqrV l.~f theftla{lda:es,He hathfP•/:sn 6y HuSonne, &-c. nnd Finif!m·ofourfairh, ff,-c·. P· 365 • ' P·53· I ym. Ioh. g, s6. You~ father Abraham rejoycedt~ I I f. Samms ofth~RefurreC/ion, preached .fte myd"}, &c. , , . p.6a. uponEaj/er-dny. dX. ECa.!.If. BeholdaV~rgmfoallconmve,e·c. l . . ' .~ndfoefo6llc.l/ Hi.rname lmmanuel. P-? 2 • f. Rom.6.v.9,io,t t. Kno,:itJg, that Chrift,leing .., X. Miq.2. AndthouBethlehem Ephrat•l, 0-C. raijed.fomthedead, diethnomore,0•c. p.;83. :outoftheefoallBecomeforth,&c. • p.8;. 1 IJ. 1 Cor. 1 5. 20 . But nrmo it Chril! rifon from the XI.,u. Mcrq and truthfoal/ meet, d<ad, and was made the jirft .f~tits of them that &c. Truthfoa116udoutofthuarth, &c. p.!)6. 1 fleepe. . P·39~· XII. Luk.,.V,fl,lj. Andrhisfoallbe afigneunto III. Mar. t 6. v. r,tothe 8. Andwhen,theSn66ath yoii:)Oufoalljindtbe(Mdfn>adle~,&c. _p.ro8. 1 daJ WM paft, Mary M<gda!e~, nndMarythemo– Xl!l. Luk. .'·If. Glory be to Godm the high heather if lames, and Salome6rouKht Jwme oint– -zmu, andpncc upmearth. &c. p. lJ 9· m;nt.r, that rhq might come andetnbtdmeHim,: XIV. Mat.~. v. t,~ . . ~hen,orne, &c. \ &t, P·40J. 'JJeholdthmcameWJiemen,&c. . p.129. IV. Ioh. 20 • 19 . Thefameda]thenatnigbt,, G-·c. ~:V. Mat. 2. ~. S,<Jmg, Wher~ts the K'"gofthe 1 came Iefirs andflood in themidftandfmd, l'eace lewu, &c. For we havefeme htt Star, &c.p. I 19· be unto you. P·4'4· XVI. Ephef. 1. 10. Thatt~thedifPcnfottonof:he V. 101, , 9 , 23 • to 1 h<28. Ohtbatmywordnoere V'Jit!ncffeoft~' ttm;.r, f!emt~ht gather togerhc_rm-~ nowwritten,&c. For I arAfore that my RedeeQ1er toonca!l thmgt,o-c. ••Chnlf. . p.r48. l' th & P·423· ~Vll. l'faL .•. 7· I "ifi preach the Law, whereof V~~- I Cor.~·-. V-7,8. Chrift ourpa!fe-ovcr itfocri- / rhe Lord[atd tome; '1 hot~.,.t "'JSOnne, thitda'i ·{icedftru;,therefordu U< ~epnheFe~(f. P·447• haveI 6ezottcn thet. P· 1 ) !). Vlf. l'fal.11 8,,., Thej/onnvhich the6ttildcrsre-' n · ' · d : I fo{ed, &c. P·439· 0'· Sermons of 71..!pcntance an faftmg, preaVIII C j fr 6 :r; 'rl Chrift fee~ I d Afo d .rd . o ·3·V. I,2. "ye er~'""" ' ' Cle upon we »e.J.ay. rbething.r whichitr~abo:ue,&c. P·4)9A I. Plal.78·34· when Hejlnvthcm,thentbry(ought IIX.l'hib.v.8,9,10,I I .HehttmbtedHimfolfe,&c. Him, &c. p. t 7~· ForthucaHfe Godhathcxa!ted Hun,&c.Thatat IJ. Deut. 2 ~. 9· wh~n thuug"<jl ou;with thy Hofl I .;he name of Iefus cver7 k.!!ee fooutd6ow,&c.p.469. agamft thmc tnemus~ k.!cp~ tiNe thm ftom all X. Ioh. 2 . . 19, Dz({olvethu Temj?le, andr:ztht~ "Vickedncj[e. p. 181 threulA:es I iPiflraifoit. . P·48r . Ill. !er. 8. v.4,5,1i,7. Thmfoith the Lord, foal! \ XI. tl'et.I.V.j,4. B!e!fed6e God,&c. wh•ch hatiJ 4heyfal!flndn~t rife? &c. P· 193· 6egotten Ju~ga~netoa/ive1Jhope6JrhereforrcEl:lV, loel. 2.v. 12,13. T•rnejouuntomewitha!l onofi efusCimft,&c. P·49'· JO:t>-beart~ andwithfafting, &C. p.203. , XJ1. Mat, 1 2. v. 3 9,40. A.tionaswaJthreedme.r V. Mar.6.J6. Whenyoufnj/. P·"f· qnd three nightJ in the whaletbetty, Sofoaltth. VI. lbrd. Look$ notfowre, "' theHypocrites, &c., Sonneofman 6e, &c. · P·501• · p. 217. XIH. r Cor. tr.I6. Jfanyman.feem~contenttott.t, ,Vll. Mat. 3· 8. 'Bring fortbtherejortftuitsworwehavenofnc·hmjlome,&c. P·F7· thJrepen.tnnc., · P· •~8.1XlV. Joh. 20. 11, tother7. 1/HtMaryftood6y ,\'IJI. I~~· P·>49· theSepHfch,nmping, &c. P·5l'· . XV. lob.

The Table. XV. I~. 10. '7· TvHch "''not. p. 543·1 ' thy f/rength, o Lord, "&c. p.83o: XVI. id. G" tomyhrethrenand[a}tothem, I VI. E!Ht.l.v.H,Z>. Intho{e dai.s,,.,hmMaxdo. ·.· afcex tomJFathcrand;ourFather,&c. P·553· chei{ate i~the Kingsgate, t"'ooftheKingsEu• .XVII. Et:u. 6j. V.I,2-3"- who is this thatcommeth I nrtchs ( Blgthan ana Terefil) were wrotfi, &c. fom EJo~1 ! &c. I have troden ""the1l>ineprefJe p.844. a!one,&c. p.566.1VJI. 1Sam.14.V·5•6,7,8. AndthemenoJDavicl XVIII. Heb. Ij . V· 10,2I. TheG•dofpeace,that [aid UtJto him' See, the daJi!comewhereofth~ 6ro~<ght againc fom the dead our Lord Iefu, Lordfaiduntothee,'&c. p.85 9 , ~h~iit, &c. 0'vfnk$you perJdf, &c. P·577·~VJII. Gen..49· v. 5, 6, 7, S!'!le~n and Levi 6re.._ h a thren m .vs!!, &c. p.87o 1~ SermonsoftheSendingofthe Holy G OJ'• : , preacheduponwhit-flmday. 1/i!Strmons preached upon the V. of Noveml>er. !. ACt. 2. v. r. >,J. when thedaJ ofPentecoftw.u I. P!ai.J8.v.13,14. Thisisthe Lords doing, &c: come, &c. P·59). 1 This is the d4J whichtheLordhathmatle, &c. ij.AC!. •+ .Andthepurea!lfilled ,.,;th the Holy p. 889. Ghd(Jand hegantoJP.a~, &c. p.6o8. !I, Pfal. u6.v.t,1,3•4:whentheLord6roughtay Ill. lob. r.4.v. 1~,16. I,.,i(lpraJtheFather,andl gamethrcaptsvstJofSron, 11'ett>erelik$themthat Hefoa!lgsve)at<another Comforter,&c. P· 617. arMme, &c. . P·90I. !V. !oh. 16.7. Itisexpedientforyouth~tit.oea- III. Luk. 9·V·54•H_,56• .And7t>henhSJ'Dijciples ''MJ, For, if I goe not a"R'ay,theComforcer1l><lll Iamesandiohn{awot, they.(asd; Lord, 1l>s/tthot< 11otcome~ &c. f-6:8. that1Pecommandthatfirecomed<rwn,&c. P·9rl. ,V. Act. 19 , v.I,l,j· Paul cft'm!!'toEph~iusA. ndiiV.· Lamcnt.j.ll. Iti.ttheLqniJmrrciesthatw•. ftundthcreartaineDi[ciples, f!/£ndhejatd~ (§-c. arenotcon[Hmed~ (§·c. . , p. 92 l• HaveJOUreceivedthe HolyGholl?&c. f·6?&. V. Pro.~.l5· 7iy m;K•npra•gne. p.9;;. VI. Ephef. 4· 30· And grievcnvtthcHolySpmt I VI. Prov. >4.V.11,12,2~· 01-!ySonnefearohou · r ' of God &c. p.65o. thcLordandthe King, andmeddlcnotwitht/Jem .V IT. l'f~l. 68. 1 g. !]"~oturt goHeHp'onhigh, Thou that are given zochangc. . p.945~ haft led captivity capti~, &c. p.661. VII. Pfal.I45·9·H"mcmeureoverallhinvorl:,•.· • Vlll. Luk.j.v.1J,ll.Nowitcametopa(Je,whenall . . . . / P·959· the people were baptiz-ed, a1Jd. that Iefu•aifow.u Vlli. ECu. 37·. 3· The children are~ometotho haptiz.edanddid pray, the heavenw.uopened, And bsrth andthere" noflrength to6rmgforth.J..971~: the Holy Ghofl came downc uponhimi11ahodi!J I IX .. Luk.t.74·_75· .Thatw•heingdeliv<re, &c." foapdi~aDove, &c. p.674• m•ghtforvehsm 1171thoutfeare, &c. p.98lj IX. Joll.lO.>>. He breathedonthem,m;dfaid,Rc-~X. llith. 9. 31.To conftrme tho[ed4ies ofPurim,ac~ ceive the HolyGhott p.686• .cord:ng to thesrfo4fom, &c. P·997~ X. luk.4.1S, rg. The Spiritofthclordisupon IJ . __ · v-.c, bec!'ufo He hath anointcdmee, that I foot<ld I /-. Sermon1 upon feverall o.ccalions. preach, &c. . . P· 698. I At the Spittle. I Tim. 6. v.i],I8,I9· Charg xr. .Act. 1.V.I7.tothe... Jllltthutsth<twhs~h themthatarerich, &c. ' P·'· wMJPokfn by th• Prophet !eel : Anditfoal/ bee sn \!I. Of the wor!hippingof imaginati<ms, upon th# the !afldaics (faith G0d) IwillpcwreoutofmJ 11 Commandement. F-•5· Spirit t<pon alljlefo, &c. .P· 71 o., Ill !er+2. Thoufoaltfnuare,The Lord!iveth, ;,. ::qr. AC!. 1o.V.34·35. ThenPeteropened hu mouth '-Uth,injudgement,and inrighteoufne({e. ."· P·H· . and[aid, Ofatruth I perceivcthat God is ~04C• IV. !oh. 20.13· Whofo-fo.verJinnes7e remit, they ceptcrofperfons, &c. f:7'3·\ arcremitted, &c. P·49· XIH. 1 Job. S· 6. This isthati.efus.Chnftthat ~-!er. 13.6. ThitisthcName;wherbytheJfoal( came bJ water and bloud, &c. And"" theSpt1 1ut!"pon him, The Lord ourrightmljnefJe. p.67. rit that 6earethwitncffc, &c. P·735• VI. t.-fat.>l.ll. Give toCa:far, the thing• which XIV. Iam.t.v.r6,I7· Evcrygoodthingand.very areC.faxs. - p.87. · perJeEI Gift is fomabove, &c. P·(45· \VII.,2. OfthcrightofcallingAflem– XV. 1 Co~;,r>.V-4>5•6•7· Nowthcrearedsverbhes. ' P·99.' · fiticsofgifts, bmthefmuSpirit, &c. P·755 · VII!. On the Coronation day. Iudge517. 6. Ir. n ' V A .a I thofodaics,therewasnoKinglnifrael,&c.p.II5~ ~ Sermons preached upon the. · of ttgur IX. lam. I. 2>. Andbtyccaocrs.oftheword, and, 1. o Sam. r8.p. .And Cufosanfwered,Thechenothearmonc!y, &c. p.119.' mies .of"'! Lordthe King, &c. be M thatyoung I X. At theopening ofthe Parliament. Pfa. ~'·'· "'"'"'• 0-c. . . . P·77l· Godflamkthlnthe(.ongregationoJPrinces, C<c. ll. t Sam. 26.· Thenfa•dAbsf~ttoDavtd: \ , P·'4l· · God hath clofod thine en<m]sntothmehandthts XI. Pfal.ro6.V.19.30. Thm theJprovok$dHi111 daJ. &c. P·78'f. to anger, &c• .And theplaguewMgreatAmong 111. sChr.r6.>2. TouchnotmineAnointed.p.795· I thtm, &c. p.t59• IV. Pfal.89.v.:o,u, 12 , 2 3. Jhave(>undDavid . myforva?Jt, &c. p.815. eA Sirmo~ prtachcdat the Fsmtrall ofLanceloe y. Pf~· 2I.y.r;~E~•1· _:Z:kc~i"g~al~rcjoJUin. llat• Bifoop of ~~~~ft~, bJihe'llifoopofE'J,

SERMONS .· OF The Nativitie; · PREACHED -·_ ,V P 0 N Chrifima[e ..Day. . . ~ .. ~ I

A SERMON PREACHED B :E. F 0 R E T H E IC I N G S MA I EST I E\ AT VVHIT E-H AL Lj OnTuefday,the XXV. of December, A.D.Mric v. being CHR 1 ST M AS 1Jay. ·--------------·----------~ HEBR.Chap. II. VE R. XVI. For, He in no llJife took! the A N G E L s: en ut, the Seedof A B R A H A M Hee tookf. D, evenbecaufel thisday, Hetookc not the Angels Na– ture upon Him, bur rooke our Natnre, in thefeedofvL bi-ahnm: therefore hold wcerhis Day, as a highPeAfl: therefore meet we rhus, every ycerc;ina holy Aifcmbly; even, for a fo'!emne memorial!, that Heharh, as rhis day, bellowed upon us a dignity, which upon theAngdJ, Hee bellowed nor. That He(asin the Chapter before, the Apojllefetrerh Him forth) that is ihebrightn~fJe of His Fa- Hcb...3; thers gldry, the very CharuC!er of His fr•bftance, the Htire of all things, by whom Hee made the World: Hee, \\·hen both needed it, (His taking upon Him their NAtllre ) and both llood before Him, UWen an1vfngeh: theAngels Herookenor, but <..Mm fiee tobke; was made Mal'l, was not made an .Angel!: that is, didmore for them, than He did for rheAngelsofHe.wen. Elfc-where the .Apojlledoth deliver this very pointpojitivcly ; (and that)nor wirhom [ome . vehemenc~~: Withortt all q~effion great is the myjlerie ofgodlincffe, God is mimifeftedin theflefb. , Tini.1. W.hlCh lS meffect, the fame, that is here faid .; bur that, here it is deltvered by way ofcompa. ~~. :rijon, For, this fpeech is evidently acomparfon. IfHe had rhus fet it downe : Otlr 7'0lture He 13' tooke;

------------------------------ 0{ the N AT 1 v IT 1 E. Sermon 1• ...... tookeNra_>had beenepofitive. But, fetting it downc thus; Orm He tooke, the A/Jge!J He tooke not, ir ~·ramly')comp.:rath•e, r. Now, theMafiers offpeech tell us, that there is power in the Poji't~ve, ifit beo-iven forth, w1th an earnefiaffcveratwn. But nothing to thar, that is in the Comparative. It fs no– EC'·49·15· thing fo full, to fay ; lrvillmv<rforget you · as, rhus to fay it; Can 4motherfor;getthechildeof Luk.>9·'7 her01vne wombe? well, if jhecan, yet IVtllnot l.forgetyore. Nothing fo forcible,to fay thus; I111ill holdmy 1Vordwithyort: as thus, Heaven andEarthjhallpaff~, but my wordjballnotpajfe. The Comparatwe expreiling 1s (Without all queltion) more fignilicaat: And this here is fuch. Theirs, the Angels, ntljquam,atno hand He tooke: but, ours He did• .z. Now, thecompari(onis,as is thething in nature,whereunto it is made: Ifthe thing be ordmary, the companfon 1s accordmg: But, then 1s 1t full offorce, when it is, with no meane or bafe thing, but with the chiefc, and choice ofall the Creatr~ru;as, here, it is: even with rhe lob l!-1 1 Angelsthemfelves. Forthen, it is atthe highefi. r. Thar ofElihu,in lob: That Godteacheth rts more than the beafls, andgiveth liS more rtnderflanding than thefowles of the ayre; (that is) that G o o bath beene more gracious to us,thanto them,being made ofthe fame mould that l'fal. ,+ 7 • we are; chat (yet) He harh given us apriviledge, above them; this, is much: z. That ofthe ,o. Pfalmift, He hath n;t dealtfo,vith every '1'\.ation; nay, not with any other Nation, in givingus the knowledge ofHis heavenly truth and Lawes; even, that we have a prerogative, ifwe be compared with the refi ofmankinde: (More rhan rhe beafts,much: moreth<fn all menbefides, much more:) 3· But this here, Nufqr<am .Angelos, &c. that He h.ath given us aprehcminence above the Angels themfdves; granted us chat, that He bath not granted the<..Angels; chat, is a Comparifw at the very higheft, and further we c~nnot goe. . 3· Onedegreeyet more: And that is this. As, in coll'lparifons rrlaking,ir skilleth much ' theexcellmcy ofthe thing,wherewirhall it is compared; fo doth ittoo, the manner, how rh~ comparifonis made, thepitchthatis taken in it. Itisonethingtomakeitin tamo; another, intoto. One thing, when it is i11 degrees; (that more, this leffe: this notfo m~1ch as that, yet that, fomewhat though:) Another, when one is, the other is not at all. So is it here: Ajfuml– fit, non a{fumpfit: Vs He ~id take; TheAngel~;_·N~··not in_anywife; not,inaleffe, or a lowerde_sree rhanus: but tnem,not at all, So, lt IS wuh the htghefi, andat the highefi. So much is laid here ; and more cannot be faid. The aniy exception that may be made to rhefe comparifvns, is ; that, (moll:-what,) they beodior<I : it breedeth a kinde ofdifdaine in the higher, robe matched with the lower; Efpeci~ ally, to be over-matched with Him. We need not feare ir, here. The bleffed fpirics, (the An. ¥~·'8·'7 gels) will take no offence at it; they will not remove Iacobs ladder for all this; ordefcmd to us, 0 n '·~' or&Jcmdfor us, ever a whitthellower, becaufe He is become theSonmofman. Thereis not, in them, that envious minde, that was in the elder brother, in the Gofpdl, when theyounger was T received to grace after his riotor<S courfe. 1 •m;t When theApbftletdsus ofthegre.ll myfferie, that God wasmanijeffedin thejlejb; imm_ediately afrer, heeds, that He,.,.,. (emeofthe Angels: A11d (lefl: we m1ghr thmke, theyfaw 1r, ·' Pct.r.t• as we doe many things here,which we would_not fee) SaintPeterrelsus,rhat dejiderant profp!– cere; that, withdefire, and delight, they faw 1t; a11dcann_ot be fanslied w1ththc fight of1t, tt Ilk pleafeth them fo well. And, even this day, the day that 1t was done, an <..Angel!was the lirll, L ''_;~~that came to bring ncwes ofir, ro the jheph~ards; and he no f~oner had d~livered his n_reffage, but prefmtly there w.u with Him,. w_hole !0}er of<..Angels, fingmg and JOymg, and makmg me– lodic, for this~""'>;,;..,;;,~~~·,..,,, thts Good.wtllofGod towards mm. So that wuhour dread of The 'DJ. any difdaine or exception, on the Angehpares, we may proceedmour Text. f)ifi••· . . I. u. 2. m. Wherein, lidloftheparriescompared: Angels, andMm. . • , . Then ' of that wherein they arc compared, (ajfttmpt•on, or apprehmfim; m the word Taking: • A;d, not every tAking, but apprehmfio feminis, taking on Him the (eed. 3· Laftly of this terme [ vfbrahams feed:] rhe choice of that word, or terme t<> expreffemanki~de by thus taken on by Him. That Hee faith not~ But 0UmHee tooke :or, Bur, the feed of .Ad:O,; or, the feed of the Woma11 Hee tooke: But, the fud of AbraiJAm Hee tooke. . J, of

! I Sermon r. Ofthe NA T 1 v 1T 1 E. -~ _r 3 ---------~----~--- 1 QFtheparciescomp•red; AfJtelsandMen. Thefctwo we mullfirficompare, that we I may the more clearely fee the greamelfe of rhcgrace~nd benefic, this day, vouchfa- The P~r<ics fed us. No long procclfewlll need~eo layb efore you, how(trr~ 1nfenour our ~arure 1s, ~o compared– that ofthevfngels : It ts a companion Without companfon. Ir IS too appatanc, tfwe bela~d M•" with together, or weighed together, wefhall befoundmrnus habentes, farre too hglu. They are,m ANG • ts. l!xprelfe cermes,faid, (both, mthe old, andmrhe NewTeflament) to excell us mpower : And ~rp;·,:~.l1·;_o. as in power Coin all the rell. Tlus one thmg may fuffice, to fl1ew thcoddes: That our Nature; chat Zvc, when we are at our very highdtperfechon,_Cit is even thus exprelfed, thac)we come neare or arethercinlikeco, or as anAngel!, Perfe~beat~ty, mSamtStephen: They A,~,6-•f· ftw hi4face,'a theface ofan Angefl. PerfeCt wi(domc in David: <.My Lord the King is wifea< : ~:;;: :;_;~•m vfnuel/of Go o. PerfeCt eloquence mSame Paul": ThoHgh I ffeake w1th thttonguesofMen, nay-ofAngels. All our excellency, our highefiand moft perfe~ ellare, is burro be, as they: therefore, they above us farrc. . . . __ l!ut, to come nearer: What are Angels? Surely, they areJjmts; Glorro11sjfmts; Hea11en- ~:t· ..;•· Jy Jl!irits; Immortal! Jl!irits•. For rhe1r Natsm or fublllnce, Spmts: For thetr ~..t11y, or Mml/~.: 16 • property, Glorious : For their !'fare, or abode, Heavenly : For their Durance, or connnuance, Luk >o. 3 6. Immortal/, And, what is thefeed ofAbraham, bur,as Abraham himfelfe is~ And, what is Ahraham_? Let himanfwer himfelfe; I am dufl afJdafbes. What tsrhefeedofAbraham?Let oneanfwer,m Gon.ri. , 7 _ the perfons ofall the reil:; Dirensputredini, &c._ faying to rottenncjfe, th." art mym;;ther, and lob , 7 , , 4 _ tpthewormes,ye are my hrethren. I. They aref}mts; Now, wharare we, what ts thefeed of .Abraham? Flejh. And what is the very harvelt ofrhisfeedofjlejh? what, bur corruption, and G'l.6.8. rottennejfe, and wormes?There is the fubfiance ofour bodies: _ z. They,gloriousJP:rits: We,vtle bod1es (beare wtrh it, It 1s theHoly Ghofls owne terme, whojballchangeourvile hodies.) And not onely bafe and vile, butjilthzandtmcle,:ne: ex im..; ·:.,ttlldoconceptumJemine,conuivedofunc!ean_efeed: There is themetaH. And, the mould is no lob ••·•– better: the wtm~be, whercmwe were conce1ved vile, bafe,filthy, anduncleane. There, is our Pfll.pA 'JNA{ity. . _ 3• They, heavenly Jl!irits, vfngels of Heaven: that is, theirplace ofabode is inhea-vm above. Ours is here below, in the dull ; interpulices, & et~lices, tinea<,aranea<,& vermes ; Our place is here amongjleas, andflies, moths andJPiders, and crawlingwermes. There is our place of dwelling. 4 They, i111mortall j}irits;thac is their durance. Ourcime is proclaimed in the Prophet :Flefl1,AIIjlejh isgrajfe,andtheglary efit,.s thejloure of thefield; (FromApril!to ltme.) El''y4o.6t TheSithecommeth; nay, thewindbut hloweth, and we aregone. Withering fooner than the grajfe, which is fl1orr: Nay,fadingfooner, than rhcjJorm ofthegra/[e,which is much lhorrer: lob· 4 . , 1 • Nay, (faith lob) rubbedin peeces more eafily, than any moth. - - This we are, to them., ifyou lay us togethc'~· And, i~you weigh :'s upon the ha/lance,we M•N,by arc altosether lrghterth411 vamty ttfelfe- There IS pur wetghr. And, ,fyou value us; Mants rhem!clves; but athmg ofnot~ght: There, is our worth. Houftomnis homo; This is Abraham, and this is Pf.,l.•'-" – ,v1brahamsfeed: And who would llandto comparethefe withvfngels? Verily there is ~'1 'H ' 4 • no comparifon; They are, incomp~rably, farrc betterrhan the bell of us. ' om.•.,, . Now then: this is the rule ofrea[on,theguideofall choice, Evcnriore to rake the better and leave the worfe. Thus would man doe; H.ecejl le.'< hominis. H~re thencommerh the mat– ter ofadmiration: Notwithfianding thefe things fiand thus, bctweene the Angels and LAhr11· lumsfeed : (theySpirits,gloriotls, heavenly,immortatl ;) yet tooke He not them; yer, in no wife, toolce He them ;B11t thefeed ofAbr11ham. The(etdofAhraham, with their bodies, vile bodies, emhly bodresofclay, bodies of mortality, corruption, anddeath: Thefe Hee tookc, thefe Hee ~•kef•ratlth<t. Angels, andnormm; So,inreafon, iriliouldbc : Men, and norv{ngels; h tt IS: And, chat granted to us, that denied to them. Granted eo us, fo bafe; that denied t em, foglorious.Denied,and firongly denied; ·ov, •,J>;..,,; 'l(gt, not in any rvife,!lot at any ht~n4, bo h~em. They, every way, in every thing elfe,above, and before us; in this, beneath and Eh tn~~ us. And we (unworthy,wretchedmmthat we are,) above and before the Angels, the tr~ tm, the Seraphim, andallthcPrifJfipalities,'andThrones, in this dignity. This being E-ab:yond

4 . ' - """"-- Of the NA T 1 vI TIE. Sermon I. beyond rhe rules and reach ofall reafon, is furely matter of afl:onilhment : Ti7o, &c. (Cairn Samr Chryfoftome,) thlS, tt cajfeth meznto an extaji3, andmaketh me to imagine, ofour Natrm, 1 s,m; 1 g. fome greater matter,I cannot >veilexprejfewhat. Thus ltlS : It ts theLord,let Him doervhatfeem&th goodin His Olvnc eyes. JI. And, with this, I palfe over to the fecond point. This little is cnough,tolhew what oddes bel'\vccnc the Par!tes here marched. It will much better appeare (this) when we !hall weigh the word '"'"''"f''4"""'·that, wheremthey arc matched. Wherctn, two degrees weobferved : 1. Apprehendrt, and 2. Apprehendtt Semen. · x. Of Apprehendit, firfl:. Many words were more olfvious,and offered themfelves to the In appn~on• Af!oftle (no doubt,) Stt{cepit, or A/fiempjit, r>r otherfuch like: This word wasfouaht for(ccr· dtt,he,to,~~e. tamly,) and made choice of(faith rhc GrukeScholia{f: And he can belhdl us, I~is no corn– ~;';"' •··'" ,. mon word, And tell us alfowhar it weighcrh :) "'"'' o (faith he) l,J "~'-"' 'f"PI'"."'""'"i""'• ~ "'"'""'' i'~-~,, ~ ~:;.;"":' '""'"''1" This word[uppofeth aflight ofthe one parry, andapurfu#of the other: A purfurt eager, and fo long; nll heovertake; and when he bath overtaken a,,,l'– '"''~'-"15' apprehendens, laying fail: hold, and feazing furely ot1 him. So two things i;fuppo. t · feth; 'ajiight ofthe one, and 'ahot purft~it ofrheorher. · It may well fuppofe aflight. For,ofthe*Angels there were that I fled, that kept not their ~;~~;.~.6• originall, but forfooke and fell away fron11 their firfl: efl:are. And Manfell, andfledroo; and hidhimfdfe in the tbicke trees, from the prcfence of God. And this is the firfl: ilfue. Vpon thct...dngels flight, He fl:irred not; fare frill ;never vouchfafed to follow rhe.m: Let them goe whither they would; as if they hadnotbeeneworrhrhewhile. Nay, Hee neverajfumul ought,by way ofpromife,forthem: No promifc in the old,tobe horne and to fujfer; No Qq. jjell, m the NCJv Teftammt, ·, nerrher was borne norfl1fered, forrhem. · Bm,whenMan fell,He did all. Made after him prefemly,withvbies: fought toreclaime him, wbat have you done f Why have you done fo~ Prorefl:ed enmitieto him, !hathaddrawne him thus away: Made his affi•mpjit ofrhe Womans feed. . · And (which ismore,)when that would not fervc,Jent after him fiill, by the hand of His Prophets, rofollicit his remrne. And (which is yet more,) when that would not ferve neither; •vent after him (Himfelfe) :tu~e ss.1. in perfon: left His ninety a"dnineinthefold, and got Him after the/oftJbeepe: Never left, till Heforend bim, laidhim on His fbeuld.ers, andbrot~ght him homea~Aine. It was much, even butto looku{ter m; to refpeEI us,fo farre, who were not worth the call: ofHis eye : Much, ro calltes backe-, orvouchfafe us an vbi es. . Bur more, wheri we came not for all rhar, tofendafrer us. For, ifHec had but onely beenccomenr togiv~us leave, tocomeroHtm againc; bur given us leave to lay hotdon Him, i:o touch but the hemm: ofHtsgarment; (Himfdfe fitting frill,·and never calling to us, nor fending afrer us;) it had beene favour enough: farreabovc that we were worth. Bur nor on· ly to feQd by others, but to come Himfelfe afrerus; to fay, Corpm aptamihi, Ecce venio.; ):'fal.1'b.v. Get M' a body, I will My felfe him: this, was exceeding much. That wefled, and Hee followed us flying.. . . . . . . But yet, this, rs not all; Thrs IS but ro follO>v. He not onely followed, bot drd 1t fo, Wttb fuch eagernejfe, with fuch earne!~nerfe,as,rhat rs worthy a fecond confideranon. To follow,ts what; yet that may be done faintly, and af~rreoff: bur to follow rhorow th~c~e and rhrn; ra follow hard, and nottogive over; never to grve over, nil he overtake.: that ts tt. . And Hcaave nor over Hispurft•it,rhoughir\vere long and labonous,and He full weary; though it'cad"Him into aftve,lt, a [wear ofblured. Angelisflds non pepm~t (faith Saint Peter,) ~ Pct.:";4, Th~ Angelsoffending, Hee!pared nQt them: Man otfendmg Hee [pared h1m, and tofl'are.Hrm (faith Saint Pare!) He!pared not His owneSonne · Nor Hts owne Sonne (pared not Hrmfdfe; bm followed His purfuir, through danger, diflref[e, y~a, throughdeath 1t fdfe. Folluwea, and fo followed. as notbin<>made Him le:,tve follow1ng, nll Heovertooke. And wl;en He halovertaken<for thofe two ate but prefuppofed,the more kindly tobring in the word '"'''"' "':)When (I fay) aee hadovertakmthem, commeth in firly and proper• ly,a.'"'"'""""· Which is nor every taking; not (ufcipere,or afTumeri: But,inanum i»jicere,ar· ripere, apprehendere; to feaze up'bn it with great vehemeney, to lay hold on it with botlt hands, as upon a thing, weeare<>l~li we have got, and will beloth tolergoe againe. Wee g know,

Sermon I. Of the N AT I v 1 T r E. __J;· ----------~----~--~~~~--~ know, aJ!i•mpjit, and tpprebendit, both, tl!ke; but apprebendit, with farre nidreferV"Ouran<f zeale, than the other. Aj[umpjit, any common ordmary dung; apprehend1t, a thmg ofpncc, which we hold deere 1 and much_eil:eeme of. . Now :to the former companfon, ofwhat.thcy, and what we, (but fpec1ally, V'1hat we,) addethis;hree-foldconlideration: I. That He denied itthe Angels, ·o, denied itperen-Jr– torilyJ·dvJ\1=; Neither looked; norCdlled, norfe;lt, nonvent afterthem :.Neither tooke bold of . them, norfulfered them to take hold ofH1m, or any prom1fe from H1m: Demed lt them, and denied it them thus. 2. But,grantedlt us; and granted Jt, how ~ fhat Hefollowed us firil:; andthar,withpaine: Andfeaz.edon us, afrer; and that with greatdejire · Weflying, and not worth rhe following: andJ;ing, and not worth the taking up. 'That He gaven~t leave for ustocometo Him: or,Cate fiill;artd fulfered us to rerurne,and take hold: (yet, th1s He d1d.) .>That He did not lookeafter us, nortall after us, nor(endafter us onely :(yct,all this Hedicf; too.) l But, Himfelfe rofeomofHis place;andctmeafter us; and with hand and foot, made afi:erus: Followedus, with Hisfeet ;andfe~don us,with His bands; and tl:iat,pcl'Viam,nott ajfit~npti,miJ,fedapprebe1JfioniS, (the manner, more than the thingic fdfe.) All thefe,ifwelay rogerhcr,and, when we have done; \Vetgh them well, 1t is ablcroworke wuh us. Surely, it mull: needs demonfiratc to us,the care, the love, theajfeEIIon, He had to us, \VC know no aaufe why; being but(as Abrahamwas) .dr<If, and, (as Abrahams (ud (Ia_cob) faith )lefq and not Gen.,S.if. worthy of any one of thefe: No, riot ofthe meaneft ofhiJ merctes, EfpeClally, when the 3>,1<~ .fame thing fogracioully granted us, was denied to no leffc perfons', than the Angus, farre morewonhy than we. Sure,He would nor have done it for us, and not forthem;ifHe had notefieemed ofus, made more account ofus,than ofthem. And yet,behold a farre greater than all thefe: Which is,apprebendit{emm. He took not i! theperfon, but He tooke thefeed, (that is) the N•turc ofman. Many there be, that can bee In ap~~ content to take upon them thepetfons, and to reprefent them, whofenatures, nothing could h·~d<t . hire them once to take upon them•But, thefeed is the Nature ;,yea,(as the Philofopher faith) Semell. nat1 1 r" intimum, the very internal/ejfence of nature is thefeed. The Apoftle lheweth,what his meaning is, ofthis taking tbefeed, when (the 'Verfe next afore, faveone) he faith, that Fora[ m11ch .u the ,·hildrm werepartakers of]lejh andbl~ud, Hu al(o wculdtakepart witb them, by ft.- Verfe 1 :s: kingtbe(ame. I'o taketheftejhandblclld, Hemufl: needs take the feed· for, from the.feed, thejlejbandhlo11dcfoth proceed: which is nothing elfe but the bleffedapprebenfionofour Ntttnre, by thisdayer 'l{g.ti'Vitie. Whereby, He, :;nd we, become not onlyoneftefh; (asmanand wifedoe, by conjugatlllfl.ivn:) but, even one blottdroo, (~s bretbrenJby nat<trall11nion:) Per; ~mmaJimtlu (!a1th the Apdile,mthe next verfeafter agame) fin onlyJet afide: Aftkeand futa- •J>· bleto us in allthings :ftefh, and blo11d, and nat11re and all. So taking thefeedof Abrabam, as VciCe 17 • that He became (Himfelfe) thefeed of <..Abrabam: So was, and fo is truely termed; in the - - - ' Scriptures. Which is it, thlt cloth confummate, and knit up all this point, and is the head o£ ·all_. Fo;,inall other apprehenfions, we may l~t goe, and lay downe, when we will ;but,this~ th1s takmg on the(eed, thenat1we ofn1ln, can never be put off. It is anafnmption, without a depofition. oneweare,He and we, and [owe mufi be; One, as this Day, fo for even · And, emergent, or iffuing from this, arc all thofe otherapprehendings, or[ea{11rts ofthe' perfonsofmen, (by which, Go o layeth hold onthem, and bringeth them backefrom er• rourro truth, and from linne to grace,) that have beene, from the beginning, or lhall bee ro theend ofthe world. That; ofAbrahamhimfelfe, whom G oo laid hold of, and brought from out of V R ofthe Cbaldeans,and the Idols,he there worfl1ipped. That, ofour <..Apojll~ Gea.•f.i, Samt Paul, that was apprehended in the way to Damafcus. That, ofSaint Peter; that in the t,;t~9;!: very ace oflinne, was fened onwithbitterremorfefor it. All thofe: and all thefe, whereby ~~·61~ men daily are latd hold ofin (fririt, and takenfrom the by-paths of!in, and errour,aDd reduced IOtothe nght way;and !0their perfons recovered to Godandfeazed to His ufe.All thefc: "f!rehenjion~, (ofthebranches,) come from this apprehenli~n (of the seed:) they all have · }.tr begmmng and their being, from tbio dayes taking, evenSemen apprebendit. our recei'Ving fi 15 Spmt, for Hts talangourflejb. Thisfeed, wherewith Abraham is made the fonne ofGod; . ro~h1~ed,wherewith CnRisT ismadethefonne of<..Abraham. u on H. >the end, y; hy He thus tooke upon Htm rhe feed ofAbrabam,was,becaufe He took P lm, to dchver the feed of Abraham. Deliver them Hee could 'hot~ except Hee B 3 dc!l:royed r ' /

.L Of the NA T 1 v 1Tu• Sermon I. Vcrfc '+· defiroyeddeath, and the Lordofdeath, the DiveU. Them, He could not deflroy, unlelfe He .Jitd: Die He could nor, except He were mortaU : Mortal! He could not ~e, except He , tooke our Natttre on Htm, that ts, the feed of A • ~ A H A ., • But, takmg tt, He became mortal!, d~ed, deflroyed death, delivered us; was (Himfelfe) apprehended, that wee migh1; belet goe. One thing more then, out ofthis word A;prehendit, The fermer toucheth His love · whereby Hefo laid hold ofus,as ofa thing very precious to Him: This(now) roucheth ou: danger; whereb>:, Hefocaughtus, as, ifHe had not, it had beene a great venture, but wee hadfun~eand ~enfhed. One, andt~e fame word, [ <.Apprehendit] forteth well, to exprelfe borh Hts affechon, whereby Hedtd lt; and our great peril!, wh~reby we needed it. vVe had beene(before) laid hold of, andapprehended,by one,mentione~ in the 14.• verfe he that lllth porverofDeath,even theDive!/: We were in danger, to befwallowed up by hi~. we needed one, to !ay hold on us fafi,andto pluckeus out of his jawes. So He did. And I \~ould hav~ you to marke: It is the fam~wo~d, that is ufed, to SaintPeter, in like danger,(Mat.14.13.) when, bemg ready to finke,'"""''''' CH R 1sT car<ght hzmby thehamJ,and faved him. The fame here, in theGmke ;that, in theHebrerv,is ufed (Gen.x9.16:)roLot and his dau<>hters in the like danger; when,rheAngelt caught him, and by firong hand plucked him oufof So~ dome. One delivered, from thewater; the other, from thefire. And it mal:' truly be [aid, (inalinuch as, all Godspr~mifes, as well touching temporail; 1 Cor.r.>o as, eternal!; and as well .corporall, as _fpmruall, be (11 CH " 1 s T yea and _ Amen: Tea, mthe gtvmg forth; Amen,m the performmg) that even our temporal! delivery • 1 from the dangers, that daily cornpalfe us about; even from rhis bit, fo grcar, and fo fearful!' as the like was never imagined before; all have t~eir ground, from this Grtat apprehenjion .~ areftuitsofthis Seed, here, this blelfedSeed, for wl\ofe fake, and for whofe trutht fake that J.o~>~.~·'9 we (though unworthily) profelfe, we wereby Him cartght holdof, andfo plucked out 'of it: And, but for whichSeed,(afli ejfemutjicut Sodoma,We hadbemeevm 11< Sodome, andperifhed in thefire; and the powder there laid had even blowen us up all. Hcbr.s. 9 . And II_IlYnot I adde to this [apprebendit, m_liberaret,] the other (in the eighth Chapter followmg) 4fpr<hendzt,ut mam• dr<ceret: to thts [ oftakmgusby thehand,toddiverus,] that, [oftakiPg 111 by the hmd, togsia'eus:]and fo, out ofone word, prefemHim to you, notondy, as our Deliverer, butasourguide, too~ OurDeliver<r, ro riddeus from him, thathathpower ofdeath; Our Gr<ide, to Him, that hathpoweroflift. To leade us, evenby the way of truth, to the path oflife; by the fiations of well doing, to the man{ionf ofH;. John•P Fathers houfe. Seeing; He hath fignilied, it isHispleafurenottoletgoeourhands., but: Iohn '4·3 to hold us frill, till He have brought us, thar, where He is, we may'alfobe. This alfo is inci– dcn: r?apprehendit; bur, bccaufe it is out ofthe compalfe ofthe Texr, I touch it onely,and paile lt. . . 7he reaAnd, can we now palfe by this, but wemufi aske the quefiwn, that SaintiohnBaptifts Ions of Motherfometime asked, on thelike occafion ~ * Vnde mihi hoc.? Cfait)l fhe:) rndenobir hoc? thisap· (may we fay:) Not, q11'odmater Domini ;but, quodDominmipfevenit ad nos; Whencecom• P"hendit. meth this unro us, that the LoR D Himfelfe, rhus came unto us, andtookeus, letting the .'Luk.<·4! -Angelsgoe ~ Angel!are better than the befiofus; and, reafon would• ever, the better lhould. be taken: how then were wetaken,thatwere not the better~ Sure, not without good ground, (fay rhe Fathers,) who have adventured to fearch out ~ theTheologieofrhis poim: fuch reafons, as might ferve for inducements, toHim, that is,prq– nU< 4dmiferendt~m, naturally enclined to pitty; why, upon us, Hewm1ld rarher havecom– paflion. And, divers fuchl finde: I will touch onely one errwo ofthem. 1 Firfi, Mans cafe was more to be pitried, than theirs, becaufe man was tempted, by another; had aTempter. The An~els had none, None, tempted them; None, butthemfelves. Et levius eft alienJ. mentepecdffe, qugmpropriJ (faith S. A11guf!im.) The offence is the lelfe, ifit grow from another, than ifit breed in our [elves: And, the lelfe the offence, the more pardonable. ,. Againe, ofthe Angels, when fome fell,otherfome fiood; and lO,th~y (all) did 11ot perilb; Dur, in the fir!! man, all men fell; and fo, every motherschilde had died,and no fldhbeeoe 1 faved; For,all werein Adam;and[o, in,and withddam,a!l h~dcome tp nought. Then– m~b