Fenner - BT800 F4 1658

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_· +++4+•••t•••••••••t+•••••••t+tf+: ' · . WILFULL • · • • • fiMPENITENCYf : . · THE G .RQSSEST · • · ! SELF-MURDER.. ! . / . + . ·1 f • :All ·they who are gut ty o it, ap·: : prehended, tried:,and c.:ond.-;mncd ·.· ; ·+ . in tbefe S E R M G N S. . • . .. j Preach~d a~ Rfct~rili~ EJJex ~ot f + long before htY death,by that able, faith ... ; t full, and laborious Miniller of Jefus Chrifr, + - . : . Mr. Wil/iam ':enner., B. D. and ma~c publiqac by ,; · + · . one of hts unworrhy fellow-labourcrfl . : · : Prov. r.24,2S,26 Becaufe I have cailed)Andye have r~fN{ed,l+ + have flretched OJtt my hand,and no man rttJtrded,butyehave • + [et ttt nought all mj counfel, and woJtld nen~ ofmy reproof, I:· : willttl[o lttur.h at )OIIr ralamity, andmoc(: when J8Hr fup • • cometb . • +John S· 40, 4;. Andye will mt come to me that ye1high.t h~&ve ·• + life. I •m ceme in my Fathers Name,and Je receive menot; : ; ifanother fl)a/l come in his own Nif:m~,bim you will rec~ive. t + Velle meHm Domine 'mif(;icorfi~ ~Ale elf JeredtH~do ld~e, • l' quale' eft 1Jtl/e tuumde m~aad t~ reverfione.Guil. Panf. • + ~c K~ct?r.DiY.c. '4: 1 . : • IJ.!!..tdttt,lt lrberum?Bre'tltter refponJeg, {Al'VAfllr. • + Bcrn.dc Lib. Arb. 8c Gr. + Non v~lle in .CAII[a tjf,uonpo.Jfepr"tenditur~Sea. · : ---,........,....___.__T-.:-. h.....,e~: n~~h Edit~on~ . : Loniorr, Priat~d for j.Ito~h•tll, at the Fountain fuGold• • · · fmiths-row inC~eapfide.r6,JI. .' ; • .. ~••ttttt•+•t+tt:t•••ttttttttt" ' .

' I , . . .~ .. ··: :- ... m~~mrtM~m.mflmm~m '· , I . J ~ ' "o the rigb t Honourable · ·Robert Rich, ' Baron of Leeet.. in :. Effex , arrd Earl ~f. W~r\\'ic~ .. -~ ; ~. Ahundaric~ of fptrttual blef.;.. u i. :; ·. fings .in Jefus Chrift. , . P;Jul being ..upon a prophe~ical wing , ~~1: ··~("\;, (for t~eLord had poured uponhim, . not onlyanApoftolical, but. aPr~phe- . ·cal fpirit) do(h foretell in 2 Tim~ 3: 1. Th.ls ~no~ h • h 1~ad ·t . fl l' .J • al[o(fa ~ rh at tn t e il;" aJt,pert ous ftm!s .I)(Jil a com5 he)rherc's . thofe who are full of car~Ja( fllf-lof.le and the infal·- . 2r. "11 h r. h Jible cer.. . P..JI, ·w1 muc encreate t etaintyofieo danger ofthis laft age of the '?V orld; (the ' Lord root up all fuch weeds out of ou·,: hearts.) ,. God hat~, _I hope, given '""' HonoM; fuch a mea(ure of -love tu thepublique, and fo alliv~afpirit to doJ{Ood to other!, a~ will belp to le{fen the danger of thefe evil . . times.· And I would be fo thaokfull for favo~rs ·received s that l might not be · ~· rankeq among this difhotz.ourahle Catalog~l · which here Paul fums up, offuch t~s ma/IJ bad ·time~ worfe. · · · · . · It. is.you~ Honours hafpinefi .~~'d. ad~ ~anlage, (astt was once fatd of the~~~e . # • 4 A r2 ·.of

• . The Epifl:lc. ofGuife 1ri FrtUtce, that he d~dput -obligati- ~ nniupon~O)that youcan engage.veryman1; and amongft the reft, , I muft: ever ac .. knowled.ge·myfelfone;who in o~eofthe greate~ ·t11rnings of my.1ife, by·thegood hand of God upon ~e inyour free confent~ i;~nd Noble bounty have ~ad I fo muc~comProv. Jo•. fort,in theneereft and deerefl relation, that Jo,~ .·,~~ ~ -lnever ·envied any other, but 1 finde . · · te·r of everlaflingpraife.r th Godfor his •efs_io't'Jy[elf therein. Andbeingun . .·, gr~atob!iga!ioni, when I can produce no ,. ,iJ-~ :• ~~t~g of~J -pwn worthy.your ttccef~an~e' _·., .:L · !~ke l'eav~ to act .the,par.to(-a MtihJ,ife t · · ~· r:-. this ~appy Birth which m.ay callyour - I . nour F-ath~t\'~ ~swill ~pp'ear by the fi \ . i1tg L4 et'ter,that it was ultimately intended J011r fPiritual advantage; and it were n .a kino offaerilegP. to kee? the holy i fromJOlt that is fo muchyourown. /It j""•P•DII ·th~ fouls Qf me and many more of -y raying fervants ~ . that they .have ·· ·much· occifion, to praife their God on hehlllf, for fo many able and fai full MinifierJ of theGojpel, ofthe ftrft, fecond 1 · 'Janathird.magnitude, that yourprudent,fi ther!J car.e h~th fixed, where you a~1' · ·have been trufted. · - : ', 'Oh the manyChariots arnd -~otfmen · of · 7frael, that your Noble ~ather a~d youl • 0 • • ha'

Dedicatory ~ : have· brought triumphan~ly · into EJ{ex, (herein you did happily Patrizare)the Lord continue the like care tobuildand rtpair his Houfe in thofe w~o forvive JOM from generation to generAtio•, that fo yout Houfe may frill be honourably[upported. . Ecclefiaftical Story.fP.~aks ofone.Henri– CU! Auceps, whenhedtd fight agatnfi:the HungariaNs,maile this vow toGoa, That if the Lord wosld give him vifJorJ againft his enemy, be wouldpsrge his CountrJfrom. Simo– "J:~ which at that time mightily abouna dcd therein. Wewa.nt menoffuchan !Je• rDical zealouJ difpojtion inEngland. Oh that all Patrons were moremindfull r· ' I 2 "''ng, pftheir high trufl' thep theywouldnot1~.14• Sec:. , fo often be'tr~y the fouls of people by . putting offa friend,&c. with a Living to fome unworthy Chaplain. Qoubtlefs there is many a damned creature ro.tring in Hell, curfingcovetoui Patronsas v;ell as ~nfaithfull Paftors; for whofe Blood(in partat leafr) they muft be accountable to the·· · · Father of {j>irits, eznd J~tdge ofYJUic/t and · · dead. - Amofr heav,y reckoning,when the ·~ fins offomany Congregations) towhich . :;r _: atrons a.reaccc{faryby fe_pping ignorant and fcandalous Miniftcrs ~morigft th~m, ~ · :.. aremade theirs; whereas the leafr oftheir ~ O.w.njins unrepentedof)will ftnftthemeter•·· ~:,aUy. . · .A .; . God ~ • I . '

The Epifl:le . ~ .. God who 'is faithfull, will not forget your labour and cofi of h1ve to. the truly re~ren·d ~anofGod,-· Mr. Hoo~er, (who is now fingihg Httlelujabs in ~eavenly ~There Manfions) whenhe wasperfecute~ by t·he. ~re many * Archi-flamen ofCanterbury. He will pay ;!!;~a; abgn~antl~ for the protecting and nurwhowill Qng hts ChJldren, . Heb.6. 10. · _ underra~e to,rp,ake it appe~~' that ~s .Heathe~ifh feafls Baccbam•li• & s_aturn"ltll, &c:were turned mro Chnf\:mas, and fuch other fcJfl:s,ho– P,•ng thereby tp win Seathens.to Chrif\ : fo w~re Atcbi-flamens, and fla"!ens changed inro .Arch-prelates, and Prel4tu,_our of a good intqmon. · · · I know not how better to exprefs my deepfonfe 'of _your mofr r~al~favour(the . -comfort whereof I daly 111JOYJthanby ·--. ~ . . ta~ing the _' hqmble bo,ldnefs tobefeech yot1r Bonoqr to ~dd one thing more, wlJich indeed is I the unum necejfa'rium' Luke 10 , whereby ·yoq will gain that betterpart , . -4~· · 1Vhir:h fhal! 11ot be ta~nfrom you ; .Namely, th~t · yol! wo~ld ftudJ and pray that you •ev. 1 'l.o. may :w.alft Jn the light and heat oftpat glori.-_' ·· o•J ~ r;ofpel-Co11ftell4tion (for Mtntfrersare ;;;;~·d· ~~~:t-s; an~ th~ * 4ngels Df the church~~) ged hy che whtqh. y~u hav~ endeavoured toftx "" Tran_fl~· Jflllr: Or~-! : ~ 'f91U~- : I,:Ionour hatJl been fo of~ ~~~r::r~~e t.ei) at Se4, c.-~.ncl,there. ~eholdtng the. won– o~the fecqnd Chapter o{ ~4e ~evelfftio~~ .They~ \t' fc;e~s, did not 'hm~ thc:f~ Ange~s to he. Prel~te~ ~ , · · ;~ j · ~ . j

· Dedicatory~. ders ofGod in the.Jeep, havebeen taught t{) wrtjilewi.thhim for mercy. I~ is an ol4 faying .. ·he that woHld le4rn topra11,'let him · ·· , . " • 0 • • "J · J2.!tat/m go·tos:·· •Befiege~~avenWith your un- orare 4ifwearted tmportuntttes, that the Arlt.ofcatM'fJi·' ~ theGofpel, which youhaveprovided for..~:t:·~~~ thoufancl!, may be your own e'llerlafttng ( · · .,SanlJU4rJ• 1\.nd that:your feaftigg upon . their dainties, may~e fat andflour,ifhing in .J?!Ur lafl da1es ; franding fledf4fl in thefe jhai(Jng time~, and immo'Deabli., keeping £:"~tith and agood Confoience; (which too. many hav~ng put ~way concerni11g Faith , have made_jhipwraclt) more ~and more a– bounding in the worlt of the Lord, for Ill· much a1you ltnowyo'Mr labour is not;, 'V4in ia ·the Lord. , . I • J r . . This throughthegraceof~hrifl, lhall be the earnefr prayerof , . him whois, . , .. ·. . My~ord, . . . ' I 4 -:...., ...... ' T~llr Honours mofl obliged.{e,flanl; ._ 1 '. . .' • '. . . ""' • . .: '· I . ' ' ,. < . • T H 0 M As H. I>L L•. . . .· ;... ;.- ' . . ' \ . . . I '-- ' • ·~ ' . ~ ' I" • • .,. ., • '' ' .. . . .:· "' •"': .. . . . ( .~ . . : . .... '. .~ ' ' I

' '· " .... , ' ~ .. J. Have, ~ee'! oft'en -~~inkjng whai\to feriil to you; ttt l~ft.'thlsT'heme which/ have lretely ~reated (Jf in the ~lllftt cam_e in:to "!Y .'!"'inde; it; .r;f infinite ~fe andnece!/rty, ~end a tr~th bttl! txamzried, ·con- . ftderetl,or la)ed to lieii'rt ,yh mar.vellous 1'JecefJaryfor ·hNmiliatitn to "ttll thechi,ldrenofGod, .and of .tz.reat . fveigbt . J i-r' 'the makJnt tlie worl~ .!Jtttty befi;rt G'()d, I ·h~~a ..th~Yag;ht ·to have fen( ~t to my Lord of Warwick for hisj Hhci_(ive hours; a1Jdif,Jtiu j1tdge it profitable, after yourper~t[al of it, !o cemmit it unto him ffJr; 'IYJt,, ;youfh~ll do we·ll. I am forry to Fle!fr off~ch a, W~rthie,s fic/k.._ne[s or \\?etlk_nefs. Now , El1lha tbc 'iniJJn of ri~d ;w/ts fallen ·Jick._; the very :Em' '3· 'Words are fl,ble to jJ'rifkJ throttgh. The Lord lendyou · 4 ~ · , ~ea!th a,dJlreng;th,anapeace,and comfo;_ts,and joy; : ~t u not only ,ktterof coitrtefie to pray for f uch ~ . :. ·· ~ ~J )fJU are, bu.t of debt, and OlfY very necejfitits and , . -~:. ( d~t(:es. c~ilfor.· it;llrui minemore efp~citd~J-The Lord ; ,' . 4e mercif"kll rb me' llnd tomany tn raijing you up' '.: .. ~ . : .~ndmafte .yoi.$ p.ltnus dierum , and fetus in C<l!lum · , · __ · . 'redire; tlra"t~/~!tth~ hurt' th~t I wijhyou;.And[B ~ r \ · :<.-fD'fi'J;WJe'!dyou to the~or4of h~s power that 1s able to, 'k!~p.you, an4 reft , , ~ · . · , ~ : . :.. . . · .Yours tn the Lord Jefus, ··

•••••••••••••• ·, . ~- .To- the <!:hrifrian · ~cader, who de. · . fireth ta holdf~fr the formof found , ,words in faithand love,which is in Chrifi Jcfns; and toadvance Free· grace \ . above Frce-will. . ./ / -.. . Mofl ~dmirably wife and fatherly ~- Bath · bee~ th~ Lords care ef his · . Chur~hes in all age1; & 'when there · · .·.. were falfe Prophets under the old Tefta- · ment, ·the ·Lord.had hisJeremiahs to confute the'!l ~ whom_ hema1eadefence?City, J~r. . 1 • 18 • an IronpJllar, ·and brazen wall agatnfr all ,. oppoGtion.. When the Devilflirre.dripHy- · rneneus, Philetus, andothers, 'to •ndermine the ·truth.r.pj the qo[pel, in the times of the i' - ' ' ' .Nrw Te~tament, the Lord rai{edAndtlccsm- .~ plifbed his Paul) to con_foundthem.. Tou foalt:!lm. 1~ jjnJ~ · when .the churches of Cbrift~ are itt , a wtldernefs·tondition, and the Serpent Rov.12. cal}.outof hi~mouthwaterJ aJ ~foudaft_er •s,• 6 • . ·the W'o1Jtttft, that is, mHltitud_eJ of unfo~ndS~e Jear.,_ and Heretical opinion1, the earthhelpedthe,ncd ~r.~· woman, and openedhermouth, and fwa}. ~edt •n,.. .,, 1 d h fl . d h. h h ~a u1s cxcc.. ~ owe t . e · · 0~ w ,zc t eDragonca 1 .. .-outlt:ncBook tJfhis ~outh:' t~at i!, Jefus Chrifr hadthafeou th~ her__~ that did encoltnter and .overthrow aopJ.acc~ alfeDocrr;ine;· witp which ihe.iJevil by·· ·hzt ,~L ~gentr .-endettvour,eJ topojfonand deflroy the · . , · Ch~trcbe$ ' '

To the €hrifiianReader. ChurcheJ. Thus it was in the fowr~ general Coun,cils, namely,_ tha~ ofNice,~ken Arrius/~ . · Presbyter ofAlexandriadenying that the So• 1 .Abr.ut of God was confobflantial with the Ftt.ther, A.D. ~JO. d .({; . -L 1.... • h h under an · "JJ erttng trJat tuere 'Will tJ ttme JP en e t:onftantin wai not; was··confoted, ·andtruthobtaineda the great . r.t , G dji · . · · l d tix.J1. V1uory ttJere, o t1rr:zng up 1111l1l) earne men tonppoje him.· · ·And1n t~efecond, tpa~ofConfrantino– . ·:. ADour plt-, when -therewas aMacedoniuswhocal-, ~~rl~~ ;,;~:~ led the Holy Ghofl acreature, many were ab/~ od?fius. by the power oftruth to conftJundhi"!· . Andthethird,. wheua Nefroriuswhode- ,. b nied that the Vir~in Mary cou.ld .be called. ~-A out h h .I , d~ 'd ..1 d . . r;. A.o. 49 t,. t e mol er o.J, Go , provt en_ce oruere zt 1 o, und~rl'he- th~tt then tt Counci~ of learned Bifhopt aud. · ~do/il<f the Elder t at Ephefus (hsuldbld.ft that opinion. · ~:~nd~~o- Andwhe1t an Eutiches (wh(J in a differeRt ToJt:§J-, WtlJ from Neftorjus, denied the perfo- c ;::~~r•· nal 1Jnio~ of two Natures in. C~rifl )wou~d Ab'JUt A. have the tmmenftty ·of the DtvJnenat11.re tn D. 4S6· . chrift, andthat therewa1 only the Divint ~ta~ · under . . h' h c ·z t c 1 d i;f4rtittmu ture 111 zm, anot er ·ounct a a ce ·.on Caludon. overthrew him. · · · , . Thut God hadvarietyofc~ampiom to co11teft . Cent.3. ·with the moft_ fobtile and p~evailiag adver-. . · . faries, from hand tohand; particular!J ,when__ ~ . . there was Manes &~anich~i, who rej~lled ,._ ..: . . the olrJ Tiftament, .andaffir•ed that man fell i~Qt 'by v:J!Hntarj def~fJi~n) b11t of ncceffity, · ~ . , ~ berall[e·

To the Chrifiian Reader. becttufe .mans bodywas made of thePri•ce "f tlarltnefs (wherewith Aufrin ~as /evened before· his converjlon) 1he Lord had C __ hry~-. fofiom and others to hinder the fpreading an4prewailing-ofit. 1 · When there .was anArrius, whodenied thecent. 4 , DittJinity ofChrifl, there foould be an Atha- - nafiusraijed to overthrow him. _ · h . . M d • , r:~r;, h u I Cenr:. ~. W, en a .ace on IUS to oppo_; et e c-.10':)' Dempjerrui ohofl,then 4 Bafil to break...him. ' exW4lfild& ' When a Pelagius to ad'lJance Free-will ,~efer~_eo-- "ematt intfJ the Throne ·of Free-grace, then God-qMo ille ; 11 . would raifeup anAufrin, ( thttt great light ofAnglill U• the church in hiJ time)todepofe that , and to~~~~r:::a.. . reflore thi1 to itscrownanddignity. rum toti This Pelagius was born in Britain them~ndo eff~t·· r: d h . . · fi ~ k h dtt jumu111 1 ame · ay t at Aufrtn tn · A rtc , · e was F.cdefi~ -the fir.ft pr~fumptuous advancer of thelume~ Au· pride of,Free.wilJ. He did not thinlt tbe;~ulj[rj,~ grace of God to be necefJ'try for the helping emic11i,ffe. of ~ree·will, for g~od things in. e"Jery aEJ. !~~~t 18 . , , Th11 w-ascondemned tn 'the -council of Car4 · . thage, · wher~in indeedtofovehim[elfhe didN~tt. equivoc4.te in thelf'ordgrace, ac/tntJ~!edging 4 naturaliznexciting, and afterCDI)VerJion anaffit:£inggrace. 7his Dollri11e W4S li~r~~ifo condemned in theSynodofPalefiioa, 1200Damnat• years agoe, and-thereinArminianifm /Qld be- anteq~rtl. fi . b b h ll h • f h .. 1 nat a nrmr~ ore tt TPaJ orn, '} 't . eJtrcngt o 1 t a"p~ace~niiopin.~o. T . . 2 nn. t. 9. . ·. . .- ,· · . ·· · , . · · · 'Ihis ,

To the ChrifiianReader.. ThisPelagius had his Scholars, Julianus and C~lefrinus. 1efos Chrift would nDI then leave ·Aultin without jome Difciples to conftifJ ·with thofe (as Chryfoftome hatl'his Oecumenius, andTheophilaa: his Pedij.?-, • • ftqui, his followers )fo was there aProfpcr, , , . _and Hilary l\relatenfi s , to encouttter the \ . old ltiaffilians , and Semipelagians in Videle,ar- France. .. fltp;~r~- And ~heu there tl'aJ aFaufru ~ Regienfis moft ex- (a moft fubtil adverfory) a Bijhop who did · d~~:~fe ~-lofely ~e 1fendh 1) elhagianhififhm in tmho Boo~ o 1 { ' of .Free Free .. wtl ; T e C urc ,ou!d ave a Fu - ~ra~e · gen~ius, antj Petrus D1aconus, andothers ~::;s :~- to Ofpofe him.. -; Te~ fentenc~ was t~en giv~n . _..;:,,e }efuit$ agatnjt Pelagtus al!d Senl:t-pelagtans, 1n ~talcnge. the Council of 0 reuge; In the gener~l i L ' that their opinions touchhtg free- \Vill and loout A. fj t bl t th C D. s 29 • ree grace, were no agrea e 0 e aa tholick faith. · , / Farther, about the yeer Bso, .one Johan- ·_ nes Scotu~ (not he which wrote- upon 'the Sentences ~llh fo much oppoji_tion againft ·. Thomas A.quinas, ·but another) wrote a Boolt. againft Predell:1nation , which the · church of Leydeuconfuted with 4 god!J and ~ ·. · ·le.arnedboolt · . · \ ,. ,·.. .when·Gottefchalcus,aboa:ttthe yeer849·· ,.fptt~e fJf Predellintttion periluu.fb" to~ wit, .. .... ( · :J"' ' • That -., ' ~·..., , ~ . , . -... I - ... >•t "' . ..... . .. ·• ' l .,. ..... 1., •

To theChrifiianReader. , I That thofe whowere predefiinated to . . lifeby the decree of Gods prcdefiination .were forced to do well : and thofe who were predefiinated . to condemnation ,' were forced b,y the decree of God to do evtl, he1!'4J refifledbyJiincmarus and other learnedmen. ·· 1his i11felJious errour Pelagtanifm (pread i~ England , :where it waJ apt to ta~ the_ ·deep~r ro1Jti11g ·, becalljePcla~ius himfelf~y birth w1t1 tt Bri,tain: · But the L~rJ ra1fod lta'Ntecl Bradwardine Arch· Bijhop of Can– terbu-ry and fome others to ·appear in the ·t-afe tifGodando[fre.e-grace,and to fortifie theChurches .againft all Pelagian~, w~om I Augufrine calls lnimicos grat·ire dei; and Fulgen·ttus, ; Vafa it~ dei. · ~ · afterff'ardl 1he fobtillj of the Serpent in.. jinuatetl , himfelf ·into th~ Garden of the Church ,by \the ·wit and lear11i11g of Fauftu5 Socinus{another Infaufius Faufius inPo– l;tnd;) 1 hey 'who ·have opportunity to confult - 'Socinus boo~! de Minifierio, andtheCate– chifmus Cracovienfi~ (a ·mofi. fubtil and dangerolts boo~.)}hallfht,de there thefeeds of ,Ar~inianifm. , tlleir Helena, there ·to .be conceived(howt'Ver MoJina andotller Popip/ :AIItnot's'c.~nt~lld, kltronc, thef~; Ci·t.ies4id ~ht;fe Homer wa!) lheir ·Meara ·scientia.' Tbey will grJZnt aDivina Pr~fcentia, hHI •' ' ' d~"J

. To theChriftian.R.eader. ' \ denJ decretumDivinum to. paf!e upon t1.ll · · things) .leaving the will to it felftoproduce its own afJs , which ·indeed is no lefs than a; degree of Atheifm, jetting up the fecond . CAH[e into the Thro11e of thefirft. Herein:> · and in diver1 other things the .Arminiansdo tread in theirfteps ,ils willappear.to thofewho. :~"1_ e~aminePc:ltius his b~oft, theHarmony of . Jll()JI;~f · th~ Socinian·and Arminians.Doctrine. · I Soci~. andwifo·that booftwereinEnglifh; ·it nJonldmaks ~:::!n. mttny_ blHjhnowada1e1 ·to fee how incogitantly ' ( I hope t<hat is the worft in ma'nJ ) they have . run themfelves into the TentsofSocinians and Arminians,andftnownot ho'111htJnoNra· · ....... ... .bly to retreat. ) - . J. . . About theyear 1 570·. when Petrus Baro .. ~ French man ; had i~tfelled Cambridge - with that dife~tfefrom France,(:Joufee fpiri- . · tual A-1 well as bodily evils havecomefrom . . idt M~ .. France )an~ on~ Mr.· Barret,who'af!e.dcon– ·~rins · cHrrently ·wtth h11n : hut thenGodgtvtn,gthe Antiarmin Heads ofColleges with the Vicechancellor a prudent zeale to oppo(e it, 'they f ent upDr. TindalandDr. Whitaker,tocom· plttin to .Archt:BijhopWhitgift, which begot ·,.f1soonh. that · Vfefull 'Book of Articuli Lambea rcr t . IS • · / }.-ncy thant·~- · · · . . · . Dr. Whita~(s blcffed.iQI returned toher ~ternal rcft, having not 'lqng bcf?rc .i~ aa .admirable corrdo ~td derMm,~rjght!y.callcdhis~~g- .n~a CMJt.to ) do~f~oycred and coafutcd· the c:htd' poaAt& of ArminJ•- ..;r.m . . : . . ,. . / . . . C#"JJ r « . , . ., · , ~ ~ .. ~ .,. • .. t ~:._.;:,- . . .-. . .· . ' · The . ..

- ~To theChrifiian Reader. . ' '.'Ihe Lett'Ve,; came then i11to th1Net.her~ .lands, and (as learned King James faith) Arminius was the firfr·that·infected·Ley- .·deo with the ,Pc~agiao. Herefie *.. He .w.Js a *.P~Ia:.i4Jfro"g a_nd clear part e,fman ; . and as it is ,.,(;Jml odfru .. r; d ,.{' ub· b ' .1. ea c n' Jai , o 1 Origen) t. en~~ nemo me tus ;refie.Vide ubi male: ncrnopejus. ,fotherearefome ex-Dr.FeAtlys ~el/entdifcourfes i11 hirW~rftes · , and tl'therst;~r~~~a;~ _4S de(peratly oppofite ·to the Covenant ofR.eJ. -Grttce, [pattering all the linksof theGolden ' , r chttitJof our falvation, which isthegreat e– :vi[ of Ar.minianifm. FrQm a .JONng fl• dent, Juniusprefaged ofhim,that h.ewotJJ. :h~averyuftfllll, ·or moftperniciOuJ inftrHment in thechltrchofc:hriJi. BJ thl1Junius(when ~ ·· 1 the Lord ·had converted him from AA. ; . . ~ ·t~eifm, ,by·reading the beginningof the · r·" · firft ChapterQfthe Gofpel ot John, wher. · · '· ·· ·· "iahe f~w fuchmajelty, that hethoNght that #be Lord did thereindetonare ab al~o) the· , Lord gave a foveraign antidote to his Churc~ i!' t~ofepa·rts, againfl the'infelJion ofArmtntantfm ~ As aboHJ thefame time,. bJ that glorioNslight ~ Mr.Perl{ins, in Eng•. ·t,md, whom the Lord ma9e a Mallelts I both of papifrs and Arminians, and by I·.. I •. ~: ·:. more clear and condefcending difcoye- .:,.·· .··~· } ·ries ofGhrift; made the deepmy eries of ·. ..',;t> {::./ · 'fpeculative, and the heav~rily. (~cr.~t• f!. · ;·~.:., ~ .. /<s .. 1 • _practicalDiYiDity,tomeet io tilePulpit;· . .. '\'· ·_..: ' ' I :._.JI IIIIAil · -

, 1 Tothe Chriftian·Reader'. · ' . •. an4all this ina litt~e time; (for he·lived but about 44· years, Qein~ born .( ni fallor )in the ~irfr; and dy~d in·th~ -~ff of Q...ueen Elicz,abethJ Reign~ . 0 h. ~owmuch did he in a little time? ' . But fl#l the.Dev,il ~ill ~e c~.fting (·J:r,eedJ into chr;jJ.t garf}en' _ plc/,Jt~g up thofe that hav~b~ rooteaou.t, 4nd .tbrp~ing theiJ!~· . . ver the:wall' t~_g4i». . . · . . ~ , •' No'I:P h~ made,ufe. of Barn~velt i1tHolla,~ ----:-: to brinf.~ Ke~igion .to ferve _state; purpofes:, ·... , andJ~carr~edon !he Armini~ndejgn.e there. ~ . Thefe dijferenc~.s .aboNt. the PP71'e~ Jof Free- . .wil!, Jtnd fu.ch things as hang 1/:PI!n. thAt .( for As the there iJ the prim.~mmovens) tJO,l.J) .cam,e ,t~ name Pro- be red~~reed to jitpe ,ArJiqles, wpi~~ ~esat, the ~~~:rfirft conference at H~g~, ,bewix.t bQ/~ parti~J :; ro rhc which iJ -reportedbot~ .by Brandius.a.ndBer~ Princes • . • ' . . tlUS. . . ,. , . , . ::~~:~: Ahout tbistime cameu.p :thet;ame~JR·enJ that \DODfrrants, al the. t1.tt!'!,e.Prot~.Q:a.nt .harl fought fi 1 th ' A I. · · r'r..l Reformaor~erry. . w_ ereupo1l Dr. ,. m~.~~ on~e ._.~P~ rion in the low ofChrtfts .College lD ~~mb.r1dge , ~ ~~f::,t A. bMt in_Dr. Charje~ time t_hen ~~~er~~ that n. 1529 · place, 1t J[,rew too ~otfor ht~, ~e nu~ _#c~mply- ~ and from it!~ -with t_he prefettt ce~emo:nie5 P j~1Jfl b:a':' .;~:Jsaf- v.ing trea~he~ " s erflt(J'! at ~~e; Un,tv.e1~ty and o~r~ Churc ~gatnft . p~ay1ng. ~t 1e~rd~ w.ht~~ ~o;:::~~s wo~ ~o.t~h~~ ~eb_ .rn? ~ft~kJ(th~,difi(J: was cffc· {111g .b11nd: '![ pt1J ne.'ft:0~-e:C4rr1.e&J .ttzi(J &d. · ·. · , · tho't ,J I 'J"

To ·~he Chrifi1an Reader..- ihoJe p~rt.r, where(as the Auftin of that time and place) he did graple witb all tbe Patront of Freewill. And as an Appendftx to · that conference at H._<~.ge, (as it:is jetj(n~tb by Brandius) writ that tnojt e:Kcr;l!e,{t boofzof his Co~·onis. But jtill A l minius hi; difciples ·alled to their utmrift: Be rtius, Gre"" · _vincovius, and others fo chjl:ra{fe,d thofe I Churches, thq,t there WltS a necejjity of ea!"" ling a Synod, whicb God gave theiJf as a happy remedy' An. Dom. I 6 I a Synod or . oh the ltnweariedaClivity ofad11er{:-zries to Doi r..4. D. -, thg caufe of chri[i! (which fhould m~ke 1 6 1 8. . others bluih to tnove fo heavily in aifer.. ting the Doctrine of Free g race) beJ'ore ·· we could 1tnderfiand what the Anti.. remon• , ftrants in theSynod at Dort fully intended, · we had from the Remonflrttnts AcraSyno~ " dalia, a book.)ndeed that required an Arnes toan[wer it (whichhe hatbdone mo{t lear– nedly)whereyouhave Magnum in Parvo;l a great foul in a little · body, a great 1 deal of form in a little matter (as in his ·'Bellarminus enervatus )th4t being done by the Fraternity with concurrent cndeavo1trs ondquintejJenceof the befl wits amongft the · · , R.emonfrrants. · , About the year 1627~ JIIr. Montague, a -.; l!'an ·of great learnin._e:, andbeinghac/zedbj "\ ;·,:..: ~~ t.he thenpotent D. of Buckingbatn,opened ' : ~,.- .. B · · his-~ ": ·. :: ··:· ,: ', ~ "'t

To theChriftianReader. ·. hi~ Arminian ( and I hadallmoft _(aid Po. pifhJpac~, when the LordufodB;jhop Carle– ton ; .D(!{jor Feat1y, DofJor Prefton,ando.. thers, as happy Injirumentsto difcover hi's1 adulterate wares. , Lately there (prnng a new brood of [ucha1 didaj]ert Arminianifm , as Dutch Yompfon fellowofClare-Hall, Mr. Will. Chappel fellqw of Chrifl Coll. (as the many P~~filb . that :were·Arminianiz~ under hiJ tuition (whether by him or no; he be.ft ftnow1) but \men are ~ore confirmed in their(u(piti. on hereof, fince thry beardof his an(werable alling.r in theUni verfity in Irel.) but.ftillas in Oxford , when there wa.r any danger of fpreading Armi"'. whether in -Alis, Boo/z.r, or · Sermon!, the_y had there Rohert Abhot, Twiffe, Prideaux~ & otherwot·thies tofop– pre{s the1n .: So iu C;1mbridge God gave m late~y Davenant & Ward, who did vi{}o– rioujly enter tbe lifts with the mofl confident Adverfarjes of Freegrace. Andthat bitter weed co;,ld never tak,e clceep rooting inany ofthe;e three kJngdom;, 0" thrive very fruit• who fully. Thgrewas in Ireiand f!- moft learned ;~~ 4 ftra A~chht-~i{!lop I!fhehr~~ crujh it tVt~re, A~.td a nu 1 gniturli. mtg 'Y 114an zn t e; e Controver;-tes, Dollor aii. . Twi!fe (another Aufrine) tojspprejfo it in Engl~nd;Aslearned& ind*.firiouJMr.Ru· therford and other1 have done their partJ ~ . ~ .

To. the Cbrifiian·Reader. focceJfully inScotl and. But alas Armini~s now appears ~mongft us, not fo much in ,he ·, Schools and Pulpits) as in Popular mee- . ' ttngs. - . . . Foras Zanchiuscomplained with IIUlch re..· gret ofthe Lutheran libiquitar;es, that he, found them ub1que, every where to vexa~d r· · . moleft him; fo may we grieve, (o that we ~4•1 m.2 couldwithbro/zennefs of heart bewa1l it ) that our. I:Iniverfalifl:s, are almojt univerfally fpread dfJtOitgft UJ i It is sotten· ~nto our Ne... therlands~ much in ~he .fennifh andmoorifo partsofthis I(ingdomyea among_(i .many peo• pie that love1efos Chrifl, and therefore enter- . tai1f it, as ionce~ving it 1no.ftfor his Honour ,· (the more are they to be pittied; and: to be in- · flrufJedwithafpirit ofamee/znefs;Jhew them . by Scripture--evidence this is not God:: 2l'dJ of advancin<~ Chrifl, and ymt reco11er them) it is now in popularhands, we needfoch wbr• thies ~s t.he Author of this followingTreati(e_ .(blej]edbe theFather ofnJerqy,theFountain of every goodandper_fecl gift, for h1s and many tJthers.(ruitfull L:~bours) whomay codefcend to parle.y with poor ch~i(l:ians at their Table.r; in their Jhop.r, to follow them at the plow ( Jtf Reverend Mr. Gree~h~.m was wont t~ Jo ) endea.vouring to relJifie and reduce .. ·thettt. ~ ~ fle 4,ner» horP to de~tl wifoi; With /Uktiie ad- · . :B · 2 vtrforiet

.. . . 1"o the CbrifHan R.eader·. 1Jerfarles' ihat he.might have themoreaJ.. Vdntage a'-~ atnfl thent; g1~ants t"~em 91 much as he couldwith conjiflency to_ his own prin.. _ciple.r, that fo he1night themore eajily con– found,their.t;onlpyouwill b~Jocadid aJ' to·con~ f.der that hereinhefpeak.f ad pcipulum;And I th~re_fore(as the antient Fathers,) ~ftenufeth . the liberty of jpeakjng lik_e a Preacher ratheP than as aDotlorofthe Chair. I reckJN'- this tt very ftrong argument ·to confute the power of Freewill toany fpiri• tual action in agratious manr:lt"·r, th~wo– fu!l experience ,uf mine own wretch·"d .Qeart_, .being naturally Jo·dejperdtly wit/t ', oppojite to ll11J fpiritual good. But thir wJll not convince others; on·lj lly the W to/ I would I<J;aw how it cvme.r to pa[J, if Artni– n ius Doctrine be true, that we have Freewill to chufe · that which is truely ·good~ why Arminians are not all very good tnen? IVillnot this be an aggravation ag~injt them at the qreadfullday ofjudge2 tnent. · 7her~fore tl1e Lord ismofl admir-ablygrati01U ingivingusft~ch Mafters of the Affetn– blies to fafien foch Scripture.truths dS may ;.~old 1ts fafr and clofeunder theCovenant o·f Grace.. I 1-Je was a bleffing to the College where he was fellovv, .of Pembroke Hall ·. in Cam-' . bridge c

·ro theChrifiian Reader. hridge (which bath been a fr1titfuU nHrfery to this church, and a1t ornament to theUni– verfity) 'an~ afi~r. a burning and fbiniQg light inStaffordfhire. He delighted -tnucb in preaching in an Evangelical way, from place to place, as pittying manypoor pining, feduced fouls ttnder blindeand fuperfriti ... ou.s Mini.fi:ers. 7he Lord fill their hearts with compaffion to t-he?Jt, wbo h.tvepower in their hands tofopply them, that jo million; do · not periih for want of viGon. .A_fterwardJ the noble Earl of Warwick fixed himat l\.ochf~rd in Eifex, where he did (pea4 & do great things to the l"tonor o fFree Grace. He lived there morebyact– ing vigorouflyto his great Lord andMafrer Jefus Chrifr, in afe\vyears; thatt ;noft of tu hhBrethrendo in many. 0 that we who are left behinde in theft conjlifling times, could more pnn11ally and cl~fP.ly followhis exampie. lt ii not fluly– ing the groundlefl foppedes of Popery, nor the immerjing our mindswholly into fome dry difputes concerning fome exter– _nals and for.ms about Religion, (ar ton many do n~ow adayes being engaged in a part}) that will fpiritual ize us or our hearts,{omuchas StudyingandPreachhiP" 'over th~ , Covenant ofGrace; The l14jfte,·i~ CHJ and heavenly fecrets of the Go.fpel rigbt-: t BE . lj

I J ' To the ChrH{ianReader. 1y ope~ed and wifely applyed, will .by Gods blefjing lireed aG~fpel-Spirit in thee, leave . ftgratious tincture upon the fpirit! of Tea– ~hers andHearers; whereaspojjibly_for want pft~is, there.m_ay~~ ttlegal ra rtnefsand fe· veray in theSptntsand Tonguesof able andgoodmen~ r The gratio~s and powerfull Lordwho only teacheth to profit, at)noint allhu Saints with that holyu.nt1itJn,that theymay be able to d~(cern of things that differ, clearly todif– tinguifb betwixt truth an'd error. And that pe may to thir and other happy purpojes' plefs abundantly this j avf)Hrly acute and fo– lid Treatife, foall -be· the earnefl Prayer o_f P,i~ . Who is thine in and for the LordJefos:~ THOMAS HILL.. f. ~ ~ . ' (

\ ' ++••••+••••.................. . " A 'fable ofthe Contents. . ' THe reafon why the wicked~o not repent nor comeDoO 1 , our oftheir fius, is nor becaule they cannot (though 1 • .. thty cannot) bur becaufe rhey will not, ' pa,ge 8 7DemenJ?rations to prove it The wieked think they' have power to repenr, but wilLDemon 1. nOt do ilCCordingto their thoughts, They wi 11 not try whe.ther they can repent or no, p 9 They refufe the help which God offers them, p. Io. They will nor ufe the power'which God hath given them, p 11 They grow worfe by the meanes affarded them, p 1~ Their cannor is voluntary, ' p.14 They are conrent with their cannot, p. 1 S 2 J 4 '] The Jirft ground of the Doctrine Every mau can do more good than he doth,and flmn more I Ground evil than he doth, . · P· l7 This apputrs by thefe following · conJiderations. If a man can do more than he ·doth, nothing can hin.der 1 Confld.- him,but his will, ibid. If a man can do no more d1anhe does,and yet will nor,he inuft needs voluntarily hinder h.imfelf from doing that which he ~annor, p. 18 If a man will-not do that he can; neither will he that which he cannor, ifhe could, p.19 .. Ifa man will nor do that he can, can or can-nor, all is one: to him,all fiitks tfhis will, p. 20 If a m.aawill not do that which he can , this will make: a mans confci~nc;e when it comes to fpeak in fober fad· nefs, thank himfelf for his perifhing. · p. 21 4 s Arguments to prove.the firft ground, · p. 12 . Eecaufe God doth complain againft the wicked for the 1 Argum. voluntarydoing no more good than theydo, ibid BecaiJfe otherwife there were no room for praife, nor dif2 praife, ' · p. 23 Becanfe 'there would be no room for the Sword of the Ma3 ,gifirate. p. 24 B ·4 B ~~ \

4 s·. The Table. Bec1ufe thorgh a carnal mJn cznnot'pnt off tbe o!d reat:Jt yet it i~ not his nature to commit this wn at this time an~ in th is manner, . ibid. A wicked mm can do more good , &c. Becaufe a godly reg ~.:n erare mm may avoid more fin than he do th.,p. 25 The r;roun£-i fa·rther pn·?Jedby particulr.;trs·. 1 Par~ • .. The w~llluth d0rt~inion over aH rhe outwar.d aets- o! the members, p. 2~ 2 P.trt. Every n>an hath natural affc8i0J11 i·n him b.y which he may do more than hecloth, and flmnmore evil rhan he : I dmh, ·' p.27 God hath given to every man natural coqnfd; ~nd na· 1 tutal Re3f.>n and Pn:dence, p. jf:l That is fid1 in order which is natural, and afrerward) rhat ·which i~ fpirirual, and if a n1an flick there, he flicks ar a will-not P3f .The/econd Grotmd. P· 34 :t Ground Every wicked man is florhfull and negligent, Fi7.:'e demM~j1ratianJ to prove iP. J Dcmcn Eve:r y '-Yicked man cloth .imagine more cannots than ~ · 4 5 rhere k·, p.3'5 He makes every little difficulry a cannor, when as no· , t11iHg but an impoffibility is a cannotw p. 36" A flothtull r.t~ <w rmns hts very abilities intocannots p. ~1 He: <hth vo!umar ily na I himfelfmno cannots p. 38 }ie puw::ch forth by !J~Ives that power which he hath, Ccndufi. / P· '9 There is more in a wicked man than by reafon ·Of flug. - '"' 1 gifhnefs he pntrerh forth, p 40 Six Arf[uments tdprove this.. J A'rg. - It ;sa fign it is in him~ P.4o 1 Bec.ttuie w:1en God dothconvert a finner,g.he dotb not ·. ; . . ) I \_pur in new powers and faculties into the foul, ib, BecatJ[: he C<tn fl1ew asg•ear power otherwifc, p. 41 Becau~~~ h~ can fhew it too when he Iif.I. p. 42 fkcJuf;: the rod is ahie t.O wh1p it omof him, p. 4' Bec:w(e he can do an hundred times more when he is pk.tfed, P· 44 Ikcwfe ht: '.vU! (hew it in HKII, vi~~ That it was in him eo do m·Jre tfuu:,l h'e d td, P·49 3 Ground A 'rv .d.cd m:m will net f.::thimfdf to ufe all the mean·:; rn~t (-

,The Table. , · ,that he may; l'· $2 Awicked roan may ufc: the means th~t God appointed Demon, asmeans, · p.·st. Becaufe 'ris the very nature of means to come between 1; Argu. onfs can,and his cannot, ibid. Becaufe God dorh '' not exhort men like a comp~yof flocks and fiones, but as men that are cdifiable by his words. P·S3 Bee aufe Gods anger is very reafonable. - p. S4 Becaufe Gods offer of his Kingdom to the wicked is feraous, P· SS 2 Becauk Gods ~eproofs ar~ v~rY, ~qual, . . p. S6 ; His c':mdemnatwn mufi be wlltull, that wtll not ufc all the Conc1ufi. means, · P· S7 ,Proved by thrfe Arguments. God will not help that manby a miracle to go, that hath 1 • Arg. - leg~ to go, andwill not · . ibid• . God will nor bate a farthing of the price he fets thee at . p.s6 God. will never be brought out of his walk to fhew.rhee 3 2 ~ . ' any mercy, or give ~hee any-grace p. 6o Gods Kingdom cannot be attained without a dilig~nt ufe Conclufi• . of the means p. 63 _Reafons of it. B.ecaufe ·Heaven is an end, and anend can never begotten 1. Reaf. .. wirhoot means · ' ibid. God harh annexed it to the means ibid. Every foul mufi give an account before God howhehath ufed the means ibid. ·God wi'll not fet up another door-into heaven for any man in .rhe world . ' ibid. Fartber proefs and encouragements to ufethemeans• .Someof the means that God hath appointed, youmay do themwirhoudabour p.64 Some of the means that Godhath appoilnedare eafier than them ibi-d. . Son1e ofrhemean~ are eafier yet ' ibid. ,Some of the means of grace, its harder to omit them than to t1fe them I p. 6; Some of the means of grace, be they hard, yet they are bur ha:-'d., theyare nor impoilible for you to ufe p. 6 s · ob· .... 2 3 4 2 4 . s • J

• The Table. ObjeEJicnJ. Objetf. 1. The firfi Objeaion's drawn from the Scripturfi which fay theycannor, . I Anfw. The Scripture fpcaks of five canhots, 1. Ofa natural can. not~ 2. Of a deliberate cannor,~ Or a judicial cannot,4.0f a compounded canner, s. Of 'a humblingc.1nnot. ~ Objel1. Thou wouldfi (as thou pretendeft) but thou canfi not. Anfw. Perhap.s'its the will of thy confcience, and not the will of. thy heart\) 2. May be irs a copulative will, Repentance and fome loft, godJim:fi and fome lufi. 3· May be thou haft a would ;ng will, this is no will but.onely a veJletty, 4· May be thorJ haft a general Met'!-phyfical will, hut to come to particulars, there thou wilt not. S• Thou hafi no true will, becaufc: if thou didfi will:, thou couldtt. . p. 71 3 Objell. Thou defiretl todo ir, but art not able. Anfw. Who can tell bdl w;at is in thee,God or thine ownheart? Butthe reafon of rhis mifiake is, 1. Thou haft putative·or thinking defires, tpou chink'fi thou dc-fi refl:, 2. Thou hafl: ignorant defires, ~· Thou haft wandering ddires, and therefore thou arc mifiaken, p.77 4 Objelf• Thou reiolvefi, and hafi good purpofes, bur oh thou canfi nor perform them. ~nfw. sohjea. -;1nfw. Thefe purpofes thou fpeakefi of art: only willing for the furure,l. Becaufe its only to fhufHe offthe willing for the prefenr,2.Thi& will tor hereaJrer is no will,becaufe it goes without Gods, 2. It is no will , becaufe thou !halt miffe thofe fuppofir•ons that th6u wiHefi upon. F'irf.l, thou fuppofdl: th0u fhalt have fewer temptations hereafter, 2. Thou fuppofef\ thou fhalt be fitter hereafter, 3. Thy will tor hereafrer is no will but a mockery. . Thou laboureft toferve God and r:o~ be faved. Is this labo.ar for Graceand .Heaven, when rhou laboureft fo idlely? wherefore thy impcnitency is wilful, thy damnation's wilful, ~nd thy ruine wilful. p. 8 I llence alfo it followes,J. That your ddl:rectic~m .is from felf, ; . ·Your deflrufifon is juft, ~· Your defiru8ion is inex· cufable, 4· Your dc::fi:r1:1ltion is unavoydable, s. Your de– t1ru8:ion is p~ttilef~,6.Your deftrultion is grie~ous, p.81 . · ·· · ApplicAtion.- . , Vfe r. OfThou canfl: never be humb:e unlefs thou believe thts trurh; Jufl:rulti~ a man is never humbkd as iong as he execufes himfelf. ·· on.Nuw · · p. 84" . F~

The Table Firft, thou cxcafd\ thy felf for all rranfgrc:ffiom, be.fi?es 1 bcufo: · _original, . · . . 1b1d•. Now thdu excufefi thy felf from ortgmal fin tQO ; Lord ·1 2 would be wirhouc fin, but I cannot. p. IS . Nay thou excufdl r~y felf f?r eve~~ fin: thou ta~efi: all 3 · cqy fins to be norhmg but tnfirmmcs, . Nay thou commende(t rpy fdfmorc than God, . ,.87 4 Nay thou canfi notfo.rnuchaspray to God for a will: thou S ' an: fo proud that thou conceivefi: thou haft that already, · · · p.8~ Nay rholl layAall the blame upon God. p. 89 6 Firfi, becaufe you cafi .the blame upon narurc , Its my 1 Demon. · nattire,and I cannot, · ibid. · · Secondly,thou , dofi cafi the blame upon temptations, Irs 2 my hard_hap to 'fall upon temptations, . ~·90 Thirdly., thotl fayeft the blame upon the Ttmes,the Tames J are very bad, · p. 91 Fourthly, rhou layefi the blame upon this command. 1 d4 menr: lfir were any Commandement but this,.lwou do it, ' . ibid.. Fifthly, thou layetl the blalflC r~pon ill f<?Ftune, and ·S bad luck, · P·92 ·Nay fixthly, thou finde{t fault with all God$ proceed· <$ · ings, p• .9·4 This difcovers the deceirfuJnefs ofrhy heart p. 9;SVfe •~ Firft, tho~ wouldft very fain , ifGod wouLd enable thee : but thy heart does but ly unto God. ibid. Secondly, hereby thou dodgefi with God, and tcmptetl: ·. the Lord, . p. 96 ThirdLy, hereby thoufhuffieft off the word, when thoa · haft heard ir, , · ibid. This point calls for great humiliation; for · ·Vfe 3'j) 1 Here. lies efpecially theprid~ of the heart, not in mens · · cannots,bur rhcir will ~ots, , · ibid. 2 Here l~esefpeci.ally the hardning of the [heart, P··· 9~ ' s Here bes efpectall y the fiubbornefs of the kearr ibid. 4 Here lies the greateft defpifisgs of the Comm;ndements . of God. p. 99 - To quicken the thankfulnefs of the g_pdly, ibid. Vfe 4~ Afea~on;~ble Item to all Rebellious fpirirs, p. · 1 oo 1 Is tt not enough rhat thou hafl: willingly· (;'den in . Adam, bur thou mufi w~l.Iingly fiand our ag.ain ?p. 1 o. l Confider the very Samrs of God chat have not . . . . . · · ha\f

1 f.. . ' .. t "-I ... ' . ' .· · The Table~ ' half fo manywill·nots a~ you , that flick more trueiy at a cannot. ib. 3-Confider the ·more fhamefull ones fin is, the mor~ reafon to be humbled, \ . p. ~c.~ Nay fourthly,·confider there's no greater fhame than to make away ~nes felf, . ib. 5Confider, if you would bot vex your own foul with' this ferioes <:onfiddation, it would make you kick your lufts under foot; p. -1o3 The danger of bafs pleae andpretences. 1. This. fame pleading is rbe caufe why you a(e Iazie and idle in t4e ufe of the means, vi~. bec·aufe you futfer .yoer hearts to plead, oh we cannot ~o it p. 104 2. This fame pleading brings upanevill report up~n piety and godlinefs p. I oS ~·· This fame pleading is a murmuringagainft God, q. d• .why does God give me fuch commandements that f can· not ohferve? J · ibid. 4· This is.rhe fawciefi excufe ofall excufes · p. 107 S· Nay here lies the reafon why Divines fay. that the con· verfion of a finneris an harder work than the creation of heavenand eanh,fidl: becaufe p. 108 Here is the .fame dilliculty that was in creation , for God .makes a convert of nothing ib. 2. As rhere was norhing pra!exifient in the creation ra· help, fo there was nothing to refift ·; but here is fomething to refifi, the will it r.efifieth ib. · The danger offticlejng at a w~ll nat isfarther clta.retl. . t.If you will not, Gbds Minifiers have difchaged tl:teir du· ties, and have left your blood on your own heads, P·Ioo _2. If you will not, the Gofpel hath delivered its errand, - ye are guilty ofyour own everlafiing ,perdition ·p. I J I · Nay .thirdly, if you will not, the blood of ]efus Chrifi bath done that it came for p. 1 J ~ 4• If you will not, you murder your own fouls rb. ·A feafon~bie Item to the redeemed of the Lord, that they take heed ofwil-nots;for ' ib. 1. We never fin againfi Gofpel 1 nor defpife God but only upon will-nots; . p. I J S 2. Cenfci~nce can never condemn us, nor God can never be angry wirh us,butonly upon \Yil·nots · p.,ll6 The end ;f the Ta)J~.

' . ·.· · WlLFU·OLL 'MP E .N IT ENC Y THE C·ROS _SE ST SELF-MURDER. -------------~--- ----------·----~- Ezek. 18. 31, 32. · For why w#l1e!Jie, 0 yehoufo of Jfr ~el? ' T. ·Hewicks a in thi$ Chapter difpute againfr ~ - . ' God; the Father bath eaten four Grapes,-Jhe 1••1and the Childrens teeth are Jet on edge.C>ur t~: ~ext Fathers have (inn~d., and we are pu.nifhed ; a common cavil in every natural mans heart, when its 7 ...... urged-: .Adam .fell", and his poor pofterity .fmart " · for .it , if .God will · needs damn us he may , · . 0 r we have no power for tohelp it;· for who hath ·· · JJ refifted his will? this ' is mans Syllogifm. GodGods calm who might fend man to hell tor anfwer anfwers anf~er 10 · 1 · ' thetr fro.. ea mlY· ward c:aI. By adjurdtion, as ,J ·tivt., faith the Lord,yevils in par' fhall not have occafion to ufe this proverb any ticulars, n1ore a_s Ifraet: v. 3. · , ~ ~ 2. By anaffertion, the foul that jinneth, it fludl dye, v. 4· no.foul iball .dye but onlyrh~ .fame that doth fin. , 3. Byexplication of himfelf; ifa man do that wbtch 'is right he foalllive, verfe. .), 6. ifhe have · bee'n neyerfo wicked;yet ifhetttHrnetlhg fbalt not d-ve ' v. 21. ' . . . r~ _: .:· . ~ ' ' f ~ .. .. .. ,o , • • • ' , . 4-· By ; -'

2 Wilfull ImpenitencJ . 4.By appealing to.their ·~on(ciences; have Iany ' pleafure at all that the w1cked fhould dye, faith l the Lord? and · no~ that he fhould return and livef l verfe 2 3. have I any pleafure? I appeal to alU your confciences , have I any pleafure at all that the wicketi fhould dye? . . . 5· 11] retorting; hear now 0 boufe of Ifrael, tS not my tJa] equal? or are not your wayts rather ' unequal? v. 25. . 6. By aconclufion; therefore I --will judgeyou 0 ftoufe of Ifrael, every one according to his waies, ~ ver(3o. 1 1. Byafinal decifion of the whole G~ntrolverfie; 11epent and turnyour felves , &c. fo in·iquitie jh~ll . not be your ruine ? caft . away from you all , &c. . for whywill ye die,&c? ' W'here we have thefe four things. ~~:rs ve-. I qod difcla~ms all caufe of their. damnation ry o~fer· fro~htsfecr~t.'wtll.I have no pleafure 1tn I the death ·vablc:. ofhz.m that duth;· . · 2. He removes all caufe of the deftrttefion from his revealed will; repent and turn your felves, &c..fo iniquity £hall n(}t beyour ruin; call: away &c. 3. He difavorwej all caufe of their deftruEtiott · from his permiffive will, as though that were guilty, o,r acteffary to it; tbeycan have no colour why they are not wrought ' upon; make you . ·new heart, and tt new [pirit: Make not the tault , . · at his dore, no it lies at your dore, make you a new heat;t. · . 4· He . cafls all ' caafe of their tl.eftrueli(m . upon their O'W1f rebelU(JHt wuls. Why will JC dJe 0 ,hoH[e ofI[ratl? -· . , . · ~tWha~ ~ '. ~ . ... .

Tbe gro.IJ eftselfmurder. I. What is the caufe ye live in your fins, and · die and perifh in your fins t is it bec1ufe I am not me.rc·iful ! you know I am gracious, and fu~l ofmercy,and ready to forgive; whythen,whywill · ye die 0 h~ufe ofl[rael ? 2. Is .it becaufe I am fwift t.o revenge ? you l[rade!~ . d · · . per ltlon ' know I am flow to anger, an gtveyou awarnt-ng not from .before I co1J[ume you;wh; then will ye die 0 houjeGQd. _oflfrael ? · · · , 3. Js it becaufe I will defiroy you for Ah~~, . or ManttfJes, or Zedekjahs, or Adams. fin ?n, .r. . k h ·r ' h (.' lk . h F . ~IIJl canll you now, t ~t t t ~ ,-,on_wa . not tn t .e a- peccatttm ·thers fin , I ufe to recetve htm, you can bear me{111 dt:peawitnefs. I call you to a new Coven11.nt, why thenderet. , ~'ill ye die 0 houfe ofJjrael ? 4 · Is it beca.ufe ye have noSaviour?youknow Rev.I~.s~ that the Lamb ~(God; Chr~ft {efru, ~as flain for John 3.16 jou from the heginning ofthe World,that you may · befaved up~n faith. 5. Is it becaufe yotl have no power ? ye know I offer yougrace andpower,andyewill not have· it; why then YtJi/lyedie ? e:,+-c. · 6,. Some Authors allege five why,s more, why will ye,&c. Is it for this caufe,or that caufe, · or that?· or what caufe is it r no caufeon Gods ,.. fide, no, ye may thank.,your own wills ifyoupe- , rifh; this, this onelyaccufeth you, youwill notJJ ummt · beruled: you are cllrelej[e ofGod, Chrift, grace,ws Mcuf•t· and you will be fo; ye..are vain and carnal, andrefpicere_ obfl:inate, and ye "Will he fo ; . woe unto thee 0 non ~v~tltll .. Jerufalem,Wilt thou. not be madeclean?whenjhall it once be? J er. 1 3. 1 3.2 7.he does not fay woe unto thee Jerufalem, c1inft thou not be m~edl cleAn ? but ,• I I I

iVilfull Intpenitency. but wilt thou not be made clean? Prefuppojitions not to he mifta.~n.' 1 Pre{u,i I .Its true th~t a tvick!d m~rl cannot repent ?or be -pofltion not c~nvertedofhzmfelf;but th1s cannot only dos not to bemifta- htnder him; ifa wicked mans cannot only di~ hi;t· ~n. der him, he mtght excufe himfelf before the tri· Licetilli~ bunal efChr.ifl;LorJ, thou k..,non 1 tft I did my bejl, quis non I would have been ruledby thy word,but 1could l'offitgrati- not : I would have been humbled'and reformed -~tTn_ Adipifci better than I wa'i, but I could not. If a wicked qut npro- mans cannot did hinder him , he might excufe lJ_:turta himfelf thus. But al ::.g, he is not able to fay thus "eo, 11.men · h · L d ld h r. q 11 Gd in hoc W1t out ftremptory ly~ng. or. ,I cou not c u1e vel illud but do wtckedly; ,I acted mofi wretchedly, but I -,eccatum . could n~t otherwife chufe :·though it was not in J~batu~ ex thy power not to be born in original fin · yet ~r~~t:::ero who neceffi~ated thee to commit fuch grofs ,ontingit, ~ actual.fins? 1n Prov. I. 29. they h.ated /znoWledg_e, itnde & they d~d not chu[e ,theway of the Lord._They dtd ~erito fibi not ufe any liberty of wilt to chufe that whieh ~n culpam wasgood: What? 'was·it becaufe they could not? :;_'putatur. no; for albeit they could not, yet that was not qt·;;~· I• the caufe. -~o,they would none .of my counfels, .Art. 3 .refp. they defP.ifed all my reproof, v. 3o.Mark, the rea– ad Arg. fon why they did not chufe , was not becaufe · ~ertium· t~ey could not choofe ' but becaufe they would not. 2Prc:fup. Itstrue God. cloth not give them power to · believe , and to be re~ewed; but can they fay, thoughiwouldferioujl_y ,God would not?were they able to fay thus,though I defired it heartilJ, God would not give me grace , the!\ they had fo · colofW •I'

I •• l .. ' ; ' l,.t thegroffijt 8 elf-murder. . colour to cafi it upon Ood, I would, ~u~ :Gotl · '· woJtld not. But they ~ant;to~ cafl: it .'l:lpon·h:itrr. _ _ ., How flften would I have gatherfd th~e together,Ma~ 2!~ ·tven as a Hen g~tthereth ~er ch1c~Hs? bN~ tho·~31• 1 waUldeft not ?I would, f~id God, bu~you \:V~ul~ . n<;>t ; nay, how often would I, but you wou~d r~ot ? Mat. 2 3. 37~ Though God be not fo wil.:. ling as to .give themall power to believe, and'be faved, yet he is .aforehandwith them. . . . , . 'Its true, if the ~.kked _fll,~u~d . ~ill . as. far as;. . Pref,J~ they are' etble to · W~l~; yet. thet~ Wlll w.er~ . ?!~t !fible full out ; but tl~ts dotfi pot . e~cuf~ ~hemi becaufe Go4 alwaye.s r~folv~d to. be ,llfo'":e~~n~ with them. Indeed as tn Matt. 2S.29. God ·gtves · ~is fervan~s this rule ~y . ~~i~h he ever goes towards t~~m, _unto every ~ne _that bath foall beM~t.2§~ given, .and h~ fhall have abundante ? ,fpea~ing 29~ ..pf thtngs _tn ·~odtm genere. . B?t ~o _~pply · tt to a man tn ~ the fiate of nature, ts ~o fay grace is given according to .works , which is rhevery dreg~.r o.f .Pelagianifm. Yet howev~r; _ all this }s ~ ~oO: eticouriftging i?ftimati~n. Let r.A : · 1· ~ 1 r. h l · G d ... · ··· h. d r .. czen 1 • any , ~an u1e t epo·wer t 1at . o gtv~s . t~?- ~.n . qitodmfe h,e fhall .have more• .As he that takes patns eft,dels / for learning ; As he that ufetlt means to in~ fa~itt qrl~~ . c~eafe his eftate, may find in ordinary pro~i-7~(e. P~la- , aence, the handoftheailigeni ~akf.r rich.He th~~~~~t~: 4~ ufeth a penny well , makes tt two pence ; hek 10.22.; tha~ ufeth two pennies' very wen, n~akes 1it a groat. . . . · . , , . . s~ that thougli therebe p<jt fuch an j nfal... . li.bili.r nexus , diai: God hath bound himfelf hi , . the ufe of orir natural abilitie.r toadd[upernaiur1tl graces/ ye't undOrib'tedly he'will never' 6e'\v~rit~~ o. - c in~ ,; · ~~- )

·.w;!folimpenitency- ·. ' . ing to promote any goDd 'Work..,.till men tt~gJeE! r- ' or conttmn. And thts leaves men wholy wr,thoNt exc~j{, and £hews it is not their &llm.zot, but their . , Will not~ which betrays them tO ,their fpiritaal . loffei; namely their -wilfol rejectingof G~ds gra.-: tiOHJ offers. . . . I I I ' ' . •· Pref,p. · lestrue, Godgives thewickedbNt one Taltnt, when he giveth his children !our, two at ~he ., ... leaff; but they~annot fayhe 1s ~tuftere,reap'~lr ·" · "RJhere he [()wed nrJt, ·gathering ~he~e he ftrowea not. No, There"'sthe fame proportton between one, Talent, and g~tthering one more, as there is 1/et-we'en two, and the gathering of two o-:- . . . •;. .. thers ' &c. ' · ' . You know_that they are readytocomplain, ~s Chrift fuews lt in the Parable, _Lord, I k.pow that thou waft"' hard man, reaping wh~re thon haft not [owtJ , and gathering where thou haft not ftrowed: But ye remember alfo the Lords ~nfwer : Thqu wicked -and floathful fervant; &t. Mat. 2). 26. Mark,h~ cafrstheblameup– on his wilfulfle[s , that he would not take pains for to trade. .So the wicked complain, alas God h'lth not fow'en any power ~f cowver– fion 1n my heart; and will he' look for to reap it ? This is a#fterenelfe and hardnef[e of dealing. Oh thou wicked and floathful fer· Vanr, &c. Why didf\: thou not ·tYitde with the Talent that I ,gave thee ? ·One Talent fhould beget one,- as well as two beget two, &c. But ' , I ga~e thee 'wit, and thou buriedjf it,ln the e'ttrt~., and frail: beenearthly with··it ; rgavethee k..,11o-w~ ledge·, and thou haft hid ·it in the ~artb, and ~ot traded for reform~etion according to it, &c~ · Alas'